>Character gets arrested
>Talks to the police without requesting a lawyer
Do people really do this?
>Character gets arrested
>Talks to the police without requesting a lawyer
Do people really do this?
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Literally all the time. Especially with DWIs.
What is this hairstyle called?
probably at least 95% of the time. You probably will too, if ever arrested.
Not much you're gonna be able to do about a DWI unless a lawyer can prove the stop itself was unlawful. Even if you refuse a breathalyzer they can get a warrant for a blood sample.
People know if you get a lawyer involved, it's basically starting the whole court process. They all think they can get off the charges entirely if they just explain to the cops and tell them their brilliant version of events which will clear their name.
>don't get a lawyer
>actually work with the cops and not be a dumbass
it's all gucci unless it's murder
Be honest Yea Forums, would you immediately ask for a lawyer or would you try to be kino and attempt to talk your way out of cuffs?
Sminems brother
I know it's common knowledge not to talk to the cops, but let me warn and say they will leave in the back seat of their car recording you for a long time, so dont do stupid shit like I did.
Cops wont tell you youre being arrested. They make it seem like its just paperwork theyre doing. In reality they have a print out from the DA in where every question is geared at convicting you for a crime. The cops skill comes in deceiving you to make you answer those questions they way they want you to
Even police officers and detectives don’t ask for lawyers
It’s weird
this. the cops come in hard and fast, like you have no choice. it throws you off guard, especially seeing as you just got caught committing a crime.
If you ask for a lawyer, they can continue asking questions until the lawyer gets there and tells you to shut the fuck up.
the other myth cops love is that asking for a lawyer and invoking your right to remain silent somehow make you look guilty. The fact of the matter is if you are guilty, you shouldn't be talking, because the cops will break you down easily, they're trained to do it. only the most stone cold psycho can maintain an air of innocence for upwards of 5 hours.
I don't think anyone can point to a case where a suspect called a lawyer and remained silent and this decision caused them to be convicted, or hurt their case in any way.
I'm a homicide investigator (yes, I know you don't believe me) and we have 9/10 people talk to us after we read Miranda. It is beyond bizzare how stupid people that kill are.
Most criminals unironically think they're smarter than law enforcement. As if the cops don't know every trick.
Anything you say to the police will always be used against you. Always.
Not really. DWI litigation is all about procedure. Cops generally fuck a few things, especially when they testify. You get pulled over for a DWI, this is what I would do (I’m a criminal defense attorney): don’t say anything, comply with giving the requests documents, don’t consent to the field breathalyzer, don’t do the field sobriety tests (you will always fail and they hurt you in court), request a witness when you get to the police station (statutorily required to give 30 minutes for a witness to show), then request an attorney before doing the breathalyzer at the station house. This will give you time to sober up. If police forget to check a box that you requested a witness, case dismissed. So many procedural details that is often overlooked but that’s where a good defense attorney comes in where DWIs are their bread and butter. Don’t get me started on whether the blood-alcohol analysis is correct or correctly managed per chain of custody.
Hello sir, what can realistically be done about nigger crime epidemic in this country?
>cops are good they are tryna help me
posting kino for the retards who would talk to the police ITT
idiot. Read
Aren't criminals usually smarter than cops? Even when it comes to street niggers, the "leaders" of law enforcement in New York have only a 56% clearance rate with regards to murders.
I'm your boss. The mayor is up my ass. Now give me your gun
Reminder: Innocent or guilty, suspect or not a suspect - DO NOT TALK TO THE FUCKING POLICE.
Still think it is a good idea? Watch this youtu.be
If people don't know their rights, then they don't have any.
The job of the police is to generate revenue by writing tickets and to help get convictions for any crime. That's it. You've been watching too much TV or something.
I've been in a situation where I was being questioned and yeah the thought crosses your mind. It's the smart move. But imagine that's you. The punishment for being a pedophile is a total public and familial shaming. It's brutal and intense. You definitely do not want to be calling lawyers, needing help with the cash etc. Because just being accused is enough to convict you in some people's minds. They already got your ass squared up and they know it. And if you think the cops don't use that to their advantage then you're niave.
I got arrested for DUI a long time ago and had a little baggie of weed and a xanax stuffed down my pants. I managed to get my hands from behind my back underneath my butt and legs so they were in front of me and was able to get the baggie out of my pants and emptied it into my mouth and swallowed it. Guess I'm lucky I never gave them a reason to analyze the footage.
I'm not one of those anti-police shills, but OP specifically said arrested, that means that it's you who is in trouble
Based public service announcements
unless you're a gangster or white collar-type you likely won't know this or why lawyers (which you obv won't have) are so important
Isn't this how saint george floyd killed himself, by swallowing his stash
Your average criminal is literally retarded, they have IQs in the low bell curve range if it even registers. All fiction about convicts and shit is just unironic romanticism, the reality is they really are just a pack of inbred retard low impulse control mongrels. The US has more of them because we just have lots of fucking retards. You talk to an ex con and within 5 minutes you understand why.
Uh really nothing short of a Thanos snap.
It's hard to know who killed someone like a dog in the street when they have such a huge population. My area clears 98 percent of ours.
