>OH N-

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Other urls found in this thread:


>more jewish foolishness

The fact that it wasn't sudden but extremely protracted is kind of the point user. You might as well say OH N-- now since you'll die in a bunch of years anyway

Hey dude, look on the bright side

Why didn't he just get God or whatever to save him

Based Romans. Why do you guys worship a Jewish criminal charlatan? I get that he was trying to reform Judaism but as a white person what does that have to do with you?

Jesus wasn't a Jew. He was a white, aryan man that worshipped nature and the old gods of pagan Europe. Jews lied and retconned all of this, starting with that vile Jew Paul

If he didn't you wouldn't get to go to heaven, user. Want that nice of him? :)


Jesus wasn’t actually supposed to die on the cross. Him and his disciples were trying to do a resurrection magic trick which is really popular with the brainlets. Jesus had ingested tetrodotoxin to mimic death for a few days and come back to life later but Longinus stabbed him with the spear which mortally wounded him. Even though his lowered metabolism helped him stay alive long enough to still resurrect, once the tetrodotoxin wore off he succumbed to his wound. His disciples continued with the resurrection narrative tho, as was their original plan.

always look on the bright side of life

Blasphemy is the one thing you can't do without going to hell, OP. Have fun.

stop giving plot ideas to the writers of Now You See Me 3

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imagine living your life in constant fear and willingly giving money to the church to relieve those fears

Doubting the power of Christ's forgiveness is actually the only thing that will send you to hell

Why didn't Yahweh from The Passion of Christ (2014) just reveal himself to the crowd and to the jews to prove Jesus is his son?

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If only you really knew how far the puffer fish rabbit hole goes

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based Scripture-reader dabbing on dogma faggots

except atheists have way higher rates of mental illness and depression lol

Religious NPCs don't have the brainpower to feel advanced emotions
Just pay your stipends to the clergy and be a good goy

His axiom is literally a dogmatic cope.

quick post actual cinema while the capeshit atheists are distracted

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Holy shit I literally just finished watching this movie

Oh look it’s an incel with main character syndrome dehumanising everyone who thinks slightly different to him, what a shocker lmfao

thanks for taking time out of your whining about depression and cooming schedule to educate us little people on how to be happy

Dehumanizing people who don't strictly follow your particular dogma is what Abrahamic religion is based on though

>takes high ground while following a religion created by Jews
Well whatever floats your boat I suppose



Someone explain to me how this strange desert religion managed to take over most of Europe.

Was it just because some Roman emperors converted and so everyone went along with it?

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Why didn't God just forgive our sins without sacrificing himself/his son?
He's literally God, he can do whatever the fuck he wants, human logic doesn't apply to him. Why not just be like "alright, mankind's sins are forgiven *snap*" without making his son get tortured and crucified

They’re illusions Michael.

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Fuck off weeb

and there’s the incoherent strawmanning pulled out of thin air and not based on literally anything i’ve said. I wonder what we will get next

It was enforced by the governments in a top-down manner before the high IQ whites could actually read, that's basically it.

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>Christianity becomes a thing
>everyone becomes violent and a peaceful empire disintegrates
Christians were LITERALLY the niggers of the ancient world

It was the BLM of its time. Which tells you a lot about the future of BLM.

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It was the religion of the common man, imperial cults and sun worshipping will never have the same appeal as eternal paradise if you are pious and ask forgiveness versus eternal damnation if you don't
not to mention Christianity was hot on the whole evangelism thing like no other religion

Because something something free will, something something mysterious ways. Apparently the only way an all-powerful being can save humanity from a sin they were tricked into committing because they didn't fucking know any better is an elaborate scheme to incarnate himself to act as a blood sacrifice to himself to create a loophole in his own rules.

>that image

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The more you suffer, the more it shows you really care, right?

>Jesus wasn't a Jew.
so did you just skip Matthew 1 where it lays out his whole genealogy?? from judah to jesus, its all there


They're probably those weird puritans that became DNC controlled churches, the United Church of Christ.

The guy you’re replying to is an anglogermcuck retard but Jesus was only half jewish, the other half was Palestinian-Thracian because his real dad was Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera, a roman soldier.

fucking kikes

talmudic lies

Based romans removing subversive kikes. Too bad aurelian didnt live longer

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I like the good friday because mum makes her fish din din and it is delish
seeth more jews, protestants, atheists etc

Easter is next week bro

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Based mom.

this picture keke

Doesn't it count Joseph, even though he wasn't Jesus' biological father, though?

>rabbi jeshua was roman rapebaby with jewish cuckold father
Makes sense when you think about how christianity turned out

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Jesus was Jewish from his mother’s side


Just as keikaku

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>brooo my semitic desert cult totally isn't judaism 2.0 bro
yawn, abrahamic religion is for genuine brainlets and larpers

based roman chads

Jesus is still Jewish. Judaism is matrilineal.

even still, jesus' father was most likely still a jew.

>Judaism is matrilineal.
not back in bible times

No he was a Roman. Mary was a cheating whore: