Why does everyone make fun of superhero movies on here? These movies are good...

Why does everyone make fun of superhero movies on here? These movies are good, otherwise people wouldnt be watching them.

Maybe big fun action blockbusters aren't enjoyable for people with no friends? Literally everyone get's invited to them and talks about them, they are the perfect movie to take your kids to or to go on a date to as well. I literally refuse to believe someone enjoys posting on an anime message board for hours but thinks capeshit is a waste of time.

Attached: 1648642214846.jpg (540x810, 195.49K)

I like the raccoon, he's cute

Attached: rocket.webm (1920x800, 2.9M)

its about your brain is supposed to develop into that of an adults around the age of 14.
if it hasnt then you like capeshit and have a disability, no need to get mad.

As you said, the movies are fine as a cheap flick to put on for your kids or with a date or in the background while you're doing something else. They aren't, however, worth the cost of actually paying for them.

I only point out that the work is of quality. It is not a quality you find value in, in the same way you might scoff at a gourmet hamburger, but still, the effectiveness of its chosen craft is indisputable.
They have perfected the Summer Action Blockbuster, this is factual.

>grown men in brightly colored underwear throwing plastic weapons at each other
autism cannot be self diagnosed OP, go get a second opinion from a professional.

>big fun action blockbusters
That's kinda the issue though, they're really boring for 'big action spectacle'. They're ultimately action/comedy movies but there are only like 3 good jokes I remember over a decade of movies, the CGI always looks really cheap and the setting is really boring.
I'm not much of a weeb but I watched One Punch Man and some My Hero Academia recently and even as fairly generic superhero settings go, they're far more fun and interesting.

Compared to the blockbuster spectacle that we had with Avatar, or Pirates of the Caribbean, or even the first two Star Wars trilogies, they're really underwhelming

But here in lies where your argument falls flat. You claim that they lack quality, but Quality is the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind. Thus comparing the MCU to a movie like The Godfather, is foolishness, it must be compared to movies like Diehard and Fast n Furious, IE other Summer Blockbuster Action Movies.

endgame was pretty bad user

Superhero movies are the pinnacle of cinema

Because these movies make fun of themselves too. Note that we make fun of dumb trash ones only. I've never seen people making fun on let's say "Logan" but adults watching literally kids tier garbage like Avengers or Superman are totally fair to make fun of. Capeshit obsessed manbaby especially who over thinking this made up garbage and create own asspull theories are just pathetic.

>Why does everyone make fun of superhero movies on here?
Because most of the people on here are too afraid of sharing a genuine opinion so they default to snarky bitter asshole that hates everything other than the "good niche shit like Drive".
They can't let themselves enjoy mindless schlock like the MCU because they know the minute they actually do enjoy it they'll have a meltdown over all the waste effort and energy they spent into hating something that's not even that bad. Maybe a bit generic and samey, but still better than a ton of the shit that's throw out there today.

I liked The Batman and I like Spider-Man movies and X-Men. Generally I don't like avengers/MCU because they're way too much boring CGI fight scenes and every movie feels the same.

And yet, it functions as intended. Do you disparage the wrench that turns the nut simply for its garishness?
Like it or not, these movies do what they set out to do. They function as intended and do it well. They are of quality, just not of one you like

They're bad movies.

>Do you disparage the wrench that turns the nut simply for its garishness?
You talk like a faggot.

>No argument

>Why does everyone make fun of superhero movies on here?
Because of their objective low quality. Some of them are alright like joker and TDK but your average capeshit is very bad


Theres no quality at all. They are quickly produced and released. They don't even bother to wait for reception of one of these shits and they already film next one before even knowing how previous one does.

Their quality can be compared to shit tier cars mass produced on assembly line. They are nice and shiny and new but they are shit quality crap to fill market. They stand no chance to hand made high end cars no matter what.
The same with these "movies" here. They are mass produced quickly assembled crap.

Its lowbrow trash designed for the lowest dregs of society to enjoy. Don't get mad when people point that out. Read a book faggot

Nice bait thread

>it must be compared to movies like Diehard and Fast n Furious, IE other Summer Blockbuster Action Movies.

