>is called The Joker
>doesn't tell any good jokes
Is called The Joker
>is called The Joker
He isn't.
you had one job
The whole joke is he's a terrible human being that is perceived as a hero.
Jesus Christ OP
ok the easy bait has been taken, good job OP, you can delete now
You dumb fuck. He’s called the Humorist.
He's called the Caricaturist you fucking
>superhero without super powers
I thought his name was The Laughing Man
how did mr blue not cause usa to own the entire world in a few years, how it is possible there are still competing nation states
He didn't want to, until his encounter with Machiavelli where he exploded Freud Mysterio
that's the best kind
are you guys retarted?
He's called the comedian.
>“Blake understood. Treated it like a joke, but he understood. He saw the cracks in society, saw the little men in masks trying to hold it together...he saw the true face of the twentieth century and chose to become a reflection of it, a parody of it. No one else saw the joke. That's why he was lonely.”
I thought he got some super soldier serum
>What if I went around raping and murdering people lmao
>Get it?!??
I thought he was The Gay Man Fucker.
They literally have no powers
>"What's the deal with Vietnamese food?"
Jesus, Eddie
>“Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.”
Holy epic...
we truely do exist within a culture
>"super"hero with no defining powers beyond super speed and super strength
fucking cancer, all you Yea Forumsniggers need to be euthanized immediately
>mass replier calling people retards
>cant spell retarded
Many such cases
We indeed coexist in an environment
Is he paying for these girls? How is he seducing so many women to have sex in his apartment with only him as a male? I'm curious to see how he's seducing them. I mean, don't get me wrong he's an attractive guy and probably charismatic but it's not like he's a celebrity or something.
I hate when comics do that.
No he's not, that's Pagliacci.
When this movie came out all the roasties were lusting after him, even though he kills a pregnant women in the first five minutes. They love nothing more than a badboy sociopath.
>incel can’t stand how easy other people have it
Should’ve thought of that before you were born ass ugly
That's the Zookeeper.
Yes I'm ugly and also a virgin, but I have friends who are literal gigachads, they can get girls easily, sometimes 2 chicks at the same time, and maybe, maybe 3 girls in their bed.
But that's pretty much the upper limit, that kind of free orgy is simply unrealistic.
i am pagliaci
>that kind of free orgy is simply unrealistic.
>he doesn’t know
Orgies with multiple guys and girls yes, but one guy and 4-5 chicks is not a thing, except in porn.
>he doesn’t know
I know
No, that's The Boys you're thinking of. They just have general comic book character powers of being able to survive hits that would kill or cripple anyone else.
Honestly, orgies with multiple boys and girls are far less common than one man and multiple women.
user, it's an exaggerated comic book hero, of course he's going to have sex. It's Nick Fury.
Also you're getting baited hard by the other guy but I don't blame him considering your ridiculous question.
he, uh, can use guns
>fucking cancer, all you Yea Forumsniggers need to be euthanized imme…ACK!!!
stop watching porn
Steve Jobs
>another ugly user thinks orgies are porn only
My brother in Christ you don't read the news, you have absolutely no idea what politicians do on the daily without the general public noticing, dunno what country you're from but 100% guaranteed one of them is having an orgy in this precise moment.
start doing coke and you'll see what kidn of crazy shit women do when they can't think of anything other than sex
Stop being poor and ugly.
>dude I can anything and get away with it because I'm the guy who has dirt on everyone
>hey steve, nice tie, personally I stopped wearing them but I guess you like knots.
>what, nah its just a joke relax man!
Why isn't he black?
It's not a post-Ultimate comic.
>named Joker
>tells Batman a pretty funny joke
I remember when Marvel said that the MCU wouldn't affect the comics.
Fury was black in the comics like 8 years before The Hulk premiered.
Stop gaslighting people.
You are right, sorry.
In The Ultimates universe, yes. It didn't change in the mainline universe until the movies. Just like Thor's costume and Tony Stark's appearance and Star Lord literally turning into Crisp Rat and...
Ultimate Fury was a black dude who looked like Samuel Jackson. Mainline Fury has always been a white World War 2 vet who uses an infinity formula to look young.
They originally tried casting George Clooney in the role but he backed out.
He was black in the Ultimate comics, and fury was still white for a long time after that.
>whiny holywood faggot gets cold feet after reading a garth ennis comic
don't care
I think the Batman experience scared him off cape films. He's still apologizing about it to this day. I can only imagine the kind of jokes he's heard addresses at him.