Why are leftist so evil?

why are leftist so evil?

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>be 'land of the free'
>can only attain 'free speech' when one billionaire wants to troll other billionaires

Pretty intolerant of them, don't you think?

You realize he only started throwing money at Twitter after the story came out about the account that tracks his private jet, right?

Welcome to capitalism

>No freedom of speech only exists under capitalism

It also happened the same time he was confirmed to have repeatedly cucked Johnny Depp.

Brainwashed by kikes (pedophile satanists).
QRD on your pic OP?

>the left siding with the Saudis, Vanguard, and Blackrock to defend Twitter from Musk
Democracy saved!

Wtf i hate free speech now?

>poison pill
They're literally willing to let their shit tank and die instead of selling for a profit? Am I getting that right?

>left siding with the Saudis, Vanguard, and Blackrock
So same as always?

He already is getting cucked by big finance Jews


Say what you will about the saudis or blackrock but at least their tweets arent like... mean

free speech and censorship are completely irrelevant when you're talking about a private entity

If anybody needed absolute proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that it isn't about money anymore, this is it.

This shit stopped being about money at least 20 years ago. This is all about control and fuck white people now.

Ah, the tolerant and open-minded left!

Ask me how I know you're unironically from reddit.

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They're willing to sacrifice profits to save democracy and prevent twitter from becoming a hate speech platform.

Right wingers are trying to portray this as "evil"

Can't make this shit up.

Listen, chud. You cant like people making mean tweets... because YOU JUST CANT. If that means my wifes boyfriend has to lose his job, then thats fine by me.

Good, twitter is already cancer and under Elon's stewardship it would just result in 24/7 boomer Q spam

>putler exists
The rightoids are the evil ones.

>if i dont like it... its hate speech
I hope you have a child that you love who gets pancreatic cancer.

poltards always need some billionaire to lead them and use them as useful idiots. they keep getting duped since medieval times but their iq is too low to understand the system.

>I hope you have a child that you love who gets pancreatic cancer.

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Shit bait

>stock tanks
>Elon makes a smaller offer
I don't know how they win in that scenario lol

phoneposting redditor

Based Chapotraphouse bros baybayyyyyy

>twitter is already cancer
That doesn't stop you from using it

the thread from earlier today was a 10/10 autism shit show.

lol stupid poltards. now let's listen to Bill Gates and get the 5th booster to flatten the curve.

rightoids are fucking cucks, first trump now musk. as long as some rich fuck promises to "own le sjws" these faggots will let them fuck their wives.


>major corporation
do you know the meaning of words you retard

>I wanna buy your company
>Damn evil leftists


Twitter should stop banning loli and shota artists.

Don't forget Musk's buttbuddy Peter Thiel.

you are a huge flaming fucking insufferable faggot

your wifes boyfriend projects his cum on her face

Is there any scenario where this ends with Twitter crashing and burning and social media addict torch mobs committing mass suicide? And can their bodies just be left to decompose wherever that happens and turned into a tourist attraction? If not, uninterested.

So, if Elon buys twitter, what happens?

Why can't he? His money is green and his intentions are pure, what's the big disconnect?

>Mentioning cuckoldry out of nowhere twice
Your fetishe is not as common as you want it to be sorry

He gets Trump back online and he uses it as a platform to campaign for 2024; for himself or DeSantis.

based fanfic

This kid wont leave their room ;_;

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Based Elon

Why do they have to accept the offer? People in the world of business will come to you with offers all the time, doesn't mean you gotta accept every one you recieve.

if you think elon musk will be some benevolent free speech warrior that brings back all the based posters to twitter you must be stupid

>It's another "burgoids call corporate leaders and neoliberal capitalist politicians 'leftists' because they once put a rainbow flag in a twitter post" episode

I'm still missing the problem, why exactly can't he?

Yes, Americans are politically retarded. Imagine living amongst them.

Its a publicly traded company. He could theoretically just buy 51% of the stock and they could all cry about it

This. Only muttmeeicans can't see that twitter is a far right platform run by neo-nazis who probably support putler.

Retard here, what do they mean by "Poison Pill"?

They answer to the stockholders and their literal only purpose is to make a profit. If Elon is making them an offer that will make a profit and they don't accept it, they're getting shitcanned at the next board meeting, simple as.

