I don't get it
I don't get it
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shinji decided that he didn't want all of humanity to be trapped forever as one amorphous blob, and that living as himself even as the piece of shit he was, was preferable.
humanity is an ocean of LCL but can apparently return to individual existence through willpower or something, like Shinji and Asuka have done.
He then tried to strangle her because he's retarded and so ashamed with himself and/or wallowing in self-pity that he doesn't want to have to think about explaining or even showing himself to Asuka (and no i dont mean the masturbation, at least specifically), but then she stops acting like already a corpse and he gets even more disgusted with his actions or something.
then she says 'disgusting' which could mean or reference any number of things, take your pick. I think she's just acting repulsed by Shinji's being a bitch since her shtick until the mindrape by that one angel was that she wanted to be too badass to cry, but I think it was kinda in jest, given she always had a thing for shinji and apparently the poster with them starting at rei together is canon. None of this is really provable and Anno never laid down a canon meaning, so you'll see plenty of other interpretations
Should I watch the new movies
a lot of people here say they're awful, but Yea Forums is notoriously poor at separating media which is why shitty sequels somehow retroactively ruin their predecessors for the autists here.
they're ok. don't watch if you're one of the autists above. don't watch if you're an asukafag because Anno clearly had a bone to pick with them. watch if you really want more EVA content. best thing I can say about them is its interesting to see the story as imagined by Anno after he stopped being a depressed otaku and got married and had kids, and the beginning of 3.0+1.0 is kino
asuka = redpill
rei = bluepill
misato = purplepill
simple as
Not if you want to see the original message get ripped to shreds and be told by Anno that a girl will fall out of the sky for you. The OG series & movie is about accepting your faults and overcoming them to live your own life and do what makes you feel alive and somewhat happy even. The rebuild movies are essentially a retread of the first half of the story with all of the good shit cut out and then a pasted on awful generic final act and ending with a fucking timeline loop basically confirmed as well.
its an allegory for growing up an accepting responsibilities
I fucking love Mari.
All anime is symbolism and conveys the simple message of "Two bombs just weren't enough!"
ah, the shitpill
There is nothing to get. NGE is purely an aesthetic experience
this is a pretty good post that kind of sums it up
thanks user
You can blame this anime for starting the trend of having anime with bad endings.
They're really crap
I didn't care for them because they felt like a heaping dose of "Evangelion for people that don't like Evangelion". Meaning it felt way more marketable and less authentic.
>weeb shit
who gives a fuck
there are literally 148 other threads on Yea Forums not about anime right now that you can go waste your life on
what movie is this ?
nothing to do with canon or whatever, they're just boring and ugly.
Кoнeц Eвaнгeлиoнa
is this one where the main guy goes "10 years at least"
It was all for nothing. When Shinji realized this, she asphyxiated Asuka to spare her the suffering.
anno is a faggot for REEEEEing on his most iconic franchise just because his wife has miniscule tits and hes got a tiny asian ding dong.
>anno is a faggot for REEEEEing on his most iconic franchise
not gonna deny it, not sure if his wife's tits have anything to do with it though
2 deep 4 U
he shoehorned in a waifu with giant tits and then pawned her off on shinji. his message being something along the lines of "go into the real world and get a real gf not an evangelion gf" which would be a fair criticism, if it were coming from a place of authenticity and not inner seethe at his own sexual faggotry. its cool that he used his "depression" to make something so artistically expressive, but he never solved all the things that were making him depressed. he became hyper successful and made lots of money, at that point if you cant get an actually hot girlfriend then there is something seriously, seriously wrong with you.
he just learned to cope and then more or less sold out entirely. i have more respect for retard meatheads than i do anno at this point, that scoundrel little fagola nigger.
It’s a reference to an old painting you dummy.
End of Evangelion. But it doesn't make sense without watching the series Neon Genesis Evangelion first
It is about the problem of suicide or if life is worth or not.
