
What was the point of this character?

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To reaffirm your hatred for both Jews and Niggers. A Jew dating a Nigger is like an owner fucking their pet.


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To show that Meadow was wrong about Niggers, and that Tony was right all along.

that a boss of a glorified crew can't even control his children

To show that Tony is an evil bigot

The Uncle Ben joke
Totally worth it if you ask me

To knock Tony's lights out.

Black people are even more anti-semitic than white people are

Whites are jewish pets

Literally every black country is anti-Israel

A. to show meadow can not be trusted to handle herself
B. to directly show just how much tony hates nigger-jews
C. to sow distrust in the viewer as you don't know if him and meadows roommate are banging and if we'll ever see Silvio beat up a kid
D. to illustrate there are people in this world far worse and far insufferable than mobsters, who in their own ambitions eventually fuck over the entire world because they end up working for United Nations and since 9/11 we've seen just how UN-involved the UN is with "peacekeeping"

i didnt like noah either, he should have been more chill with tony and more appreciative of being allowed into the boss' house and smelling his daughters socks

The Hassidic Homeboy.

No, really, I'm half way through season 3 and he's completely useless and the whole subplot with Willow is pointless

holy shit can you people shut the fuck up about jews for ONE thread? you're not funny or edgy and it is racism which is a banable offense. take this shit to Yea Forums

You people stink.

>wakes up in the middle of the thread
Did you hear the good news?
He is Risen

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To portray Tony as an antiquated bigot, only to be vindicated later on when Noah turned out to slimy and hurt meadow just like Tony said he would.

>Noah plays up his film industry background to impress Meadow
>has sex with Meadow
>dumps her
Tony was right about him but for the wrong reasons


>holy shit can you people shut the fuck up about jews for ONE thread? you're not funny or edgy and it is racism which is a banable offense. take this shit to Yea Forums
no- and go back to fucking reddit meadow, you affirmative action piece of shit, racism is only bannable on reddit you ugly fuck go choke on some carbon monoxide fumes u twat


show got popular so they had to give the hot chick a sub-plot.

racism is only allowed on Yea Forums

Tony didn't hate Jews, his father-figure was Hesh who he bent over backwards (often to the detriment of his own subordinates) to placate. Hesh was a member of the mob in all but name. Hesh demanded $200,000 loan back from Tony, and while Tony threw an equivalent of a childish tantrum about it he still paid it back without issue when he had killed others for less. Hesh was someone Tony respected and listened to consistently.

Tony was racist against blacks, but he was not anti-semitic at heart. The jamal ginsberg stuff was more of him bantz, but the issue with Noah was that he was black and you see this when he sees his skin color and immediately flips out.

Based trans user

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your time will come when your pathetic wretched misbegotten kind and all your race will be wiped out by not human hands, but the forces of nature itself. there will be nowhere for you to hide.
hows that flavor of tasty prejudice you kvetching-khaffir fuck

you'll 41% long before then, just like himher


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I guarantee that the US army has similar amounts if not more crossdressing photos. It's just a way to have fun in the drab military.

>your time will come when your pathetic wretched misbegotten kind and all your race will be wiped out by not human hands, but the forces of nature itself. there will be nowhere for you to hide. hows that flavor of tasty prejudice you kvetching-khaffir fuck

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i opened this thread to discuss the sopranos, not listen to some mentally-beyond-repair-dilweed, spout off insecurities go to /pol or reddit and quit projecting you are embarrassing us all
>Tony was racist against blacks, but he was not anti-semitic at heart. The jamal ginsberg stuff was more of him bantz, but the issue with Noah was that he was black and you see this when he sees his skin color and immediately flips out.
i like to think tony is just a hypocrite. he can't stand the hasidic jews in season 1, he only visits Hesh for valuable time which includes money or advice, and even his own mother bluntly puts it. "whoever heard of a jew riding a horse?" the show has always done a good job portraying the famous hypocritical irony that is jersey

lmao keep assuming im white
im not dumbass

To show just how le bad Tony is

>it's good to be trans, because others are trans
gr8 logic /pol/

I believe you're not white at least. /pol/ mutts are usually either hispanic or islamic

>angry little nazi beaner


To grow Meadows character. She dated him just out of spite for her parents, but realized that hes a pos and matured as a result

>shits up one of the biggest shows on tv
>never acts again
>refuses to elaborate

many such cases

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>whines about racism and nazis
>uses racial slurs
Why do leftist trannys do this?

Because they're hypocrites

go cry to your mama about it

the only black country is america

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I think she just liked the guy and thought he was smart/a good man. Tony, shocking, was a hypocritical racist.

Based Chase making the most useless characters a black jew.

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jewish quota

not a leftist

This is Yea Forums. It's a racist website. And it's not "racism" to talk about kikes.

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Racism is allowed everywhere. Tranny redditors trying to infiltrate Yea Forums as jannies won't change that.

Jewish transphobia is not funny

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More the reason to hate troons. Thanks.

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You’re welcome

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>Tony was seething over Meadow basically dating Drake

lmao mexican or islamic, get the fuck outta here
my skin is whiter than yours asshole, and no im not a darkie neither.
keep talking to yourselves you both need mental help and clearly have issues.

>Tony, shocking, was a hypocritical racist.
He was also 100% correct.


Point being?

dios mio