Ah my Republican talking points. I know they are lies, but they get me (you)s in my friend simulator. It feels so good to be mad all the time.

leftists is just another way of saying retards these days

His intentions aren't pure, stop dickriding. The only thing that matters is his money. Within capitalism, since he has the most money, he also has the most free speech.

Republicans win every election forever. Twitter is way more powerful than Facebook or any news outlet ever could be.

>ugh mfw Americans think they're left wing but don't want communism and gulags ugh

jannies please be useful for once

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Are these the new /pol/ buzzwords? I guess Soros, Schwab, and WEF didn’t stick

Social media should have been banned after Myspace

No, I mean the article says there is some poison pill that I assume will tank twitter if Elon buys it to prevent him from having it. What will happen if he purchases it?

why don't you fuck off back to twitter where are all your fellow ugly tranny freaks are?

Blackrock is a company, you braindead retard.

>You're making fun of me for protecting billionaires? Watch me do it again!

>Everyone who isn't a lefturd is a burgeois

Kill yourself retarded

speak english

>It's another "eurotrannies call corporate leaders and communist politicians 'right wing' because they don't give me all their money despite agreeing with 99.9% of my politics" episode

Good, keep fighting amongst yourself.. stay divided, yes... excellent...


>war in Ukraine escalating
>new covid outbreak, lockdowns and boosters coming again
>new BLM protest (that guy in Grand Rapids)
>Elon Musk freeing Trump on twitter

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Unironically and non jokingly they will cry about it on twitter.

Twitter is basically threatening to self-sabotage their financials to make it less worth what it is, effectively making Eloon lose a good chunk of the investment.

They're defending the harming of democracy. They're not defending democracy. Right wingers aren't at issue here. Twitter is already a platform for hate.

Ok, so you don't know. There is no way the board of directors voted to "cry on twitter". Thanks for the response anyway. I appreciate it.

It's Human nature

You think he's spending 40 billion dollars because some kid posted his private jet schedule on twitter?

Christ you redditors are pathetic retards.

>muh capitalism
Glad we got that out of the way. Now, a platform with such a stranglehold on what people can or can't say in an age where policymakers and lobbyists use said platform as the means to communicate with the public is somehow not problematic?

>they're communist because they once funded a public train or any sort of welfare!

>speak english

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This is what I was looking for. Do you know how they will do that or how other companies who have used a similar strategy have done that?

>Under the Rights Plan, the rights will become exercisable if an entity, person or group acquires beneficial ownership of 15% or more of Twitter's outstanding common stock in a transaction not approved by the Board. In the event that the rights become exercisable due to the triggering ownership threshold being crossed, each right will entitle its holder (other than the person, entity or group triggering the Rights Plan, whose rights will become void and will not be exercisable) to purchase, at the then-current exercise price, additional shares of common stock having a then-current market value of twice the exercise price of the right.

tl;dr: Elon needs 51% stake to take Twitter private, and all investors are bidding against him.

Shut up goy. Just make your own billions

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And people are exploiting it

Twitter is already a left wing hate speech platform as it is right now.

It seems they want to divest the stock, makr it worth less, and claim it is Musk's fault. But because these retards have no poker face, they announced it. All they will ultimately accomplish will be ruining the investments of a few thousand shareholders & let Musk buy it even cheaper.

Countless major corporations are leftist.


>they're nazi capitalists because they make money by pushing the same leftist ideology I shill for for free!

they all represent part of the global elites who care not about the working man neither their countryman

Bernie is ironically one of the only politicians on the left or the right who have called out Blackrock.

Screencapped this post to laugh at you in the future. Please do not ever reply to me again and go dilate or it will close up.

You're confused by something simple. You're admitting that you're very dumb.

Because you have idiot leftists like this who think everything the left does is good and everything the right does is bad, when political issues do not simply boil down to bad versus good like a fucking comic book story.
But I'm talking to a wall here. Both sides are so far up their own asses that my post will fall on deaf ears.

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This is what resistance looks like chud

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>someone goes against your agenda
>throw a tantrum like you think this should never happen
Every time.

dang he called them out? thats so sick dude, im such he'll totally get tons of stuff done and fix everything just like obama, trump, and every other president to ever hold office. really!