Ignore the giant robots, aesthetics and visuals. NGE is about various forms of child abuse and how the different victims deal with the abuse. Asuka dealt with it through codependency (like most who had suicidal or overattached bonds with parents) - hence when people lost faith in her, she broke down completely. Shinji straight up saw no reason to live at all and once suffering began, he had no means to deal with anything and wanted to end it all when he could not escape it. Commander Katsuragi was the adult figure who used to engage in escapism but learned how to deal with her problems through pragmatism and thanks to being truly loved and understood by Kaji, hence why she saves the day when everybody was panicking. Mari was the personification of how to deal with suffering through a positive manner (like Camus), which is why she is so hated and feels like she doesn't belong in the plot at all. She does not suffer, she is there to educate the viewer with positivity - which doesn't belong in EVA at all.
Gendo is an abuser and this is why 3+1 was such a slap in the face of the fanbase because all that changed was that Shinji forgave his father, basically saying that the path to free ourselves from torment and depression is letting abusers get away with the hurt they did to us, thus enabling this type of behavior.
End of Evangelion in particular is Shinji accepting that suffering can exist and saying he will try to live with it.
Then the rebuild series happens and we see how in the end he learned how to deal with it.
shut the fuck up you are such a fucking faggot
They were both kino though. Everyone who watches Eva now loves both endings and the animeonlys will love the end of AoT. Plebs who got filtered hard came together to shit on it online but it's just a vocal minority.
Its meant to represent Shinji living with his new wife but still paying alimony to his old wife
attack on titan watchers are tranny faggots who have AIDS
The world doesn't stop revolving when you choose to not participate in it. That was my takeaway.
The reason Shinji strangled Asuka was because he hates her. Asuka called Shinji disgusting because she finds him disgusting. The two of them feared opening up to others in a fear of being burnt but still desired to be loved. In the end, they decided to have an honest relationship, even if they hate each other, since at least that's genuine
it's kind of insane that this was a children's tv show in japan
what if i don't like its aesthetic
Remember your first eva watch?
>What are the angels?
The primogenitor of Adam, one of the seeds of life set out into space by the First Ancestral Race (FAR)
>What are the FAR?
Ancient ayys who have since ascended to a higher plain of existence. They sent out moon-sized "egg" ships with a primogenitor organism inside of it to cultivate life on other worlds. The rule was 2 eggs couldn't exist on the same world as it their genetic material combining would fuck up all of reality.
>What's Adam?
The original/intended primogenitor organism for Earth. It had the "Fruit of Life" which meant supreme physical size/power but low intellect. Landed billions of years ago and started to grow life resembling angels.
>What was 1st impact?
Due to some sort of malfunction, Lilith's egg accidentally crashing into the earth. It created the moon from the debris. Happened long before the dinosaurs. Lilith's egg-shipped was so damaged that its control AI/mechanism (the lance of longinus) was destroyed. To prevent 2 seeds from co-existing on the earth, the control lance of longinus on adam's ship put it and its children (angels) into suspended animation to solve the problem. Thus Lilith's offspring inherited the earth by a fluke.
>What was SEELE?
a secret illuminati that has been controlling the earth for millennia, their goal was to elevate humanity into its highest possible form. The cult began sometime in ancient times when humans discovered Lilith buried underground (SEELE took her mask as their symbol). However Lilith’s control manual (dead sea scrolls) Were destroyed, so they had no idea what it was beyond a superior lifeform. NERV is their proxy agency.
>What was 2nd Impact?
After finding the dead sea scrolls (in truth an alien operation manual for how the egg-ships worked, made easy to read for other races by the FAR) they decided this was the best way to achieve their goal. They were able to track down Adam's resting place in Antarctica and sent a ignorant research team about discovering new alien life when SEELE/inner circle members like Gendo and Yui knew what it already was. Gendo/Yui set up the expedition then left.
When Adam woke up he was made that Someone in the expedition (implied to be the guy that Kwarou’s body is based off of) sacrificed themselves by plunging into Adam with the lance of longinus, putting it back into suspended and stopping the process halfway. However, it fucked up the earth greatly and also had the result of waking up the angels, who would take years to rise as they’re big dumb slow monsters
>What is the purposed 3rd Impact/Human Instrumentality Project?
