>according to Yea Forums this isn't sexual harassment
According to Yea Forums this isn't sexual harassment
The editing ruins it. Should have just stayed in the wide shot the entire time.
she likes doing it
all women do
yes im sure this exactly how it happened, tears in the eyes and all. She definently wasnt under the guys desk sucking his dick like Proxy paige as soon as he hinted at it advancing her career.
>women wear less at the beach in front of hundreds of persons, while smiling and flaunting their near naked bodies
>it's humilating to show one of them a brief glimpse
Boo fucking hoo. I see "professional" secretaries for high up people walking around the office with skirts barely below their ass trying to attract a rich guy. These are people in healthcae btw not trailer/ ghetto types.
>reality acording to trannies s o y boys and feminists
this thread is rape culture
Fake blonde bitch deserved it
not my problem
women deserve rape
According to the countless women who happily comply to exchange sexual favors for professional perks everyday everywhere since time immemorial it isn't harassment either.
It's a tiny portion of disgruntled ones who, usually years or decades after the fact, complain about it.
I miss the fox weinstein pasta
nigger mentality. Blame their current outcome on events that happens years ago. Any normal psychiatrist would recognize this lunacy immediately, but the fake cackling talk show hosts think these are legit feelings and have substance, and enable it more.
He didn't even smell her!
Pure goonfuel.
I would've told her I want to lick her asshole everyday and jerk myself off and I'd give her a six figure a year salary
You are mentally ill
Exactly. Also women's treasonous manipulation. Have you seen the face of the creature who started Metoo? Who'd ever sexually harass that?
When you can leave the situation it's not harassment. You can just go away.
>implying she can just leave
You know they lock the doors as soon as they walk in and can't leave until the Jew has his was with her, right?
Yep. Women have a choice. No one is forcing them to do anything. They can just leave, find a new career, make it on their own, like everyone else. Or suck cock like every wagie has to do daily just to get crumbs but instead wind up with riches and fame.
why? There's a waiting room full of talentless skanks ready to enter and go through with it?
Was there a loaded gun pointed at her head?
It isn't when a Chad does it.
Oh a locked door, truly an unsurmountable obstacle
You'd get it if you offered her a 5% raise or some other tiny perk
is this movie worth watching?
Let's see you go back through one of these when you enter their office.
I mean if a 1/10 girl starting flirting with you I'm sure you'd have the same reaction
ok? the point is to make them go full rape. Not submit. Never submit. No one ever accused Harv of forcible rape.
why is she flashing him..?
being disgusted is not the same as crying rape
Because women are whores.
women don't usually cry rape when someone ugly flirts with them dude
How do I flirt with the petite ginger girl at my dogshit factory job. She works the shift after me with her mom. I'm a 4.5/10 face 5 foot 11 manlet 28 year old kissless virgin. I've talked to her 3x now, once when she needed me to show her how to do something so I stayed a half hour late to help her, and made eye contact with her a few times. She smiled and said thanks when I was done. The next day I saw her at the time clock so I asked her how the program I wrote for her worked and she said it did thanks, she usually wears baggy clothes but she was wearing hot clothes that day. I also helped her the third day and said hi to her while fixing something for her. Idk if I can find an excuse to go near her today..idk what to say. I don't think she has a boyfriend but her social media is basically blank. She has no insta and her Facebook is basicslly blank. I thought about adding the only guy who might be dating her there at least, with an alt account to see if there are pics of them, but I already added his insta with my alt containing pics of a guy I doxxed from a video game 5 years ago and he hasn't posted on it in years (it was private though so he had to accept my request).
Pic related although she is paler and not as pretty. But I still really want to date her. And I don't care about my fucking job so I don't care if I get fired.
Next 2 times you see her say hi, ask "How's it going?" and make small talk. If she gives you anything more than the most polite "Hi" and walk-away, then she doesn't think you're a creep (even though you are).
The 3rd time, say, "Hi , how are you?" When she replies, ask "Hey, would to get a cup of coffee with me sometime?"
That's it. Don't make it any more complicated. This is a normal human interaction, this is how normies ask people out, it's the best way.
Please dont stalk her or your other coworkers online.
It sounds like you took some of my advice. You're in a good spot now. Stop with the social media stalking, it's not productive for your confidence. With that out of the way, if you're seeing her again later today, just ask her if she's doing any traveling for Easter weekend. If she says yes, just end the convo pleasantly there (unless something else comes up) by asking her to let you know how it goes next week, and then initiate the convo if she doesn't. If she says she's not traveling, you can say something like oh me neither, I'm just having some nice family time on Sunday. Then ask if she'd like to have some dinner later. If she's not busy and she says no, nothing you would've done would've really mattered and it's on her and whatever happens to be going on in her mind/life. If she says yes, have a restaurant in mind with a park nearby and get her number. At the start of the date, greet her with a hug and a smile. During the dinner, keep the conversation mostly about her if possible, but don't instantly deflect any questions she has. Give a response before trying to turn it back on her. Have your modus operandi be "nothing but a good time", do not let any of her negativity (if she has any) get you down. Do not take any negativity personally. Do this for a while, enjoy your food, smile, and be humorous if you can. After dinner starts winding down, ask her to walk around some, and take her to the park. Find a bench and say "let's sit and hang out for a moment" or something like that. Converse a little or not depending on the mood you read, then put your arm around her shoulder and give her a compliment about how she's pretty or beautiful or whatever, then just start slowly moving your face to her and kiss. Then make out. Do that for a bit as context indicates then you can walk back to your cars. Tell her you had a great time and you'd love to see her again. Then come back to Yea Forums and hope I see your post so I can tell you what to do next
also the dinner can be for Saturday night, not tonight on Friday, I don't know what shifts you guys have
>Please dont stalk her or your other coworkers online.
