snyder used white male rage to become a successful director in hollywood
in reality he votes democrat. not surprising.
This movie unironically triggers Iranians and other middle easterners who look back on the Persian Empire like the Roman Empire. It makes them seethe uncontrollably.
And for that reason, im in
Why are white people so good at killing brown people?
Thats like asking a magician to show his trick. It looks really impressive, but once you realize brown people are just retards who cant fight, it takes a bit away from the wow factor.
thats not that fair considering we dominated the entire world three times over: by conquests alone we are the best warriors in the whole world - and im not talking about americunts
No it doesn't?
Im not saying whites were not amazing warriors. Im just saying browns were really, really bad.
Lmao cope
european = white
fuck off kike
Oh yea i forgot everyone from history was actually black. Go tell your professor Jamal that his lessons are connecting with you hah.
Anglogermcucks will never be European, Hansdeep Nigelwong. Reminder that anglogermcucks are closer to the Persians than the Greeks.
>european = white
>t. the next day goes on /pol/ to say italians aren't white and whites need "muh aryan genes"
lol cope
>has to dig up an article from 2007 that makes the claim without any real proof
post something from the last ten years
>immediately thinks of niggers which has nothing to do with topic
lmao amerisharts are so pathetic
Greeks aren't white
Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the Complexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind.
>movie came out in 2007
>complains about me pulling an article from 2007
>thinks he trumped me with that one
>thinks people still are not crying over this movie
>thinks proving him wrong took more than a 5 second google search
You can leave now user.
>Proof isn't proof!
Lol back to twitter you sand nigger loving tourist.
doesnt matter you lost lol
at least he provided some info
We spent at least two thousand years slaughtering each other, sometimes most horrifically
Spartans were bisexual and used to suck each other off before battle
sure bud. ((((historians))))
Greeks aren't white
It's the same to this day lol, this is what the entire online right wing bodybuilder culture is all about
We waz kangz etc etc
I love my bros
Because Athens was super straight?
lol how much does Alexander make them seethe?
We need a movie about the battle of Marathon next, or the sack of Sardis
If it was "white supremacy" then Leonidas and his band of 300 Spartans would have stopped the brown people at the Hot Gates.
Speaking of we wuzzing
White people are unironically great at war possibly the best that ever existed when you consider the absolute scale of war in Europe at any given time compared to other areas on Earth. And also consider the rapid technological advancements made due to war. Chinks liked gunpowder for fireworks and we took that shit and figured out a way to use it to kill other motherfuckers
>thinking every white person is as white as Wesley Snipes is black
>living in the desert doesn't produce tans
>actually, tans dont exist. You are either paper white or a nigger.
>took a literal Jew in the Spartan ranks for 20000 men to beat a few thousand Greeks in a pass
Yes it was supremacy
but they lost
is this one of those trump things where people pretend trump won
Anglogermcucks will never be European lmao
nope, meds are as european as irish or norse fuck off kike
i watched 300 recently and it was sooooooooooooo shit
Lmao nice try genghismutt
>browns were really, really bad.
cope americunt, you have no identity but an economical one, faggot
Anglogermcucks will always be Asian no matter what continent they migrate to :)
Trump has won spiritually, he won the hearts and minds of the american people. The actual election result on paper doesn't matter in the long run when people know inside what is the truth and justice
"white" is a meme phrase that only mutts use because the vast majority are mixed so they have to compete about whoever is slightly lighter in tone
>mad about a movie from 2006 based on a comic from 1998
They border turkey
when did u realise that the spartans litterly just marched to their death and died without any fight whatsoever they were just brutally murderd but it was the kings 4dchess move to make greece go to war as a single nation by haveing a prominent poet re-gauile a heart-=wrenching tale of herculean preportions to the masses forceing inspired sacrifice such as that of the king
what sort of cope is this?
>h-he actually won bro trust me
Anatolians are Greeks but you are right in criticizing the use of the cope term white
The movie starts and ends around a campfire. Why does that framing device filter so many people? It's just like people who thought they were so clever spoiling Titanic when the movie literally begins with the discovery of the sunken wreckage.
when did u realise sparta was a false flag kek
yeah and apparently blacks can be "french" or "german"
this is what americans are taught at schools
>give me proof iranians are still mad at 300 after 2007
>posts CBR (comicbookresources) headline which is average amerishart bitching about political correctness
>Muh meds yet still does med vs nord
>literally britishers called irish people iberian and negroid
the delusions lol dilate further
>Frank Miller making a point
>thinking it's supposed to be a 1:1 of reality
You're an incredibly stupid cunt.
Thats two articles, both directly counteracting your replies, so now you are reduced to attacking the articles reputation. You know what would really work better than retarded coping? Maybe throwing some of your own proof back? Oh you dont got any? Keep coping homie hah
The article is the proof you demanded.
You still sperg.
Everyone is laughing at you.
You dig your heels in even further.
>>Frank Miller making a point
Which is?
>>thinking it's supposed to be a 1:1 of reality
Lmao wat? Speak sense you stupid nigger lmao.
I'm not even him you rentfree dilating retard.
You failed to show a single proof of iranians still mad at 300 and now have resorted to moving goalposts while keep being a delusional retard that you're right.
You're such a pathetic newfag that the literal proof is a few boards away and yet you moved goalposts like the retard you are holyshit lmao.
>Proof that Iranians are still mad
>Amerishart on CBR mad at political incorrectness is the same thing
You newfag subhuman niggerfaggot, you could bring the proof from the next board but you're too new to even do that. Keep dilating you cocksocking motherfucker lmao.
Holy fucking kek.
You got your ass blasted so hard you've gone into full meltdown.
Please continue.
>still no proof
hello nigger, keep coping. Wayyy to out yourself as a newfag refugee.
pro tip: the proof is in a board that starts with /h
>>>Frank Miller making a point
>Which is?
Can't read subtext.
>>>thinking it's supposed to be a 1:1 of reality
>Lmao wat? Speak sense you stupid nigger lmao.
Can't read text.
Funny that an illiterate ape like you is calling others nigger.
>still no proof
buck status: broken
>refusing to explaining your delusions
>noooo you're not reading
illiterate nigger subhuman kek
Lmao the amount of cope in your post is astronomical. I think trump is a bona fide looney bird
t. Tennessean
I am not one of the 2 fags you're arguing with.
But holy fuck you are retarded lmao
He gave you proof and you still sperg like a fucking retard.
Enbarassing yourself like that in an Indian forum.
Holy kek
Stop replying bro, you have proven enough how fucking retarded you are
I win.
>no proof
>b-b-but it's proof you're wrong
keep coping nigger lmao
P.S. still waiting for proof that Iranians are still mad
white people are good at killing other white people. with other races its not even a challenge really