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OP baiting another dinosaur racewar aside, are people finally getting interested in dinokino again?

Spinochad reporting in

Racewar? Lmao what a funny joke, everyone knows trex niggers are the inferior race

Jurassic World Dominion is on track to make about as much as The Batman, which in the post-Covid era is considered a success

>Watching Dominion for anything other than Bryce Dallas Howard

Im gonna watch it for based gigasaurus

its pretty ironic that even when the Jurassic Park dudes did their research into what the Spino actually looked, they still got it wrong cause of all the new info we have.

Pic related is the current depiction by scientists of the iconic guy.

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Fuck me. That’s even bigger and stronger. Also no faggot feathers.

>Racewar? Lmao what a funny joke, everyone knows trex niggers are the inferior race

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What the fuck have they done? It looks like an elephant seal that could and the claws are ruined.


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>gigachad color scheme

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TRUST THE SCIENCE chud they DO NOT have feathers anymore.

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A literal chicken

Here is your t-rex, bro

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my favorite dinosaur is the one with 500 teeth


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There is no such dino

Yeah, very ironic they couldn't get it right. It's not like years of collected samples and research just disappeared overnight.
Oh wait.

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I liked the part where she got gang raped off screen by the pack of raptors in exchange for sparing the group

Britain ruins everything once again to no one's surprise.


Watch 'The Greatest Story Never Told.'

Spino remains were destroyed during a bombing

Not just any remains, IIRC it was the most complete Spinosaurus reconstruction ever.

This, it would be like if Sue were destroyed by a suicide bomber.

Yes. But moreso because we're getting proper dinokino soon

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I'll never get JP3 people
The movie is shit and just a carnival ride of different set pieces. It's fucking mindless. It's cool if you want "OHHH YUMMY DINOSAUR ACTION!" but it's just a pre-World soulless shit, which are equally bad as 3

yeah i’m gonna need an explanation also

So it would still be Britain's fault

Butthurt rexchud

Yeah I distinctly remember seeing Jurassic Park 3 and feeling like some sort of spark had died with the making of the film.

oh no no no

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I was either 9 or 10 when I saw the movie in theaters and I remember thinking that and Attack of the Clones being the first time I walked away disappointed in movies.

WWII, bombing of Munich

yes there is
it's the fivehundredteethosaurus

look it up and report back with your findings

There's nothing wrong with it being a self contained side story. It's not as egregious or as soulless as the World films.
I like it as a fun little survival flick that put new dinosaurs into the franchise. It does what I wanted to see more of from TLW and I'm happy with it, but I'll give you that it could have been a lot better. I often wonder what it would have been like had Crichton not had writer's block and left the project early.

Is it really a war if Spino already won?

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It’s unambitious but in a good way; it gives people what they want from a Jurassic Park movie and doesn’t overstay its welcome. For me that’s far preferable to 2’s bloated runtime and Godzilla ripoff finale.

>Godzilla ripoff finale.
I was going to argue with you but then I realized that you’re fucking retarded

Jurassic World Dominion is going to do a Rise of Skywalker

Increased methane from the Millions of dinosairs across the planet is bringing about a new ice age humanity cannot survive. Biosyn has made a glass dome city above ground where thw rich few will survive and they are using weaponized Atroraptors to keep everyone else out


Wtf I literally watched this with a girl last night

that was a man

I do, you posted a figure from a scientific paper.

You wish

Where to find gf to watch JPIII with?

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Rexlets are so fucking pathetic


>I'm an agent of chaos theory.

I can't explain why but somehow, that thing looks scarier

there’s a thread on this shit every day don’t get too excited

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man they really dropped the ball on the roar for Spino desu. You can hear the T. rex road in your head just thinking about it.

vestigial claws typed this


>yfw you realize dino joker is a real thing that happened

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What's with the oranges?

It's a grass type

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it’s a citrasaurus

Are you deaf? It sounds nothing like the T. rex, there's even a shot of them roaring at each other for comparison in the same video.

What happens if I pop one?