Why wasn't she able to make it in hollywood when she is a one of kind beauty
Why wasn't she able to make it in hollywood when she is a one of kind beauty
Won't show tits.
Way too hot. When she showed up in House as a rape victim, the only thing I could think was "lol no wonder"
militant dyke. won't casting couch
>tfw no viking gf to burn down your house, kill you family, rape and enslave you
Why even live?
Weirdly she did show tits, or at least one tit.
In some really forgettable movie like a year or two ago.
She is really stunning
Slava Ukraine
>one of a kind
she's as generic as it gets. not ugly or your everyday girl by any means but generic
She is 45. Train went already.
Attractive in a way which intimidates women and feels unattainable for men in an era where racially ambiguous or slightly deformed casting choices are fashionable. A shame because she's actually pretty good in everything I've seen her in, unfortunately it's mostly D-list tier trash which made me want to blow my brains out.
Yeah that scene could not have been more disappointing
>one of a kind
Lmao literally not a thing, everyone on earth has someone similar looking to them especially women
Yes there’s even someone just as ugly as you
What? She got naked in Vikings in the EU broadcast version didn't she?
Idk. Patrician phenotype though.
God yes. She was so young back then too, her skin was perfect.
Being hot helps you find work. It is not a guarantee of making you a star.
The problem is that they are too pretty. I'm not even kidding. The key is to be attractive, but not too attractive, since it becomes way too distracting. The best actors are usually fairly mediocre or a bit above average looking. Never extremely good looking.
This is the dumbest post I've ever read. By DEFINITION bright eye colors and blonde hair aren't generic, neither are good curves that don't involve heavy amounts of fat. She has both. Point me to even 10 fucking women who look like her if she's so generic.
n-no u
oh she definitely made it into wood
user the key is they are just people and there’s a million hot blondes, billions aren’t hot blondes but that’s not the point. The point is they are passed around by the execs and then tossed aside for a new one, they prop a few up to maintain the illusion but most of them are just forgotten. Hollywood is full of beautiful women, their looks don’t mean jackshit. They don’t intimidate anyone what happened is these are the ones that said no when the smelly hairy jew pulled his pants down on the 15th time so they didn’t get anymore roles.
wallbros, I don't feel so good
Got locked down in Vikings for many seasons when she was younger instead of branching out. By the time she tried to properly branch out she did that terrible Dark Tower movie where she was cast in the mother role and it completely bombed. Should have taken a risk when she was younger.
id fight all of you got her to be honest
they're generic in the same sense that vanilla, a rare tropical spice flown halfway across the world, is generic. Dumbass suburbanites taking peak civilization for granted
Thanks once again for your useless input, Chang.
Still pictures don't do her justice..
She should've been Captain Marvel but I'm hoping she'll still get to join the MCU before it ends. It's impossible to determine which character because of the wokeness and diversity casting.
She was great in Vikings.
I've never seen Vikings so I mainly know her as the rape victim in House.
I'd rape her if you know what I mean :^)
Built for BRC
She was also in Bones as Booth’s girlfriend.
Who is bottom right?
please give me one to keep forever i could conquer the galaxy with just one of these at my side
You are the stupidest motherfucker on Yea Forums. How do you not see her dopey stare and misshapen head? lmfgdao
Katherine mogs the other three girls on that 2x2. And she can act. Start over.
I tried Vikings just for her, too bad I found the show just too boring to continue.
Is she really? Source?
she was a fappening victim recently, full blown sex vids were released of her
I don't believe you, give me the source of your claims, like, for research
She looks like the type that would shit in the bed.
>Amber will never do the big poo poo in your bed
>44 Years old
>no kids
its over
Katherine is the oldest and looks like some generic trophy blonde soccer mom.
Gadon has the best acting range based on her rolls, and isn't a d list type cast like Katherine.
Zero charisma, just looking at her is boring
she was very nice during her interview with craig ferguson
every girl is nice with Craig
what a whore
In show business, its skin to win.
you see , she's a lesbian whore, hope she burns in hell
her nudes got leaked
>It's impossible to determine which character because of the wokeness and diversity casting.
Too many brown people that triggers you, chud?
the supposed leak isn't her
what is this type of pussy called
slavic >>>>>>> anglo
Innie pussy?