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chuds LOVE this movie for all the wrong reason
Beginning of this movie was INTENSE. I can see why people in the industry all rated it as the best movie of the 2010 decade. Had an 80s feel to it as far production goes.
rolling thunder
i was excited to watch the old mad maxes after seeing this because usually the start of a franchise is the best and i loved this
unfortunately the earlier movies were fucking garbage
hang yourself
>His name is Immortal Joe
>His name is actually Immortan Joe
I should have seen it coming.
>real sets, real props, real cars, real stunts
>people getting hurt and production just keeps chugging along
>the two star protagonists start beefing and just suck it up and keep going
>unorthodox editing
It had every reason to be a soulless bad cgi overly preachy feminist propaganda piece, but they actually tried to make it a good film instead.
If you paid any attention to marketing before release, you'd also have been primed for dissapointment, low expectations combined with positive outcome is a powerful thing.
What a boring as fuck movie, literally nothing fucking happens but people say it's the best shit ever because of the limited use of cgi and somehow pro feminism but all the females are retarded
>let's leave and drive off to the middle of nowhere
>oh wait thats dumb, let's go back
>max gets abducted
>imperator steals chieftain's brides
>joe summons bullet farm and gastown
>multiple separate ground fights, car fights, car chases
>"nothing happens they just go from a to b to a"
i wonder what goes on in your head, must be quite something
immortan is a portmanteau of immortal man
Literally 100% of (((hollywood))) movies are degenerate. People like them because not-insane people can separate politics from other things.
>a bunch of nothing happens
who gives a fuck, what goes on in your head my nigga, literally nothing happens
Wow he's so ripped and transparent
> If you paid any attention to marketing before release, you'd also have been primed for dissapointment, low expectations combined with positive outcome is a powerful thing
This was definitely me. I’d never seen a mad max movie before and saw a preview for fury road in the theater. Thought it looked ridiculous but my dad was real excited and took my brother and I to go see it a few months later. Completely blew me away
>opening scene
>max gets into the interceptor
>supercharger sputters to life
>dad cackles gleefully and elbows me
I hadn’t seen him that excited to watch a movie in a long time, it was a really nice experience with the old man desu
i knew it was kick ass when that guy got shot with arrows and then revived and huffed some spray paint and killed himself
why did i read witness ing odrick the grafted's voice?
what was good about the first movies
with fury road george miller made me believe a 40k movie would be possible.
Why was it so good?
I don't know. It surprised the hell out of me how much I liked that game. Repetitive as hell, but it was fun repetition. It also does a decent job of making you feel like Mad Max.
Mad Max 2 was better.
Mad Max 3 was better.
Because it believably fits between Mad Max and Road Warrior.
Witness these digits
It was alright, the fucking enemy camps were the worst part of the game. I wish they would have been replaced with more vehicle combat
>all female society fails to react to environmental changes
>collapses entirely
>they have to enlist the help of two men to take over the prosperous male-dominated society
nah I think the chuds were right
the strong female shit was overshadowed by the fact that men were the only ones who could provide the water, gas, and bullets to survive the wasteland
all Joe wanted was some pussy and some titty milk and the women had to get all uppity about it
he even let Furiosa drive the war rig and she just fucking steals it like some kind of nigger
ending was dogshit. destroy the car i built and the dog and greasy monkey bro dies.
the interceptor gets wrecked in every movie you dolt
I completely agree, but I still like Fury Road.
it's very good if you consider the clusterfuck that was the development cicle, at first the game was going to be a canon tie in to show why Max was insane at the begining of fury road, it would be released at the same time as the movie and an Furiosa tie in anime. then Miller changed his mind about tie ins, but WB games already had the rights to make the game, it wouldn't be canon and they juts made the story from whatever notes Miller left them.
The Furiosa movie is being made from the script of the canceled anime.
Retard, it's the depressing but well written ending that makes it good and separates it from all the other shitty movie games.
It sticks with you, unlike a lot games' ending.
