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yes but only certain kinds like red delicious? no thanks

There is a lengthy legal precedent, your honor, going back to 1789, whereby a defendant can claim self-defense against an agent of the government, if that act is deemed a defense against tyranny, a defense of liberty. Henry Ward Beecher inProverbs from the Plymouth Pulpit, 1887 says, and I quote-- Excuse me, I'm afforded the right to speak in my own defense, sir, by the Constitution of the United States. This is the same document that guarantees my liberty. Now, liberty, in case you've forgotten, is the soul's right to breath. And when it cannot take a long breath, laws are girdered too tight. Without liberty, man is a syncope.
Ibid, your honor.

>hehe we're talking about old literature we're so cool

>Wood drastically -- Wood 'drastically underestimates the impact of social distinctions predicated upon wealth, especially inherited wealth.' You got that from Vickers, 'Work in Essex County,' page 98, right? Yeah, I read that too. Were you gonna plagiarize the whole thing for us? Do you have any thoughts of your own on this matter? Or do that your thing? You come into a bar. You read some obscure passage and then pawn it off as your own idea just to impress some girls and embarrass my friend? See the sad thing about a guy like you is in 50 years you're gonna start doin' some thinkin' on your own and you're gonna come up with the fact that there are two certainties in life. One: don't do that. And two: You dropped a hundred and fifty grand on a f----n' education you coulda' got for a dollar fifty in late charges at the public library.

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>a-at least I will be original


Galas and golden del are my favs

Everyone in that scene is too old to be in a college bar

I once got drunk at a bar right outside Harvard. Made friends with the bartender and he told me about all the rich, pretentious, college kids who come into the bar. Fun time

>read about a subject and get educated
>use your education and recall facts about something
Every time Will solves a math problem, he's just stealing someone's formula

This is how teens looked in the nineties. We had to grow up faster than you spoiled kids. I bet you can't even change a tire.

He was calling him out for being unoriginal

macintosh master race reporting. they have to be very fresh too.

>Will starts doing algebra
"You got that from Advanced Algebra, 3rd edition. I read that book too"

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well orange you glad I got her number? ;)

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hunting is a little bitch in this scene. the director tries really hard to make the other fag pass as the most annoying douche fuck in existence but most of what he says is right, so hunting has to chimp out and threaten violence.

Eh... i guess he was also defending his friend and wanted to humiliate the guy but i get your point.

Shut the fuck up man

And he was right.

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its ok matt damon was hot

I didn’t know Bill Burr had a ponytail

Yeah she was uh, fuckin terrible looking

I'm afraid I just dont read navel gazing commie gobbledygook like some pretentious fag.

He’s wicked smart though

>of course he's the winner HE WROTE THE STORY!


>I bet you can't even change a tire.
Well at least I'll be original.

giant head. framing shots around it must have been a nightmare for Gus

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Hotness aside, she seemed too old to be a college student. It was kind of a jarring when the rest of them looked like kids right out of highschool and then suddenly there's this middle aged woman hanging out with them.

mirin' that jawline

Did she get fake tits?

>too old to be a college student

there's no age limit to college, people start in their 40s all the time

i always thought this guy was good as the retard Oriley brother on Oz

As a limp dick intellectual, how do you respond to this?

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I know but I don't think that's what the character was supposed to be in this situation.

quickly cum on the window

>you like pomegranates?
>that's too bad, cause you're gonna be palming granite tonight while I'm banging her

Probably don't walk right into it by saying "yes I like apples."

Nothing. Just think about his reaction when he tries to call this fake number. Dumb poorfag.

"she's not that hot man"

never noticed the camera in the reflection until now

maybe.. she just looks emaciated and they look pretty propped up

I would just quickly eat the napkin so he can't call her either.


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adding Ibid to the end of that speech is brilliant writing. shows that will is inexperienced and uneducated despite being brilliantly booksmart and able to perfectly recall everything he's ever read.... just words on a page that he doesn't truly grasp the concept of.

no real intellectual who was from intellectual society would say Ibid at the end of a quote

then in the scene OP posted we see Will just projecting the same thing all over ponytale douche. quoting something that you don't really understand to look smart.

IBID your honour, lol what a poser

>i should have said i didn't like apples

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write my own number on a DD napkin and put it on the window.. then give Will a big wink

There's no apples here, take your meds schizo.

these are bad.. its all about taking the power back

I bet you just like eating napkins you fat retard.

Memorize the number he's openly displaying, then call her before he does pretending to be him and tell her "hey it's Will from da bah, I forgot to tell you I'm totally gay. Me and my boys suck mad cahk. Byebye"

Retire to my study, pour two knuckles of Laphroaig 10 year, and listen to the soundtrack to Agent Cody Banks

put: "It's not gay if the balls don't touch ." underneath it.

>muh unoriginality
I haven’t lived that life yet, so why should I care if someone else already did?

He kind of got btfo by the ivy league guy after that.
>Yeah, but I will have a degree. And you'll be serving my kids fries at a drive-through on our way to a skiing trip.

Will: Yeah, maybe. Yeah, but at least I won't be unoriginal. By the way if you have a problem with that, I mean, we could just step outside and we could figure it out.

You wanna fight bro?

>if you disagree with me I will punch you

Will knew he lost so he threatened violence

>I’m wasting my potential for the sake of contrarianism!
Ironic failure is still failure.

>I'm smart I just don't try hard!

Is that Andy Wachowski?

There's more calories in your girlfriend's fat pussy than in napkins

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pretty good desu

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>no I don't have a problem with your shitty future, goodnight

>You dropped a hundred and fifty grand on a f----n' education you coulda' got for a dollar fifty in late charges at the public library.
Do people actually believe this? Most text books aren't available at (((public libraries))). You can't access many research papers either without paying thousands of dollars or being enrolled in a decent university.

>if you have a problem with that, I mean, we could just step outside and we could figure it out.

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