Depends on the faction. The Angels wanted to meet Adam (who they thought was under Tokyo when it was actually Lilith, Angels are stupid) and begin his process of wiping out all human life so they could inherit the Earth. Gendo wanted to use it to fuse with Yui inside Unit 01 for eternity (who knows what happened to the rest of the world). SEELE wanted to use it to have all human souls “power” the mass-produced evas, each of which would be controlled by one of their members (Mass produced Evas = same number of SEELE members) that would transform them into god-like beings and the pinnacle of human existence.
Why? These are issues children think about.
>What is Rei?
A physical clone of Yui with the soul of Lilith implanted into it. A creation of Gendo to both achieve his ends and cope with losing Yui. There were 3 clones as they kept dying. The 1st one was strangled to death by Gendo’s lover Dr. Naoko Akagi after it insulted her (the spiteful side of Yui becoming bitchy at seeing Gendo with another woman) and its soul was put into Unit 00 (hence why when Unit 00 went berserk it went after Dr. Akagi’s daughter Ritsuko). Rei-2 is the version we see throughout the series, it gets killed by Armisael. Rei-3 is a new clone made after that. Each version of Rei has the “Lilith” inside her take over more and more.
>What was Kawrou? What was his deal?
A physical clone of a researcher from the 2nd Impact expedition who fused with Adam while trying to stop it (name unknown). The soul of Adam was inserted into him by SEELE as a way to potentially combat Rei/Lilith if Gendo went rogue. After Gendo stops cooperating with SEELE they send Kawrou to initiate 3rd Impact, hoping that Kawrou would be tricked and not realize it’s Adam’s body underneath NERV but Lilith. When Kawrou realizes this he realizes hes been played and lets Shinji kill him. After his death SEELE no longer has any options but to attack NERV directly to do what they wanted
>What’s the deal with Shinji’s mom?
Yui was the driving antagonist of the series and probably a sociopathic manipulator who loved Shinji but nobody else. Her goal was to apparently initiate Rei’s version of 3rd Impact, while also keeping herself inside Unit 01 as a reminder to the physical universe that mankind ever existed. She fully manipulated Gendo throughout all of it and set up Shinji as a sacrificial lamb. She intentionally initiated her “Accident” that had her combine with Unit 01 for the purpose of achieving her goals. At the end of the series she floats through the void of space inside Unit 01 for all eternity. As for her origins, all that is known is that she was a daughter of a SEELE member.
>What’s the deal with Asuka’s mom?
She was a researcher at NERV who tried to repeat the “accident” that Yui had just gone through. Hers also went wrong, except rather than disappearing fully into Unit 02 only her matronly side did and she went insane. She eventually hung herself with a doll she played with, but her loving side still existed in Unit 02 (which Asuka discovers in EoE).
>What happened to Kaji?
Killed by either SEELE or NERV goons for being a triple agent. It’s not relevant who and it’s not a named character
>Why did Aoba see little naked Rei’s instead of a loved one like everyone else during Instrumentality?
This is the default version of what you say if you really weren’t connected to anyone truly. He lived an empty life and kept others at a distance.
>What was the deal with the SEELE leader? Why was he a robot?
He was an ancient being kept alive through advanced cybernetics, when he got tang’d it revealed his non-organic parts
>What was that thing in Gendo’s hand?
The devolved physical form of Adam that Kaji was able to steal from SEELE. He implanted it into himself to combine himself with Rei and initiate his version of 3rd Impact.
>What did Gendo say to Ritsuko Akagi before shooting her
“I needed you”, same thing the ghost of Ritsuko writes on the laptop of maya before tanging her.
>What happened to Gendo at the end?
For abusing Shinji and being a cunt, Yui/Rei/Lilith “condemned him to mu” (nothingness). He is the only person who doesn’t turn into tang/get elevated into the soul merger.
>What’s the chamber of Guf they talk about?
