What's his endgame?
What's his endgame?
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Hes just some random that thinks he can extort Saul.
Instead - Saul will turn himself into the police and defend himself in court.
He is trying to figure out who Paul Osermanos is.
He represents the annoying fans who keep going "DID HE BECOME SAUL YET? CMON SAY THE THING"
Bravo Vince
Vince is a good writer
what if all of the black and white "future" scenes actually take place before breaking bad and saul in fact ran away from his life twice?
to call Saul
So the Gene scenes are an interquel? He was Saul, then fled to Omaha, then went back to be Saul in Albuquerque? How would that work?
maybe something bad happens, but then he sees something in the news that inspires him to return, and he tries to carry on his old saul life again, but constantly living in fear of something (hence: it wasn't me! it was ignacio!), and then when shit truly hits the fan he disappears again
why else would he be so dead set in breaking bad on the idea of managing a cinnabon in omaha? it's something that he did previous which he found comfortable
Seems like a stretch. He's clearly meant to be a lot older in the Gene scenes. And as he is fleeing Albuquerque at the end of Breaking Bad, why would he mention managing a Cinnabon in Omaha as his future, instead of a third brand new identity? He would fake Gene's death/make Gene disappear, then come back and do the same thing in the same city?
Snickers obviously wants to blackmail Saul and this may lead to violence. But I think the most interesting/subversive ending for Jimmy/Saul/Gene's entire story would be for him to take care of this situation, go on with his life as an obscure Cinnabon manager, and died of natural causes (maybe a stress induced heart attack in his 60s, given how on edge he still is). It'd be so anticlimactic it'd be brilliant.
>Hes just some random that thinks he can extort Saul.
>Instead - Saul will turn himself into the police and defend himself in court.
doubt it but maybe
i'd guess somehow saul ends up in prison though
vince and peter have repeatedly said their shows are about justice and saul hasn't paid for his sins yet. compared to his old life omaha might feel punitive but it's not even close to equivalent restitution for all the damage he's done even if we only consider the show thus far (encouraging criminals to commit crimes with his 50% off shtick, facilitating countless crimes with his drop phone sales, explicitly fucking over howard for no good reason with the bowling ball and prostitutes, basically killing chuck)
he needs to pay and it'd be fitting for the criminal lawyer locked up with the criminals
no way that would happen
the show's revolved around justice, it wouldn't make any sense for saul to live the rest of his life without paying for all he's done
theres bits in the black and white scene which clearly refer to "Saul" as he appeared in BB
I see what you're saying, but there'd be a unique irony in Saul simply living out the rest of his life as a lonely frightened old man, always watching his back and still pining for his glamorous yesteryears. Think of the ending of Goodfellas. Yeah, he's not in prison, but he's far from happy.
Plus, how else do they end? A shoot out with the taxi driver? I think they're doing something different than Breaking Bad.
>I see what you're saying, but there'd be a unique irony in Saul simply living out the rest of his life as a lonely frightened old man, always watching his back and still pining for his glamorous yesteryears. Think of the ending of Goodfellas. Yeah, he's not in prison, but he's far from happy.
sure but like i said that just wouldn't fit the show at all
the show revolves around justice
literally nobody in the show has done bad shit without repercussions
>skater kids run scams
>ended up almost getting murdered in the desert by tuco
>mike rips off cartel
>good samaritan civilian ends up murdered
>jimmy runs commercial without approval
>kim gets fucked over for vouching for him
and much more
not to mention all the explicit dialogue about responsibility and comeuppance like nacho's conversation with his dad at his apartment
based on the past 5 seasons there is zero chance the show lets saul just walk away from all the damage he's done
This image looks very seductive and I for one think it's disgusting
>say it again
its lalo after the plastic surgery
But the point of the Gene scenes is showing what a miserable life he has now. It's not him relaxing on a beach in the tropics. He's living alone, doing a job he has no passion for, always looking over his shoulder, and watching tapes of his old life, that he'll never get back. That's a more nuanced and unexplored kind of comeuppance than killing him in another violent climax or just sending him to prison.
>Saul simply living out the rest of his life as a lonely frightened old man
In this way, he would end up like Chuck when he was at his worst with his illness. Possibly a fate worse than death for Jimmy, a man who loves his brother and is disgusted with what he drove him to do, but can't admit that to himself or anyone else, lest he break.
I think Jimmy sets his lonely home on fire and stays in the blaze.
literally the entire show has shown you can't hide and run away from consequences
all of the gene scenes show him hiding and running away
saul's not dying in "another violent climax" but he's also not living the rest of his life hiding from consequences
>I think Jimmy sets his lonely home on fire and stays in the blaze.
That would be too on the nose. His current life doesn't really parallel Chuk.
I think it would be a fair death. Jimmy's literally to slippery to ever do any real time in prison. He's too good at the "legal" game. I think the only kind of poetic justice or comeuppance he's going to get will be of a personal sort.
Here me out
Time heist
Gem stones
Bringing everyone dead back
*mic drop*
>Jimmy's literally to slippery to ever do any real time in prison. He's too good at the "legal" game.
there is no more "legal game"
that's why he shredded everything in his office and is hiding in omaha
Jimmy will get a plea deal, blah blah blah, he's literally too slippery
saul used the disappearer for a reason
if he thought he was "slippery" enough to avoid prison why would he throw away everything and pay tens of thousands of dollars to live under a fake identity in nebraska?
