Race of alien hunters with a code of honor

>Race of alien hunters with a code of honor
>Uses technology far exceeding it's prey, and has a ridiculous advantage by said prey being completely ignorant of the Predator's existence and capabilities
Should the Predator series just die out or do you have any new ideas to revitalize the series after the last shitshow of a movie?

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They should just make the pirate movie

Just give me a 1715 predator film.

Why haven't they made a Predator movie set in the middle east? Or make the Roswell crash Predator related?

You've never been hunting have you?

Did they make a Predator vs Viking movie or was that a fan film?

predator in the hood

My favorite scene from the new movie is the one where the yakuza fights the predator with a katana

it's not gladiators where you call out an opponent and then meet in a stadium. you use stealth when hunting so the prey doesnt flee. but i dont imagine city slickers like you to

I have actually, and you seem to be missing the point. When a man goes deer hunting, the goal and enjoyment is hunting a creature that can elude you. That's not why Predators hunt. Predators find sport in prey that can hunt them back, the risk of getting killed themselves. That's why they target highly violent regions or men of capable skill. However this point is rendered moot when you realize that Predators are big fucking cheaters and undermine their code of honor
That's Predator 2, user

See .

I think eluding them is an option and I know plenty of people hunt with all kinds of fancy technology that makes it fun for them in their own way but also plenty of people that stick to bows and really good camo. I think the predator difference is they're such badasses they don't bother with prey animals like deer and only hunt at least presumably dangerous game.

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But Predators want a sense of danger, the threat that the prey can kill them, and even choose targets with a sporting chance that are well armed. Plus their code implies a warrior mantra, a sense of fairness and respect. All of that is lost when they just snipe some unprepared asshole from a tree with a damn plasma caster

It would have added quite a lot if they some had the convey some kind of disappointment after those kills.

I like the idea of a Predator going to hunt an Alien as a rite of passage, just as the intro, implying that there is much more dangerous shit in the universe to hunt.
Maybe something a la Samurai Jack, very silent, but alas, is easy to just throw words in the air, you would need to have a creature on par or better than the famous Alien.

The Predators are on the hunt but notice the warriors they targeted are dead. They discover a powerful species has invaded and has been committing genocide on the planet. They save a small village and wipe out a battalion but reinforcements are coming. The Preds decide to join the resistance and help fight against the aggressors using stealth and guerrilla tactics since they are outnumbered and outgunned.

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Maybe its an alien and it's concept of hunting for sport isn't 100% identical to human's concept of hunting for sport?

Lol sounds like hunting to me.

Predator vs Knights + a Saracen was a fan film I think.

More like child predator

That samurai honor bullshit gets really overblown in comics and AvP. Predators just wanna have fun hunting folks and taking trophies.

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In Predator 1 it was obvious that the Predator was only in it for fun. They only came up with the code of honor bs in Predator 2. Where's the honor of nuking yourself, the guy that beat you, and the entire region when you get beat?

>I like the idea of a Predator going to hunt an Alien as a rite of passage
That's the plot of Alien vs Predator.

Predator 2 it seemed pretty balanced about the honor and trophy hunting. King Willie faced approaching death with a cane sword and didn't run away, hence why the Predator chose to keep his skull. He was an opponent who conducted himself honorably to the end, and the Predator obviously respected that.

AvP is underrated. I said it.

I think the nuking is a response to that particular prey species becoming aware of the predator/technology and preparing accordingly for the next visit.

I like how they don't make a big deal about rewarding Harrigan when he beats one of their own. They just toss him a pistol and start up the ship to leave without much fanfare. If he didn't make it out in time he would have been splattered against a wall when they took off.

Humans turn the tables and become insanely powerful. They engineer stars and black holes and build new galaxies out of nothing. The predator and engineers are relegated to minority status and given token positions. The conflict is changing the past to meet the needs for the current invincible present. Cosmic size monsters, the size of solar systems and galaxies, are hunted and killed.

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I feel like Predator 1 establishes the code of honor with the Billy scene that leads on to the scene where the Predator makes a trophy of him.

That was more of a man to man kind of thing. It didn't imply some kind of strict code, more like "damn this nigga wants to 1v1 me".

the code is more like hunting regulation
he probably meant human viewed as alien prey to them not xenomorphs

I liked AVP but I thought AVP Requiem (besides the darkness) was better. The Alien head shield and tail spear didn't throw you off?