The alternate dimension created by the FAR where all potential souls exist. Every person to live/ever has lived/ever will live has their soul come from there. The FAR reincarnated themselves into the chamber to be reborn as lesser organism, having experienced all life had to offer as superior lifeforms. Rei-3 opens it at the end of EoE to combine all human souls that have since died into the soul merger (why people like Kaji and Misato are inside the soul merger).
>What was with Shinji’s crazy mindfuck in EoE?
Him inside Instrumentality, he eventually snaps at his vision of Asuka and loses himself in depression for a bit before coming to the same realization at the end of 25/26 and resulting in him breaking out of the soul merger
>What was the deal with the ending of EoE?
After Shinji breaks out of Instrumentality he’s alone on Earth for a very long time (Eva pilots age slowly and he had a sea of LCL to live off of). Eventually Asuka breaks out too and he’s so crazy from his experiences and isolation he thinks he’s hallucinating. He tries to strangle Asuka to see if he’s really still inside instrumentality, as inside instrumentality nobody reacts unexpectedly to you no matter what you do. Inside of just laying there like a dead fish like the first time he strangled Asuka she reacts in an unexpected manner, and Shinji realizes she’s real and breaks down and cries. Asuka remembers Shinji fapping to him and says it was gross.
Hedgehog dilemma
If you said anything else you got filtered
>What was the deal with episodes 25/26 of the anime?
It’s basically Shinji inside instrumentality coming to the conclusion that bonds are worth it even if you experience hardships (see the ultimate message answer below). He is congratulated by the “perfect” reality inside Instrumentality for reaching this epiphany.
>Which ending really happened? EoE or episodes 25/26?
Generally, it’s accepted EoE is what happened in the real world while episodes 25/26 were inside the various characters heads while they were in Instrumentality. Why Anno did the original ending is still a matter of debate, from his depression to hating the fans to running out of animation money/time.
>What is the ultimate message of Eva?
Human interactions were worth it, even if you experience pain along the way. That’s it.
>What was with the Christian imagery?
Looked cool
Plot wise: Aliens seeded earth with both aliens and humans. Aliens laid dormant until woken up before the series started. If they reach the other dormant alien they set off the apocalypse destroyign all life. Several human factions fight secretly to control the apocalypse to their own ends. Shinji ends up being the one who controls the apocalypse.
The entire backstory is never explained to Shinji so we see the story from his eyes, so it's quite confusing.
Themes: The show is mostly introspective about these mentally ill weirdos, and the message is that you need to accept that you will be hurt by people and that's okay. Humans need each other anyways.
Nice posts, but I don't know what the fuck you're talking on about Yui. How could she even prepare all of that?
>After Shinji breaks out of Instrumentality he’s alone on Earth for a very long time (Eva pilots age slowly and he had a sea of LCL to live off of). Eventually Asuka breaks out too and he’s so crazy from his experiences and isolation he thinks he’s hallucinating. He tries to strangle Asuka to see if he’s really still inside instrumentality, as inside instrumentality nobody reacts unexpectedly to you no matter what you do. Inside of just laying there like a dead fish like the first time he strangled Asuka she reacts in an unexpected manner, and Shinji realizes she’s real and breaks down and cries. Asuka remembers Shinji fapping to him and says it was gross.
one of the better theories i've read
>He is congratulated by the “perfect” reality inside Instrumentality for reaching this epiphany.
this must be incorrect since according to anno ep25+26 have the same ultimate conclusion as EoE, and in EoE shinji clearly rejects instrumentality (that or anno was trolling)
certain amounts of gender dysphoria are required to get it
you're a faggot. but you are correct
NGE came out long before you alt-right zoomers became obsessed with trannies
Its basically the same as that "would you get in the tank that simulates your perfect life" theory where the man who proposed it ultimately decided people would reject getting in the tank.
Instrumentality might be "perfect" but perfection is not what life is
25-26 go over the same themes as EoE in a symbolic fashion rather than literal. EoE is the literal events. You could say that the eps are mroe of Shinji's time in the goo.