Recommend polish films

recommend polish films

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The Big Lebowski of course

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> The Saragossa Manuscript (1965)
> The Hourglass Sanatorium (1973)
> Pharaoh (1966)
> The Promised Land (1975)
> Ashes and Diamonds (1958)
> Dekalog (1989–1990) (A series of absolutely kino films; it's not a "series" in a traditional sense)
> Possession (1981) (It's by a prominent Polish director, I think it counts)
> On the Silver Globe (1988) (It was left unfinished due to budget but it's still kino)

I remember back in my youth I saw one, it was this polish struggling artist that turned himself into living body exibit by removing pieces of his organs until all that was left like a mannequin

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Sounds pretty kino.

avalon (2001)
it's polish, but written (ito who also wrote GITS) and directed by japs

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pic related is a pretty fun neon musical about flesh eating mermaids

forgot pic

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The OST is great. I went to great lengths to get it from a Japanese online store.

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Nic smiesznego
Dzien swira

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Do Polish documentaries count? This one legit made me cry.

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High-end modern patrician kino recs:
>Dekalog I, II, V, VIII, X
>Cześć Tereska

I agree, OP needs to feel proper suicidal.

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Fun things are fun.

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Nightcrawler ripoff, for better or worse

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Films of the Trylogia:
The Deluge (1974)
Colonel Wolodyowski (1969)
With Fire and Sword (1999) (if you want to see the most compressed story known to man, still fun)

second movie from that director - Fugue - is also kino.

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for something reacent i recommend pic related, unironical kino

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Nice try, troll.

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The classic.

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ty gang. i've actually owned both Dekalog and Saragossa for ages now but never really given them the time of day. will likely make a change to that real soon

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Ziemia Obiecana (The Promised Land) is often regarded as the best Polish film. Some popular Polish movies aren't well known in the West.

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15 years old full frontal. How did they get away with this?

It was a different time. I had it dubbed in russian on VHS and rewatched often, dreaming of being a badass alcoholic with a young lover.

Sexmission (1984)

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Top comfy.

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>nobody recommending this mindfuck so far

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All you care about is tits? You're on the wrong board.

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i am only a lurker

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She looks underage. You're under arrest.

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Just watch Russian and German films instead.

Low-quality bait.

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Based. You can watch it on YouTube

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The Hater on netflix is all kinds of entertaining. Shit goes 0 to 100 when the shooting starts.

One of my favs

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decent enough, corpus christi was much better though

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Not sure if western audience will get it desu, but it is great

What if OP is from Korea or India?

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It's got specific post-commie vibes, other Eastern Europeans would easily understand and relate, but people from outside of this circle don't get it.
Spoken that there's a lot of universal themes there too. The link I've posted is the MC saying
'Wait, I don't get to be young again? I won't be able to fix stupidities of the past? I thought I could cling onto the first love. What an absurd to decide about your life when you're young, when you're an idiot'

Just watch a early season of Świat według Kiepskich


I know, but watch some episodes instead of a film