Requiem was far too biased towards the Predator. It turned the Aliens into jobbers. Also, it felt like a Friday the 13th movie with its setting and characters.

The alien tail spear and head shield were concepts stolen from an Alien vs Predator novel, which in turn took its inspiration from the Alien homicide scene in Resurrection with the aliens spearing another alien with their tail-ends. Of all the things wrong with AvP, that set of weapons is rooted in past installments, much more than 'predators were ancient alien gods'.

Also it will not kill the unarmed
Dutch realizes this and beats a gun out of a mexicans hand

requiem was shit. whole time i thought i was watching a chick flick

And in the first two movies it loses to random tuff guys.

Just to let the denizens of Yea Forums know, this movie is based on a true story, but instead of an alien, it was a group of intelligent, giant, sadistic hominids with antediluvian technology.
The cloaking, the energy weaponry, the trophies - all real details, though of course many were left out.
Your leaders are selling the horrific truth back to you in the form of entertainment, so that they can further their agendas and solidify their control over you.

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it is based on the story of beowolf and a grendel and grendel was the last of the nephilim so you are sort of correct

We won a race war against neanderthals before.

Man they sure have a huge advantage all being millions of lightyears away from their home planet, alone on a foreign planet without any backup or additional resources, against an intelligent species with weapons that can kill you instantly if they hit you at all

My personal Predator story would be set on the eastern front - think Stalingrad - with a bunch of russians and germans having to team up against the Predator.

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>do you have any new ideas to revitalize
A depressing family drama set mostly on the hunter homeworld. The lead is a divorced salaryman with a big hunting trip planned to reconnect with his son. The son refuses to go because he says hunting is lame and for old losers and the father goes alone and kills himself.

you can't have rus or german as a hero but it is a good idea
perhaps a mixture of mexican, trans and a brave jewish man are lost in stalingrad and have to fight off evil rus and german and just when you are thinking it can not get any worse a predator comes down but he also hates putin and hitler so he kills the rus and nazis and helps a diverse band of hero heroine and non binary to safety
if disney and a sony jap jew is here you can have this for free

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it doesnt need new ideas and revitalizing. just keep making predator 1 or 2 in different time periods

>Humans turn the tables and become insanely powerful. They engineer stars and black holes and build new galaxies out of nothing. The predator and engineers are relegated to minority status and given token positions

This is disturbingly similar to how the wh*toids usurped the Black Man's civilization and turned it towards evil. No wonder Engineers hate Wh*toids as much as us.

Predator except the alien is a big booby musclegirl in fishnet bodystocking and she captures the soldiers (who are all skinny hairless twinks) to add to her sex slave harem and rapes their human cocks amazon style

I call it Sexual Predator

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lol imagine if what you described actually happened to me tonight alien abduction style that would be amazing j/k haha

But they do have a significant advantage? They have technology that keeps them completely invisible both visually and in flight, have methods to conceal their existence entire/destroy evidence, have energy weapons that make our rifles look like peashooters, and contain blades using foreign metals that far exceed things native to our planet. That's not even covering their ways of surveillance either.

Predators, the film with the preserve planet, at least had a great setting and clued in the victims on what was going on.

I know right!?!. It was a stretch before - but after the invasion of Ukraine I will probably have a higher chance of being struck by lightning than this happening.

I still think it would be a real cool setting for a predator movie tho...

Far future Earth, predator dropship crashes in the wrong area and the hunter is trapped, future humans have weapons that vastly outmatch what's left of his arsenal, it's a reverse chase where he's simply trying to escape and survive until the replacement ship arrives for pickup and becomes the de facto protagonist

Many years ago I thought of a Predator set in 90s Sarajevo but yeah, Stalingrad would be much better because it has a long series of melee battles that can be focused on.


>Roswell crash Predator
This is actually genius.

do you think I'm joking?
I am 100% serious

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I think it's more like hunting the most dangerous game ie hunting man. you're still the hunter but they can turn the tables on you so it's not like hunting deer. The predator makes the hunt sporting but he is not trying to make it equal.