What do they even hope to accomplish? Elon can't lose, he has enough money. Either he get's Twitter back on the right track or another better website will take it's place if it tanks itself

>There are no leftist (((billionaires)))

People who want censorship aren't 'brothers in arms' being kept apart by shadowy authoritarian financial demons. They're also the demons. My hate is not a finite resource.

>Muh politicians use it
Well, sure. Precisely why Twitter, and all social media companies should be held in the same regard as journalists and news media, as far as information standards. Nice segue, thanks. And if you think Elon fires-employees-for-even-referencing-unions Musk is up to the task of making Twitter better at promoting "free speech" you're just fucking dumb

I'm not a berniebro, but in comparison did Trump or Obama even utter their name or acknowledge their existence?

Conservatives pretend to care about free speech until they are the ones in power

Lol this really set them off

>northtrop grumman
Ah yes, so good that they outsourced their rocket manufacturing to Ukraine and Russia and now can't launch it anymore LMAO.

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i dont care, at all. kill yourself politicsfag

No that's why they could be presidents

It's not a "talking point" it's a statement of objective fact. I know that you're a faggot communist and these two things look the same to you but they are in fact different.

Conservatives pretend to care about [topic] and then take no action when they are in power.

Even if he is going after them for his own sake that doesn’t make it any less awesome. It’s like twitter is a kid who was given a baseball bat and for years they’ve been smacking people with it with no repercussions but then one day they got too big for their britches and tried smacking that crazy kid who keeps a gun in his backpack lmao

Countless congressional hearings and mealy mouthing from Repubs amounted to jackshit. Of course, the only thing that makes them sweat is the prospect of being bought out.

akshually they are jewish, pro-fag/trans/pedo and anti-white. All these corporations are vehemently against unions etc.

lmao no even when conservatives are in power they will allow you pathetic leftoid shut-in losers to still post your vile hateful shit because they don't feel threatened by weak subhumans like you

Meaningless platitude

you WILL let saudi royalty dictate what you can and cannot say and you WILL be happy

They all stick. They're all incisive hits on the leftist. None of them are "buzz" words, they're just words, terms, and names that incriminate evil commie faggots.

So, if I am reading this right, if someone owns more than 15% and the board does not approve, that person gets frozen and everyone else gets to buy more shares immediately to get that person back below 15% ownership? Why doesn't every company do this to prevent takeovers?

What is the etc.? Seems like corporations are in favor of every other leftist policy. Universal healthcare, immigration, higher minimum wage, etc. only benefit massive international corporations and hurt small businesses.

The AGM-65D Electro-Optically Guided Air to Ground Missile Of Tolerance

Why weren’t they this upset when the Saudis bought in?


Idk you may want to Google at this point I'm only educated guessing now. I would imagine all the shareholders would sell their shares at a discount, which would short the stock price, and thank Twitter's revenue for many quarters, as well as their market cap, etc.
It's literally about the money for billionaires. When Musk wanted the join Twitter's board of shareholders he ended up not joining solely because he would have been capped at only 15% stake in the company. He wants more, and losing money on the deal isn't what any billionaire ever wants to do.

You're so fucking stupid. It takes 2 seconds to find out Blackrock and vanguard practically own the world you absolutely dense motherfucker.


Beheadings and not letting women travel alone is ok as long as you dont make mean tweets.

No I genuinely hate satanists who mass import brown shitskins, support mutilating and drugging children, and want to kill me with federal agents, actually. I don't need a billionaire to tell me that. You are not smart for posting dumb bullshit like this.

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If they’re so incisive then how come you lost the culture war?


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Yeah user we get it. He's
>owning the libs!

Why are modern commies like this?

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There's no theatre required. My people are facing genocide. My gender is facing total societal oppression. My rights are being used for target practice. Speaking up about this gets my life destroyed, and in some cases even brutally assaulted or murdered. There's no theatre required. I'm correctly identifying the enemy and the relevant issues.

>Precisely why Twitter, and all social media companies should be held...
But they won't, so congratulations. And yes, Musk is a far sight better than the ideologically driven leftist goons that can and will discredit any speck of contrary opinion and fact finding as disinformation.