>the simplest argument to refute a moral nihilist... is to become a moral nihilist
wow this is deep
The simplest argument to refute a moral nihilist... is to become a moral nihilist
That's a good point OP, as we all know, if you kill him you'll be just like him.
Nihilist here. A pig once pulled me over. I told him - shoot you coward, you would only be killing a man. I could tell my lack of fear rattled him. He gave me a ticket for speeding and let me go. I never paid it.
i dont get it. he would have given u a ticket regardless
>he doesn't have an argument so he has to chimp out like a nigger
Concession accepted, not that it means anything
literally yes, just like how the quickest way to get someone to stop simping for niggers is to have them live near niggers
what dont you understand here
Did he have a gun out? We don't even have the context here, seems like he thought you were a weird autist and just gave it to you so you'd fuck off
I think we all know the answer here
He was white. Cops only shoot black people.
Why are western cartoons so grotesque?
Not only westerns.
How do you feel about the mass marketing of your image, Che?
That's not what nihilism is. That's what retards think nihilism is. There is a massive difference in believing that something has no INHERENT value, and that it has no personal value. Your life has no inherent value to the universe. But it's pretty much everything to you personally.
This is the problem with midwits. They try to plumb depths they really can't fathom, and there mind just drowns.
Don't bother OP, Yea Forums are children qho don't know what nihilism is so they just shout "hahaha you're a redditor nihilism bad my show said so!" This place is so damn dumb
IT could happen. He had almost certainly started writing the ticket, and that's tracked now. You can't stop once you start. So this crazy fucking says that, and the cop has a choice--does he just issue the ticket and leave, or does he call the mental health authorities and start a huge batch of paperwork to get this guy help.
Like most cops, he says fuck it and gives him a ticket. And this guy will find out he owes on the ticket when he goes to get his license renewed.
Yeah. But I'd rather they shoot BLM types on sight. The country agrees that police violence is a problem that needs to be solved. They don't believe that the answer is to just never arrest black people and have black people everywhere ranting racial garbage like some kind of inverse /pol/.
I see this episode still makes nihilists seethe
At least with Dragon Ball they didn't ruin the character designs
black people already get arrested when they commit crime you retard, we literally have the highest imprisonment rate IN THE WORLD driven by how many black people we lock up
meanwhile cops can murder innocent white folk like Daniel Shaver and get a lifetime pension for the trauma and trial of gunning down an innocent blue collar working class father over absolutely nothing
>trying to act like nihilism isn't peak midwit
Ummm yikes
>nothing has inherent value because... It just doesn't
damn this really do be kinda hitting deep frfr ngl no cap
Not in dem-controlled cities they don't, you fucking liar. We all saw them loot and riot for months with no repercussions. As much as you leftypol faggots want to pretend you can, you can't just ignore that because nobody else will.
Nothing you propose will end police violence. It will just give blacks a pass. You've had years to propose ACTUAL solutions, and all you've done is increase the crime rate massively because you refuse to arrest blacks.
I dunno, the art is iffy 90% of the time
what kind of boring passionless loser do you have to be to not enjoy being alive?
There are many valid criticisms of nihilism. Yet you all keep taking refuge in invalid ones.
I'm not a nihilist. I just actually understand nihilism. If you want to disprove them, it's as easy as proving that it does have an inherent value. But failing to do that is the tantamount to proving them correct.
It's fucking retarded to act like the evolutionary instinct to fear and avoid death and bodily harm is the same thing as a philosophical belief in life's value or meaning
look up the actual statistics you poltard. Stop thinking you know what reality is because you saw a meme that tickled your brain. Go to your local jail and see just how many black people are there. When black people commit crime, they get locked up. That's what's supposed to happen. We can cry and moan about how poverty and so on led to that outcome, but at the end of the day when they commit crime, they go to jail and society forgets about them. When police murder, they get away with it. What I propose is that pigs stop being trigger happy retards even with white people. It's a simple ask. Other countries manage it. Our pigs don't because retards like you give them a pass to murder remorselessly, and when innocent white angels are shot down, you just sweep it under the rug to continue sucking off the pigs because you're afraid of sounding like a liberal and can't contemplate having nuanced politics.