I would watch the shit out of this but you know it would bomb

I'll go into more depth since you like it
>Roswell crash was a Predator ship, compromised either by Earth military interference or a rival Predator tribe/alien race
>Story is about a Predator fighting his way through Area 51, killing to get to his ship, and erase all evidence that he's been there.
>Cast can include a diner waitress, general, various colorful background of the late 40s

This guy gets it. Nobody is going to hunt a deer or lion without tool and traps because there is a good chance you are going to waste your day running (deer) or get fucked up (lion).
Every single type of hunt involves tools of some kind and it is the same for a predator.

I think it's pretty well established that they do go through all sorts of hunts to even earn the right to wear all that cool gear. So at that point they've earned the right to shoot some retards with a blaster.

If you want to get technical, the director of the first movie did not create the honor bullshit. That was a byproduct of Predator 2 and the following comics. Originally the Predator hunts for sport but he’s an asshole. The Predator in the first movie just wanted to go one on one with Arnold because it personally viewed him as worthy and wanted a challenge without it’s armor and gadgets. When it realizes it is defeated, it mimics a human laugh and sets a self destruct sequence as a final “fuck you.”

There is literally no other reason to self detonate like that and all subsequent Predator media passes it off as destroying evidence if it dies but in my opinion a giant hole appearing somewhere is just as much of a red flag.

>The predator makes the hunt sporting but he is not trying to make it equal.
Then why bother with the warrior code stuff at all? I'd be totally okay with everything if that wasn't a plot point of the series.

what warrior code stuff? avp?

Last I checked deer don't have rifles and optics.

why does a duck hunter not just throw 8 sticks of dynamite at the ducks first thing in the morning when they are on the water
come on now

Not me, I thought it was a pretty natural conclusion as far as using items goes. And the pred was actually there to make those weapons, which made sense since they'd been hunting one another for eons at this point. He even explained the utility to Lex. Honestly, kid me was too excited at the prospect of seeing humans and preds working together on the big screen to care about what SHOULD be.

In my mind it never went hand to hand with Billy because it didn’t view him as worthy as Dutch so it blows through him

They use their advanced technology during the start of a hunt to avoid human detection because humans outnumber them greatly and still pose a huge threat with only small arms, so they use the invisible cloaks and shoulder cannons to even the playing field.

Destroying their tech so that it doesn't get taken by the victor.

Predator 2 and the comics as others have said. Predators show respect to humans that show great bravery and skill in combat, which is usually illustrated by killing one of their own. The pirate from the comics won over a Predator simply by killing his mutineer crew.
You're missing the point

It's great. Shit human characters but it doesnt really matter because I'm there for the Aliens and Predators. And the action scenes are kino.
Not sure how anyone can like Requiem. It's basically a movie about annoying as fuck teenagers with sprinkles of awesome actions scenes.

well obivously that is all retcons from incompetent writers

>middle east
Why there specifically?

Not really. He’s just connecting major alien franchise to famous ufo incident. Hardly a genius level of thinking there

The self destruct is to prevent capture of the predator and his hardware, not to erase all evidence of anything happening at all.
Same reason the military will bomb it's own crashlanded aircraft if they are at risk of capture.

>Why there specifically?
Unique desert location we haven't seen before, a dangerous landscape with harsh conditions, a section of the world frequently in combat, opportunity to have characters of various backgrounds. It writes itself

>If you want to get technical, the director of the first movie did not create the honor bullshit.
Death of the author. The Predator consistently behaves to a set of rules in the first movie that contradict it being a mindless killer and acting to a higher code.

predator v ethan hunt

AvP sucks and is an abomination.
The only thing worse is The Predator.

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you just described dangerous game hunting. its not any different than hunting a lion or tiger (im guessing anyway, ive not done either). but the fundamental issues you presented are the same
>hunter has huge technological advantage over prey
>hunter is bound by legal and/or moral obligations
>prey doesnt know theyre being hunted until theyre attacked
>chance of death by prey
>prey is killed and trophies taken

The new predator is literally about to be BTFO by a Native American with a bow and arrows.

AGAIN, the difference is that a lion hunter doesn't have a warrior code of honor when hunting a fucking lion. That's the problem with this series

I think you missed the point that the predators aren’t honourable or noble in any way, they’re sadistic and they take pleasure from killing.

It's almost as if predators are not humans

What the fuck does that have to do with anything? I'm using their own goddamn logic which doesn't match their actions. Are you a slow reader?