>ayoo.. that shit... it's toasted, fr
Ayoo.. that shit... it's toasted, fr
Jaguar… Something dank af you can truly own fr
zoomers are by far the worst generation of all time
how does it feel to be old?
yes yes, now go back to bed grandpa
Nah Gen X and boomers are still more retarded. Millenials just broke the trend by being incredibly redpilled and based on anti-corporatism and anti-war so zoomers going back down to normal intelligence trends just seems jarring
How we get Heinz ketchup to be straight bussin?
It feels much better than being young. Who do you think is stealing all your prime girls?
Twitter meme. It's over.
men getting younger girls don't cry about zoomers, they just bang them and make them cry
fuck you for this assault.
That was a great thread yesterday
Not really, they are just a product of a shitty environment.
t. 39 yr old boomer
Indeed it was.
Let me get this straight,
>Yea Forums makes the meme
>it doesn’t get spammed and it doesn’t really catch on.
>Twitter account tweets it
>now popular with those faggots
>Yea Forums now spams the shit out of the meme
I don’t care if Yea Forums created it, Twitter gave it the seal of approval, and that’s why you fags are now loving this meme
Take your meds and dilate NOW
the people who actually create the OC sometimes only want to keep doing it if they know it will be appreciated
what a surprise
They represent the full transition of whites into niggers. From this point blacks will become more educated by getting into universities and high paying jobs through quotas, while whites continue down the path of ebonics and soundcloud rap. In the next few generation the former roles will have been reversed
you're so dumb its not even funny fr fr
It was an all-timer
shout out to the twitter normies for telling us what’s funny, and what’s not
so they're retarded communists and you think this is a good thing?
what is going on here?
this meme is fucking retarded
but i love it
Lol millennials are desperate for war with Russia and simp for Pfizer and Moderna. They're not redpilled at all
some redit guy made a thread saying twitter made a meme and Yea Forums just copies them
guy in the thread who actually made the meme posted proof that Yea Forums made the meme and he made the OC
seethe more
>Yea Forumstard sees his OC posted on twitter w a gorillion likes
>chuds here don’t believe him
>he posts pic related as proof
There’s 2 sets of millenials. The ones from 1981-1989, and the ones from 1990-1996. The 80’s ones are mainly the simps. The 90’s ones mainly arent
t. Insecure user who Needs normie validation
This is your brain on /pol/
how about you stop being such a faggot and stop caring about what happens on other sites
Mad Them
>meme not funny until twitter find funny
Anyone born after 1995 should be killed.
you're retarded as fuck
The previous generation always hates the current generation. Its a story as old as time. Zoomers are no worse than the previous Gen of kids.
First time I ever saw any accuracy on this site.
anyone got an archive link i missed it
Just search for OP's image in the archive
Zoomers come out of a factory.
i tolerated bane and sneed, but not this.
You can and you will.
You’re dumb. Millenials start at 89. It’s gen X before that. Also most people who got vaccinated are in the 30s crowd aka millenials. Not that it’s a bad thing since vaccinating is good and being a retarded freedumb trucker is embarassing
t. retard
t. seething zoomer
You have it completely backwards. The older millennials are obviously not going to fucking war moron. I was born in '88 which is literally the best year.
>no cap
just add a couple of mumblenigger words to anything and voilà its now an epic zoomer meme
bravo lol
every single generations claims they're the last good one and the younger one is worse than them
your time is over old man
can't find it
>The previous generation always hates the current generation.
>Zoomers are no worse than the previous Gen of kids.
Certainly not. Just because the complaint was or was not valid in the past doesn't mean it isn't valid now. There are genuine points where zoomers are objectively worse and fuck even their IQ is objectively lower than previous recent generations. They're inferior in many objective ways.