Still For Me Edition
Still For Me Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>Rey. Rey Picard.
>Neelix : I don't suppose you've ever heard of the Vulcan Rumarie?
>Tuvok : The Rumarie is an ancient pagan festival.
Why did Tuvok use the word "pagan"? Are there Christian Vulcans?
I fucking hate Star Trek.
Whatever cosmetic surgery she got inbetween season, it's bad. She was cuter before.
Picard is so fucking bad, like punching myself in the balls bad.
Dirty slut
My husbando Riker just got sucked into a pit of shit but I guess he survived.
But WOW! What a shocking turn of events! Nobody in TOS ever got killed off like this. Well, Bones did but he got returned to life by the end of the episode. Scotty too. Tasha was kind of cringe anyway so I don’t really care.
I don't even watch it, I get the jist from webms posted
Frakes got the fucking cake fr fr :weary:
You forgot to capitalize the p in previous you fucking retard
ECH for president
why don't you go suck the cock that just fucked your ass you fucking faggot
>and have a nice dqay, please enjoy /trek/
I don't think I ever do.
>nutrek spam hours
It's just even more makeup user.
Reminder, five days remain until the dubsminion returns and eradicates all troon life in /trek/
what happens in five days?
>It's spam if I don't like it!
Geezer detected.
No one knows user, but digits prophesized it.
Checked. I'm looking forward to it.
Many anons in /trek/ have psychic abilities.
It's been an open secret for awhile.
It's all stacking up from the original prophecy user, you can't deny digits like these.
>coming crisis
>a few months before peak COVID
what. the. fuck.
>Reminder, five days remain until the dubsminion returns and earns another ban for getposting in /trek/
star trek
Everyone sees how well bans work with the three or four the troon crew got this week.
>this graphic is two years old
jesus how did that happen
You want to know what's even more weird.
The black panther was in the last episode of picard.
Something is about to shift in the timeline.
>replying to me with nutrek shit
fuck off, retard
In Trek related news, sorry Orville fans. Looks like the entire cast got fired -- oops! -- "released from their contracts" last August. So, no S04 for you.
judging by your post probably thought you were gay and responded in kind
> Stop talking about Star Trek in a Star Trek general!
had not added that one to the filter yet. thanks for posting
In Trek related news, looks like -- oops -- my colon fell out again, haha. Too many black cock gangbangs.
I want to grab the short one by the pussy.
Not deterred.
>3 years since largely-disappointing S2.
...and nothing of value was lost since I moved-on a long time ago.
DISbros, we can't stop winning!
It wasn't the same after she left.
I wouldn't mind Seth taking over Kurtzman's job though.
This. Not worth watching a Orville without Alara
tfw postin hapi neex =^_^=
It feels like they over-thought it and tried to cast a roastie to not upstage Halston Sage with a replacement (possibly hoping she'd return) but they ended up bumming the fans out with an unlikable replacement. There is apparently a QT 3.14 joining the cast for S3 but too little too late.
neex is finally hapi
You don't know what you're talking about.
Nothing says romance like getting your indentured servants husband killed then moving in for that romulan puss.
You're god damned right about that.
Dubsminion dude is a nice guy, I never report him. He never spams 100 posts in a thread, unlike some of the discord tranny crew.
Pic is Iggy Pop as the coffee zombie in "The Dead Don't Die". Yea Forums related.
It's weird because she looked authentic Irish Romulan Cougar Elf Detective cute in the first episode but then as soon as she became The Watcher or whatever she turned bogged. It makes me think it's the makeup or cinematography.
I'd be willing to give her the Dundee Test.
Not the real dubsminion, but prophesized his return.
Only five more days to see if the prophecy is true and /trek/ is saved.
She doesn't emote as the watcher.
Kringan pusi :3
It's spam because nobody believe you like the show. You're just trolling and it's obvious to everyone, which is why most people have taken to ignoring you.
It's very telling that nuTrek has no legitimate fans discussing it, just trolls trying to provoke people.
It was actually kind of sad to see that Picard had spent his entire adult life hating his father over childhood misunderstanding. Think of how many times his father tried to clear it up, only to have Picard dismiss it because he assumed his a half-memory from his youth was telling him the whole story and this horribly abusive man was just gaslighting him.
They kind of ironically made the plot my life story. My mother is a crazy mean bitch and my father was abusive.
Only Instead of being a success and saving the galaxy I argue about star trek with a combination of troons, autistic racists, and genera faggots.
So you came out closer to HP Lovecraft (who had a similar set of parents as yours) than Picard.
She's one of the only reasons I'm giving S2 a chance (although I did think the last two episodes of S1 redeemed it somewhat).
Her, Colm Meaney and Whoopi Goldberg were main characters in a much beloved childhood kino of mine, The Magical Legend of the Leprechauns from Hallmark Entertainment. It's great.
I didn't name my dog nigger.
She has a Hallmark romance movie about leprichauns with Randy Quaid?
Ngl that's pretty awesome.
Neither did he. Niggerman was his childhood cat. It wasn't a super-uncommon name for a black cat. He only named the cat in the story after it.