Are the police like this all over? Even the UK?
And now you just admitted to a crime you fucking idiot
IIRC many western countries go out of their way to hire complete total retards to be cops because the idea is to let the overgrown and out of control legal system handle the cases. Obviously the problem is getting worse, but the cops that actually do their job right know they're in a thankless position and they have to work with retards and hope their backup isn't a bugman-tier cop.
their MO is always the same, how they act towards you depends on how much power they've got in whatever country they're in
He was one of the few predators who got away scot-free. I think the other one was "I don't want this cookie" guy.
I would argue most people who are stupid and impulsive enough to kill someone without thinking of the long term consequences also isn’t smart enough to think about not shutting up when being arrested.
>sir, I've been monitoring Yea Forums for potential leads on our cold cases, we've finally got a hit!
>ah yes, user. classic DUI, the guy was clearly mentally deficient, but no trace of drugs
>yes sir, i thought something was fishy even then, all those years ago
>heh, you were just fresh out the academy then, green as they come
>well, we've got you now user
*stares at post number*
>heh, trace his IP, let's pay our old friend a visit
If I ended up in a situation involving the police my first instinct would be to protest my innocence and I certainly wouldn't be thinking of getting a lawyer since I was innocent
So with your hands behind your back, you reached under your ass through to you pants pockets, lifted out a baggy and put it in your mouth all in a 100% stealthy manner. I seriously doubt it mate
Most people have zero experience with the law and want the process to go over as easy as possible. the majority of people will see being honest with police as the fastest route out of the horrible situation they put themselves in. Its why when you see career criminals they won't even entertain the idea of talking to police.
all the debate on tcap goes out the window if you've read the transcripts. it's literally always a variation of:
>so what are you into
>i like to play volleyball at my high school
>that's cool have you ever seen a cock?
>sends pic of cock
>omg i don't know what to say
>you like it?
>i don't know
then follows endless back and forth
The "Whaaaat? No way!" guy got away also.
I mean assuming he already went to court for this or the charges were just dropped wouldn't he be safe because of double jeopardy?
my ex always used to defend the predators and she thought the show was evil. I always completely disagreed as it was pretty obvious they were trying to do stuff with kids. Just because it was a trap to catch them I don't see how its unethical.
whats wrong with american cops anyway?
do they just send them all off to some siberian gulag for a year as part of their training or something?
if you guys don't talk to cops then how do we get kino like this?
People tend to think cops are their friends and think they can be reasoned or negotiated with
Even innocent people screw this up
It seriously depends on the kind of cop you're trying to reason with.
>whats wrong with American cops anyway?
its all investigators from any country.
>get tough confessions
>get noticed
>increase in salary or promotion
its why prosecuting attorneys will use slimy borderline unconstitutional tactics to get a conviction.
Bad cops come in 3 different flavors:
> dunning-krueger cops that overthink the situation because they think that makes them smart
> completely corrupt cops that really just want the power and influence
> a combination of the above, e.g. a cop pulling someone over just to see if they can fish for suspicious activity
It wasn't stealthy at all, I was just alone in the back of the cop car while they were doing whatever. I really don't give a shit if you believe me or not, just a funny little story. Especially since I eventually flushed the empty baggy in the holding cell before they had me change into jail clothes, which means I never had to eat the drugs in the first place because I could have just flushed them. Lol
the Bar Code
My philosophy is cops are just IRL Jannies
The "Horse Hoof with no Nail"
(do NOT google)
I don't have an attorney on retainer. What do I do and where do I get one if I am ever arrested?
I hate how hating cops became a left wing vs. right wing issue. Everyone should hate cops.
If you are guilty, whether you talk or not isn't going to make much of a difference anyway, you're sitting in the police station because they already have the goods on you. Getting you to sing just makes their job slightly easier.
I wonder this too. You can't qualify for a public defender until you've been charged with a crime, and most people don't have lawyer fees just laying around. What are you supposed to do?
stop talking and wait till you find an attorney.
it was a good show
In my state they can revoke your license if you refuse a breathalyzer
Right-wingers made it a left vs right thing because they can't stop sucking off police. They inherently love authority but hate the government, it makes no sense.
What's the best detective movie/show?
What's the best lawyer movie/show.
Watched first 2 seasons of Colombo it was good but didn't really feel like a detective show. Better Call Saul was okay too. Split story lines that aren't too connected hurt the pace. The lawyer aspects took a backseat after chuck fucked.
Incorrect. Right-wingers hate the cops now.
Right wingers are the gun owners and the gun owners have always hated police.
Why do they always defend them then? Something goes down and someone gets killed, right-wingers start from the position "it was justified" and work backwards to make the facts fit that narrative.
Yeah, right wingers just want cops taking care of all our diverse citizens engaging in colorful activities in their own towns. They don't actually want police in their own peaceful neighborhoods.
No way, I can't talk my way out of a paper bag, especially under stress. Would not work out for me.
Left wingers always said "it was justified" in response to police violence against covid lockdown protesters.
>yes, I know you don't believe me
you're right I don't. and saying that doesn't make your bullshit any more convincing, NEET-sama