God fucking damn it what a truth bomb
God fucking damn it what a truth bomb
Why did they make Boardwalk Empire, but without any redeeming qualities?
Science is the only good religion since it’s rooted in fact
>God is LE BAD
>Untested vaxx and mutilating genitals is LE GOOD
>God fucking damn it what a truth bomb
it must be pretty true judging by your seething lol
What seething? I'm an atheist, fuck g-d
good description of the show. BE had it’s issues but the shit makes it look like the sopranos.
this nigga fumin'
jews hate gentile social support
I hate pikeys.
Well you believe you're a woman, so what's the difference?
he never said this
maybe greg house did, but that's a different story
thats hilarious what americans think is "deep" thinking lmao
>Did someone just FOOKN mention God? OIM GONNA BLOO ME FOOKN 'ED OFF!!!!!
>ehh tommeh...that's a bit islamophobic of ya
chuck bomb
It's not foolish at all, people just want something to believe in. It's just extremely easy to take advantage of so that's where it gets a bad wrap.
woah... so this is the power of being the generic >do americans really poster
He made a career in America though
the show is made by americans ????
hey Moshe
Your self is not rooted in facts it's rooted in belief, intangible, imaginary concepts like morality. The religions operate in that sort of domain. It doesn't frame the universe it frames you and humanity. We barely know ourselves nowadays.
The greeks they couldn't peer into matter but they had themselves to explore and they deeply fucking did. Read nigga read, the wisdom of the ancients.
why is every single '"popular" br*t actor/comedian in america a gigantic egomaniacal faggot?
Atheists are losers
only kikes do the hyphen thing
This man proves himself an idiot. To ask why we are here is not a foolish question at all.
Why are you so angry at a non-existent being?
go back to your board
Religion is a foolish answer to a reasonable question.
*tips fedora*
Religion is necessary for society. Athiest societies always collapse. Atheists tend to have the autism on average which makes them unable to understand the social bonding religion creates. Atheists are basically mutated.
>Religion is necessary for society. Athiest societies always collapse
So you're admitting it's fake and it's only there for utility?
What's the question??
Here come the fedora tippers
The only good thing about BE was the incest milf
Q: Why are we here
A: God put us here to praise him, or something...
>existentialism is a foolish
Polniggers are extremely annoying
I hate lazy writing
>le epic atheist
Fuck off
user, we can debate the supernatural all the damn day but objectively on a memetic level its important and also religion is highly heritable in genetics. Athiests are largely a byproduct of the industrial revolution.
this show was pretty garbage after the second season. the part where his dead daughter "saves" him was more cringe than heartfelt.
I wonder if it's zoomers who are against religion so vehemently. It makes sense since they didn't have fathers.
This but unironically.
I am an atheist intellectual.
Religion is heritable in genetics? Its almost 100% culture and upbringing lmfao
Nigga there aint no christian gene lmfao baka
People who hate Faith really don't know what it is and they don't even realize how much they practice it.
>oi m8 religin is a stoopid ahnsa innit the real ahnsa is murder and organized crime aye oim smart i is
>Religion is heritable in genetics? Its almost 100% culture and upbringing lmfao
>Nigga there aint no christian gene lmfao baka
I never said christian. The psychological traits that make up religion, such as a desire for community, a desire for a sense of meaning, a desire for order. Zealousness and high in group preference are largely inheritable. People with those traits are more likely to be religious.
Depending on your definition of an atheist society, Japan could be considered one and they are fine. They got their superstitions but haven't been a very faithful society in a long time.
So how come mostly white people are atheist? Is it our genes?
You only need le faith if you are believing in something that is not real.
Hugh Laurie is a bong retard
Japan still has respect for its faiths traditions and the memes the faith made, they also are highly homogenous and high iq. The problem is japan IS becoming more corrupt (/pol/ won't admit this, I agree with them on most things) because of capitalism and lack of births. And ameircan imperialism worsens it.
Demoralization, decadence from technology and capitalism. Reminder that not all religion is supernatural (communism and capitalism and sjw shit are all basically faiths) and people who have no tradtional religion will find another even if they don't see it as real religion
Why are so many bongs militant atheists? The guy who made PB also made another show where the whole message is "capitalism and religion BAD".
So what is your point exactly? First you told me atheists are that way because of their genes and now you told me its degeneracy but actually religion has been substituted by other beliefs
I know I’m a woman. There’s no faith involved.