99% of Nihilists are cowards LARPing as Nihilists
nihilism is discarding any sort of metaphysical, spiritual purpose. you can still find value in the purely material world. infact that's what most people these days do who aren't religious. now you can criticize the nature of the purpose how far that purpose would go but it's not akin to suicidal ideation.
Nothing you say will ever change the rioting. You had to actually arrest those people when it happened. Not doing so gutted support for you and made people like me not want to do anything about police violence because 1) you were showing us why you wanted to get rid of cops, so that you can rape pillage and burn and 2) showed us that police violence was just an excuse to flip out in an election year.
So now nothing will get done on the issue you claim to care about.
you are so sheltered from reality, it's enviable. One day though when you stop leeching off mommy and daddy you'll have to interact with the real world and you'll realize that most cops are meathead retards, regardless of the good they do with locking up endless black criminals. Never trust cops, ever, your white skin will not save you when they go full retard
Actually as a kleptocratic kakistocracist simply shooting the nihilist is well within my beliefs as long as I pick his pockets afterwards
Nobody cares what you think, you were dug into your racial beliefs long before those riots and just use them as a rationalization to avoid having to engage in actual critical thought. The world goes on without you.
>self-replicating multi-celluar organisms just happened to mutate from a single cell organism once and only once ever in the entire four billion year history of the Earth
>Earth just happened to avoid a celestial extinction event for this entire period
>your entire familial linage, all the way back to that single cell organism, just happened to survive to birth you including the hundreds of trillions of trillions of competing sperm for the entirety of sexual reproduction across all animals and species you supposedly evolved from
>the hydrogen-helium fusion epsilon just happens to be exactly 0.0007 allowing the formation of stars in the first place
>oh and the cosmological constant just happens to be 10^−122 right on the dot to allow spacetime to exist, that's 1 / 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 exactly btw, no deviation, that exact value
I can't even fathom how unbelievably dumb you have to be to be an atheist
Surely this means a kike desert cult is right about literally everything
"God" as conventional religion describes him does not exist. God is real though, and "he" is omnipresent, for he is all matter and energy in the universe. Both of us are part of god. Being a Christian is dumb though because the Bible makes specific claims as to the nature of God and those claims make him out to be an unreliable schizo not worth worshiping even if he is real. No one converts to Christianity as an adult for good reason, because it's such insane crap that you have to brainwash your child into believing. If your religion "just happens" to be the one you grew up with as a child, you are an easily led sheep. If you converted as an adult though then I think you're based and worthy of respect even if I think it's nonsense
surely god doesn't expect his creation to fully comprehend his totality. he shouldn't even expect us to somehow stumble upon the concept of god lest he shows us his presence every now and then. which proves that god doesn't care about his creation to acknowledge him.
>universe had a very slim chance of existing thus it had to be a timeless super duper advanced sentience outside of space and time which caused it
>*floyds you*
now what nigger
fallacious has you have no idea how many times this process has repeated without success. you just say "it's unlikely" but anything is certain given enough time
You're right, which is why I believe in the one true god, Allah, and that his messenger is Muhammad (peace be upon him)
Lol, kill yourself bro, nothing matters
>anything is certain given enough time
pure fallacy
>once and only once eve
It literally could only happen once at a time. Fuck off we're full.
flipping a coin 100 times and always getting heads is extremely unlikely. flipping a coin 10^100000 times and finding a run of 100 heads in there is basically a certainty
Hey! I saw you get blown the fuck out by evolutionarists the other day!
an infinite series of odd numbers never contains an even but is still infinite
there's nothing certain about randomness
you've failed basic mathematics, logic, reasoning and probability
close the tab
If you kill your enemies they win
Am i supposed to believe a cop pulled his gun on you for going too fast
>Be police officer
>Pull up some guy over speeding
>He immediately tells you to kill him
>Give him a speeding ticket instead
>He isn't a nigger after all
And then everybody clapped?
we're talking about a probabilistic process, retard. we're talking about odds. you say "the odds are low" but you cannot say how many trials the odds were subjected to, so the argument doesn't hold water.
kek good story.
lol Rick and Morty fans btfo forever
# # # # # # # # # #
Are you seriously telling me none of you faggots have ever seen that pasta before? The newfag saturation is truly insane
so there's a bench warrant out for you then?
> # # # # # # # # #
go back
>All these newfags falling for pasta
That doesn't even make sense. Thinking that nothing matters doesn't mean you don't care if you live.