Why? I'm only doing it for intel gathering. If she has a boyfriend I'm not going to bother asking her out.
We don't have the same shift so it'd have to be a weekend.
I just said hi to her and talked for a moment about what she was doing then told her have a nice weekend. Maybe next time I will make more small talk. I am trying to hopefully get assigned to train her more as I already offered to stay late and do that. If I do then I'll have plenty of time to get to know her.
women are such weasels.
No rent for sex is rampant in many expensive cities where whore students let themselves get fucked for rent free apartments. I wouldn't be surprised if 10% of those "strong independent" women you meet nowadays all let themselves get fucked like whores for a free apartment.
if they would at least own it. Nope, they pretend they are angels and if a guy approaches them that they dont deem worthy they call him a creep and potentially ruin his life. Meanwhile they let 35yo apartment owners fuck them at age 19
like the other user's said, I'd drop the social media stalking. not good for you, I did it a fair bit when I was in school like 10 years ago. you don't need to spy on them, might turn into an obsession too.
I would not bother harassing someone this ugly
It sounds like you're going to end up taking too long. user, confront the fact you must make a move. This is part of why you are a 28 year khv. If you get assigned to her formally within your job that's going to make things more difficult, not less. You are in a critical zone right now where you must display romantic interest before it is too late and she starts thinking "oh he was just being nice to me and isn't interested in me in that way". No amount of additional information you learn will change anything. She is either interested in you right now or she isn't. Ask her out and don't drop your spaghetti and if the answer is no it was going to be a no regardless of what you did.
think of it this way
>be dude
>walk into office for job interview
>300lb obese 70 year old woman is the interviewer
>she asks you to unzip your pants and show her your bulge
Dude, my very special ex gf was a redhead. Petite, cute virgin, no smoking no swearing. Unfortunately I've ruined her when ghosted her. I was her first. She worshipped mr, made photos of me when i was sleeping for her "crush gallery"
Now she smokes, sweats, had a few more guys, on antidepressants...
My advice- just confidentiality talk to her, without awkward stupid questions, stop stalking her. She's just one bitch in the ocean.
Can somebody give me advice? I can't forgive her for not forgiving me. Basically I'm ten times better more fit, more experienced etc. Her current bf ( they're dating like two years i think ) looks like I looked when we were dating ( three years ago ) twink with long hair
I've had like 20 girls after but sometimes think about her and get salty
Should i fuck up their shit?
get /fit/. stop stalking. it is THAT easy!
I've said like ten sentence to her in total. I want her to be somewhat comfortable with me first. Then it will feel more natural and not fucking weird. I won't take too long.
"uhhh ok?" do it and then get back to the convo
Any hole is a goal.
Keep in mind you're the one who doesn't have experience. You're the one who doesn't actually know how it goes through lived experience. I am telling you that this is the time to go for it. You are projecting by saying she needs more time to get comfortable when it is YOU who is the one who needs more time to get comfortable before asking her out. You must get past this discomfort, be a man, and ask her out. At the end of the day, it really does come down to that.
Sure why not, I'm not ashamed of my bulge
>stalking on social media
Creeper behavior. As expected of Yea Forums incels
>describes self as manlet
literal retarded comparison
Noooo what are you doing, women are ALWAYS in the wrong and it is men who are actually OPPRESSED!
Of course it's sexual harassment. But if you allow yourself to be victimized, you get what you deserve. This idea that women don't have power IN THE WEST is fucking asinine. If a woman comes out with credible allegations, and proof, of sexual assault from a man that man is fucking screwed. Unless that man is the American Democratic party's only hope of beating Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election, then your rape allegations vanish in a puff of media lies.
ok but what's that got to do with our guy dicaprio?
>taking a woman's version of events at face value
>muh creep
???? Go back, fucking fags. He didn't do nothing wrong kek. He just looked at her profile on social media to see if she has a bf. Everyone I know does this.
Making fake accounts to info gather is over the line and unnecessary
>If she has a boyfriend I'm not going to bother asking her out.
Who gives a shit? Why go through the effort? Asking someone out is really not as big a deal as Yea Forums autists make it out to be. It's literally saying like 5 words, and if she says "No" then you move on. Have you never asked someone out before?
Did Willard Smith really get to tap that?
No, leave her alone
Why? She hurt me real bad, I'm kinda over this whole thing, but sometimes it itches my brain