Describe this character WITHOUT saying "Wolverine but gurl"

Describe this character WITHOUT saying "Wolverine but gurl"

Attached: x23.jpg (2078x2494, 877.03K)

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Wolverine but cute



wolverine but who the fuck cares

beaner with claws that goes grrrrrrrr

Angry mutant girl with adamantium claws.

Deathstrike but smol.

A scared little girl who was a science experiment that excaped and uses her powers against those hunting her down, but really just wants to find a safe family again

wolverine with bagina

loyal to her mutant friends
slow to trust
resourceful and violent
kind of naive
daddy issues

Disgusting female, women should be outlawed


wolverine but not boy

Niña glotón

Bipolar chick whose both smart enough to know when to hide from bad guys in a trunk, and stupid enough to attack an innocent store clerk for the clear crime of stealing things.

Seriously, this girl fluctuates wildly between being written as an moderately intelligent girl, and then a complete feral child with no consistency.

Cute but funny

How sexual am I allowed to get here tho?

Cunny Wolverine


Marvel Gabi Reiner

i remember in primary school, when i was like 10, a friend's younger sister who was like 6 or so, thought it was super cute to act like my pet dog and she would always let me pat her and scratch her. obviously years later i found out she had been molested. but picreal gives me "i want to pat on the head" vibes

I hated this movie. The cliche of "I'm a tough and tired guy who doesn't want to look after a child but I'm forced to and we bond in the end" is fucking boring and too similar everytime.

Annoying little beamer cunt

Weapon x but smol


Compact Angry Canadian Mutant Girl


sharp cunny

Attached: laura-and-logan-in-logan.png (759x500, 143.05K)

The blades looks dull.

post her giant hips

They made her way too overpowered in this movie. I get she's a clone of Wolverine but her kill rate practically put her on par with a prime Wolverine despite being not even through puberty yet.


Have you guys seen what she looks like now lol. She grew up very fast.

cunny with anger issues

Why is she so popular on this board but not anywhere else online?

Do I really gotta say it?
Lurk moar

It's hardly a pedo thing because shes barely underage. She's 17

Attached: 1596756761805.jpg (275x275, 18.01K)

she was like 12 in the film dude

I know but the film was years ago so why do people still go on about it? Has she not done any other more recent movies?

No she's a yuropoor faggot. This bitch is yours to claim.

Because they're talking about the film. Not her as a person right now. Are you autistic?

are you genuinely retarded? do you not see OP's picture? we're talking about her in the film.

Wolverine but ugly




literally built for sex

Wolverine but daughter


nasty little goblina

Wolverine but fuckable

Attached: 7c66588248f60a76a79f868cb5428a71.jpg (720x900, 52.28K)

I forgot to say. If she returns to the role I hope they make her sexy


Danger loli

Retard spiclet chick that stabs niggas cuz shes high on fentonyl

They won't.
>There needs to be more female superheros
>Nonono, not like that!

She has the best body in Hollywood. Of course they will.

No chance they bring her back

Wait, is that what it means? My first female friend ever did that when we were 4 (or maybe younger kids just do this type of weird shit?)

only Shadman liked her from the movie. She gained popularity when the live streams happened.

Attached: logan longing1.png (600x872, 788.26K)

She'll be 18 next year. Time to get her into a skin tight leather bodysuit for the X-23 movie.


>She gained popularity when the live streams happened.

Here's an artistic interpretation of why.

Attached: Laura prepwork.gif (1280x720, 2.67M)

But she's literally a clone of Wolverine with two X chromosomes.

Loli Wolverine

Check out her Instagram. There's a pic where she's wearing a bikini bottom and damn, she got some nice hips.