But then what? The Gene scenes are years later. This is an immersive show that shows us a complete picture of the man's life. Showing him going to jail would still feel incomplete, unless it was clear he was going away for life.
>But then what
exactly, thats why i think it would be more tragic and a better ending for jimmy to commit suicide like his brother. in that way, jimmy is always walking in his older brothers footsteps...
Maybe. But no setting his apartment on fire. That would be too much.
Kim or Howard will show up in Gene timeline calling it now
Jimmy will obviously get a happy ending of sorts. Vince isn't nihilistic enough to give Jimmy, who's a much more conflicted and good-natured protagonist than Walt was, a darker ending than he got. It seems like we're heading for some sort of combination of him becoming Saul again and reuniting with Kim.
>reuniting with Kim
we are all theory crafting here but there is no way in hell this happens
How can you say that when we have no idea where their relationship leaves off in the pre-Breaking Bad timeline? He gives his secretary the number of a lawyer when they're cleaning out his office, so it must be Kim or Howard and the former is much more likely.
Also unless Im remembering incorrectly, doesn’t he ask Francesca to wait for a call at exactly 3pm on a particular day or something? I think that’s when Kim would call him on his birthday but I might be totally off, it’s been a while
I hate it when this show and BB have these stupid exaggerated scenes that feel so out of place.
Mike suddenly getting infuriated with his niece also felt like this.
>Mike suddenly getting infuriated with his niece also felt like this.
Yeah, that was fucking retarded. To be honest, I put that less on the writing and more on Banks. Mike's fun but Banks has an extremely limited range, at least on this show.
>season 6 ends with jesse opening his cabin door in Alaska
>Jesse, we need to cook
Mike had a lot on his mind, stressed after all that, people sometimes lose their temper in real life.
Vince said Walt and Jesse are showing up this season. Any chance we'll see Meth Damon too?
Yeah I watched that episode just yesterday and he asks Francesca to wait for a call on November 12th, which we see as Jimmy's birthday (On his ID) in the episode where him and Kim get married
The last episode will feature a flashforward to an old Jimmy living in a retirement community aiding the other residents with wills and legal issues.
Mike hasn't had anything to do since he avenged his son in season 1. There's just montages of him doing random criminal bullshit. No one should care how Mike began working for Gus or how he became ok with killing people again. It doesn't matter, he shouldn't be a main character. Make the show about Nacho, he's new and interesting and I don't know what the climax of his story is.
is that lucifer??
I agree and that's why I said I don't fault the writing, but the scene still felt dumb.
>I don't know what the climax of his story is.
Nacho is fucking dead
Do you mean Mark Pellegino from Supernatural? Nah.
I'm firmly of the opinion Kim won't die in the series, Jimmy would be fucking devastated and wouldn't be the Saul Goodman we see in BB and also the writers wouldn't dare kill off a genuinely interesting and compelling female character in this day and age
With that said, she's obviously not around by the BB years, so I'm guessing she and Jimmy get caught doing "something unforgivable", and she loses her license to practice law, or she goes to prison outright lol.
I agree. It hard for me to square off Jimmy being such an unabashed criminal in BB though, compared to how he is currently, especially if Kim does go to jail. Unless he took a 'fuck it' attitude.
How long before we see Saul in BB is the last season set anyway? I know in the last season of BB he says he's been helping Todd's Bug guys for five years or so.
I actually liked that scene, but I think it's weirdness is highlighted by Kaylee's actress changing.
I'm on season 5. I liked the lab arc.
SAY.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... it.
I feel alone in thinking that BB's finale was terribly written. I'm probably going to feel alone this time as well. I can't imagine them coming up with a satisfying conclusion to Jimmy, Kim, Howard, Mike, Gus, Lalo and Nacho all in one season. I'm predicting Mike and Gus will be mostly ignored, as they shouldn't really have been a part of the show anyway
Friendly reminder that the last episode will be titled "Crime and Punishment."
terrible take
>Mike hasn't had anything to do since he avenged his son in season 1
He killed his son's killers. What else is there to do to avenge his son?
>There's just montages of him doing random criminal bullshit.
He's making money to support his daughter-in-law and granddaughter.
How can you feel alone? Even Vince thinks the same.
To me the lab arc is just pandering. We don't need to see the lab built. We've seen the lab in operation, that's the important part. It's filler for a character who we already know everything about.
>I'm guessing she and Jimmy get caught doing "something unforgivable", and she loses her license to practice law, or she goes to prison outright lol.
Nah, after Jimmy and Kim mess with Howard, Howard looks into the Mesa Verde number swap and proves it was Jimmy. Kim takes the blame for it because she feels that it was her fault for ticking off Howard.
>BCS is just pandering. We don't need to see Jimmy's story. We see Saul in BB, that's the important part. It's filler for a character who we already know everything about.
For me? It's Kim Wexler
I can see Kim taking the fall for Jimmy, she's always cleaning up after his messes, but how does Howard prove Jimmy swapped the Mesa Verde numbers?
Not sure. But it's hinted that Howard is hunting Jimmy in S6
>all roads lead to you
My problem with the Breaking Bad finale is the same problem I had with The Shawshank Redemption. It's too pat. It's too neat. The protagonist gets everything wrapped up in a nice package, right down to Lydia calling right after he kills all the Nazis just so he can tell her he poisoned her.