There's alot of stuff in this game that's going to be canon in the furiosa movie, I think the Dr. Dementos stuff, how he took over gastown and was defeated by Scrabus Scrotus is going to be main conflict in the movie. it was all taken from Miller's notes after all.
would have been a better movie if they figured out a better plot than
>omg let's just turn around lol
props to the stunts and shit but still
also could have used a better soundtrack, even without any changes to the movie if it had some metal music just playing constantly throughout would have given it a bit better of an edge
>male society
>thrives, female slaves are pregnant fat pigs being milked while living in great comfort
>female society
>crumbles, male slaves are cast out to live on stilts on the swamp
retards tunnelvision on women not being 100% incompetent on combat and the who killed the world line and fail to see the big picture
"chuds" love this movie? I thought they hated it cus Mary Sue and Mad Max being a side character
I hope it doesn't end up that all the people that got killed at deep friah's outside gastown including what's her name's daughter are the people max was having flashbacks about in fury road.
Mad max is better as self contained stories and that goes for the vidya too.
every mad max movie makes a big point of how cities are the only places left to live and the road is no man's land, what the fuck would have them do other than head back to the city
That sounds super nice, I'm happy for you and envious a little
I think the girl and her mother were from Miller's original script for the game, I think Dr. Demento and his road war to take and keep gastown, that don't show up in the game but get mentioned several times, are going to be central in the furiosa movie. maybe other things like the buzzard taking children and living in a airport under the sands may show up too.
shit man i dunno come up with some new destination or somethin, fuckin better than, oh let's just turn around and go back
fuckin retarded shit
>first 2 acts are about making it to the green place
>make 3rd act about doubling down and continuing to look for some place that isn’t 100% fucked with absolutely no direction while a literal army is actively chasing you
Yeah bruh good idea frfr
Fury Road was the best action movie this century.
>first 2 acts involve heading to new destination is complaining about
>they discover it doesn't exist and in kino 3rd act head back to the citadel as they realize their adversary has overcommitted and has left home bas unguarded and vulnerable
other user can't identify good storytelling
yeah, it was poetic seeing those girls abandon their life of luxury for the "green place" only to find a bunch of dried up old cunts in the desert trying to rob people
>they hated it cus Mary Sue
>Furiosa gets bailed out of every problem by Max and Nux
>the biker grannies are great at what the do (snipe) but get rekt when the mem close into hand to hand
>it was a really nice experience with the old man desu
What exactly was there plan? They beat Joe back to the Citadel and do what?
People that use the word "chud" in any context besides talking about the movie or Finnish people are biological waste and not worth the oxygen it takes to sustain them.
>one shot one kill (grandma raugh)
>they miss a ton of shots
there was no plan
the initial idea was getting back inside and taking over since no warboys were there, they got really lucky that they ended up killing joe on the way back
if they hadn't, they had a chance of shutting the door or fighting from the inside with the help of the peasants at best
yeah I didn't get this either
For all the feminist angles, my sister absolutely hated the movie. She and my mom actually got up and walked out of the theater as the war party went out to chase Furiosa at the beginning, right at the guitarist on the speaker truck was shredding. That was such a shattering of Hollywood feminism in front of real life femininity right in front of my eyes.
>as the war party went out to chase Furiosa at the beginning
weird timing, considering things were pretty neutral at that point in the men vs women deparment
>right at the guitarist on the speaker truck was shredding
I swear that exact moment was when I realized it was gonna be good
my friend had seen it twice in theaters and told me it was sick so I checked it out and I remember thinking at that exact moment "alright, alright, let's do this"
Not with the brief scene of the women getting milked. That's probably what really drove her over the edge, the war party's shameless machismo on full display was just the cherry on top.
It is a feminist piece of shit though. All the bad guys are men. The only good people are women and their two beta simps. When they get back to the citadel all the children and the fat ladies are estatic that Joe is dead and not devestated that they just lost their bread basket.
Men ruin everything in the movie or are dumb and the women are all smart.