>Watching European kino
>main characters are living in a small crowded apartment like cockroaches
Does single detached housing even exist in Europe?
European Housing
>Watching American kino
>main characters are living in a small crowded apartment like cockroaches
Does single detached housing even exist in America?
>clean safe cities
>filthy violent cities
>filthy violent suburbs
>clean safe suburbs
Funny how that works.
>Be american
>didnt kneel while ordering mcdonalds
>gets shot
>needs to tip extra for the bullet
What did they mean by this?
>clean safe cities
someone post the paris webms
>things net never happen for starters, please
you never tip Tyrone unless your wife has been penetrated, do you even America?
both US and Europe have fucked birthrates, but US is slightly less fucked; partially cause Suburbs have room for larger families.
>chud retard still doesn't realize cities are the future of human living and are much better for sustaining large populations with less impact to the environment
lmao retarded tradcuck
I hate Americans so much it's unreal
>he fell for the city meme
an American retard, I see.
Nope, European. And not the wannabe anglogermcuck kind either.
This is the equivalent of going to the most ghetto black infested place in the US, make a big announcement that you will yell nigger at specific time and place, and then go and yell NIGGER at the top of your lungs, while police try to protect your right to do it.
>And not the wannabe anglogermcuck kind either.
Don't you have a Quran burning to riot over, Ahmed?
Don’t you have some sheep shoulder bones to roast over a fire, Genghis?
It's going global too. China's apparently gonna get 30 mil or so and then the rate's gonna lower again. 30 is nothing to sneeze at, though.
>to the allahmobile, hurry boy wonder, I'll rape you on the way.
fake news. in american "kino" even starving artists have giant penthouses for some reason
you have never been to paris
>while police try to protect your right to do it.
As they should. It's the authorities that created these environments so it's their responsibility keep it in check.
>ACKSHUALLY book burnings are a good thing. Here's why.
Book burnings are shitty, but you should be able to burn the Quran without having to fear a lynch mob coming your way. A benefit of living in a civilized society, after all.
allegedly, i dont know how true it actually is, but China's birth rate is estimated to be as low as 0.6
the bible as well
In a civilized society, you are judged and yelled at by Christians for burning the Bible, but you do not fear being killed by one. The Muslims are a barbaric sort.
imagine having to try to be as quiet as a mouse at all hours of the day so you don't disturb the sleep of your new african neighbors and then being kept up all night by the pounding music of those same people
Most mass shooters in America are Christian.
in the suburbs like like the us
I can neither confirm nor deny that I have been to paris as I am in fact anonymous!
China's biggest issue is disproportionate demographics. It's both due to Malthusian policies enacted by Mao where he encouraged farmers to have large families which caused a massive population boom in China. Later dictators tried to rectify this problem by enacting the One Child policy, which made boy children preferable to girl children and illegal and legal abortions + child death of various sorts was widespread. This was later changed to Two Children, but the damage was done.
>Mad gunmen in a country that's predominantly Christian are predominantly Christian.
No shit.
I'm scared of radical christians and radical muslims equally
I'm scared of neither.
well good for you
Yeah bitch.
Most continental European countries have a lower % of people living in cities than the US. Maybe stop learning about the world from movies.
>>clean safe cities
>>filthy violent cities
>>filthy violent suburbs
>>clean safe suburbs
>Funny how that works.
Maybe, but the country in Europe is great. While in the US... well, it leaves a lot to be desired.
Not western Europe. No one gives a shit about gypsies and eastern euro favelas.
Ya'll need to fuck and get it over with fr.
Sounds kino
How so?
I'm in a house right now. Also nuke Jewmerica, it is a satanic cancer on the earth and it along with Israel being obliterated would lead to instant world peace.
Yes Western Europe. France, Italy, Spain, Germany all have lower % of people living in urban areas than the US. Cope.
Why are you making shit up?
I've heard they exist, but you can't even punch a whole into the next room when my mental illness hits me every once and again. Terrible place
gotta merge the two to get the best of both worlds
ان شاء الله اخي
Good goy, the real problem is a religion that has been geopolitically irrelevant for over a hundred years. What? Just stop importing the shitskins who happen to practice it and it will have literally no effect on you? That's antisemitic you filthy goy, Isra-aid will settle them all for you.
I'm not. Why can't you deal with reality not reflecting the weird fantasy idea you have of it?
What are you even trying to say you mudslime schizo? Take your meds.
>sustaining large populations
for what purpose?
>imagine having to live in this shit hole
Id rather not
>no definitions of city limits or population numbers given
>watch movies in big cities
>get confused when it looks like a big city
yes we have suburbs on europe retard. we literally invented villages
the absolute state of the European rentoid
not every european is a renting city dweller lol. infact on average more europeans own the home the live in than burgers. just compare the statistics
I was there in 2000 and there were black africans constantly running back and forth in tourist areas with police patrolling for them, a fat algerian or something touched the back of my neck and some young algerians frisked my cousin in public laughed and ran off and no one gave a shit (I was 13 at the time and she was 17), I can only imagine the multicultural utopia it must be today
lol nice list of copes but I'm not seeing you post a better source that would contradict it.