No but I compared them to similar movies, joker and TDK. Both movies are vastly superior to your average MCU movie and that's why they were culturall juggernauts and won awards disney can't even dream of. Please read the post you're replying or you'll look very silly!

The movies put buts in seats and thus they have achieved what they set out to accomplish

I don't need an argument because you're fundamentally wrong.
I've enjoyed quite literally every single pre-phase-4 MCU film, including the ones that Yea Forums has a megahate boner for like Captain Marvel and Black Panther.
They're not ace masterpieces of cinema, but they're enjoyable adaptions of comic books and as someone that's been reading comics for 30+ years, I never thought I'd see some bizarre as fuck Z team like GOTG on the screen or an actual Infinity Gauntlet adaption.
I'm just patiently awaiting them pulling out the big cards and doing a full on Annihilation/Conquest adaption at this point.

With all that said, you still talk like an absolute faggot.

>have achieved what they set out to accomplish
You mean making money? Is that the mark of a good movie?

This is a rather odd pasta, no?

The problem with Marvel movies isn't that they're bad, it's that they're way too safe and similar
They found a formula that works and they keep recycling the same thing over and over
So you have 20+ movies that are all the same
Also the setting is fucking boring

>Why does everyone make fun of superhero movies on here?
Because they're trash and killed cinema.

So basically just a long winded version of what I was saying?

Because they're the cinematic fast food. Sure they look really nice, pull in billions of dollars in sale, and have a multimedia platform monster of a franchise - But they lack any actual good story and character development that's worthy of a decades spending interlocked movie series. I don't give a flying fuck about 20+ heros in a 'Will or won't they die' "final" trilogy againts a big purple guy (no scuff towards Thanos, I legit liked him) and his flawed philosophy. I don't want to have ro watch 10 other films on these characters just to be caught up to speed on the whole cast. Hell, that's mainly why they're so flat. They know viewers can't see every single movie before hand to they need to keep them as clean and consistent as possible with little to no major development each movie so the viewers feel like they haven't missed a thing.

In short, it's due to Marvel & DC's insistence on their massive planned universe. Not being willing to be flexible with their characters and their over reliance on special effects/action scenes to make up for the lack of actually good story and writing.

I don't even know what the fuck you're saying because you're replying to everyone whether they are positive, negative, or neutral about the movies, saying that we just don't get it and that they're doing what they intended to do therefore they're good.

What exactly is your point?

Quality does NOT translate to money. Mass produced shit quality cars generate more profit than high end high quality ones. The same with movies. Mass released low quality popular trash full of bad CGI generates more money than high quality fully polished movie.

Titanic was an example of high quality movie. It made a lot of money. But Im sure several quickly shat out blockbusters of much worse quality probably earned more combined than one Titanic movie.

if by quality you mean manipulation i agree but the same way i disagree with things

that are overtly manipulative and harmful practises i consider these movies to be not just bad but actively destructive

now dont get me wrong i love a cheesey action flick and i liked guardians ect
but pretending that a studio turning generations of impressionable lost souls into a ravenous consumer cult is good for anybody but the studios is peak heresy

some are good most are actuall garbage purly carried by the weight of momentum marketing and the sad state of the individuals indoctrinated by a corrupted fantasy allegory


My friends watch actual movies so non of us see the need to waste time on this shit

why does the truth hurt you so deeply that your only response is to melt-down and declare that it is insanity that drove the person disparaging your oppesmagnus and not sanity

im fine living in a world where people love marvel but im not going to pretend i do or that its good im not even going to pretend i have superior taste but i will point out the flaws and you pretending that they are non-existant is peak cult behaviour

You're braindead or a shill and either way I honestly hope you die

These are B tier trash with massive overblown budget. There's no quality. It's marketing. Marketing says they are good quality films. If marketing team didn't exist then you would rightfully laugh these turds off. You wouldn't pretend this crap is anything worth your time. You would ask yourself "why the fuck am I watching this? How the fuck this costs 150M budget?"

Wanna proof? Check movie "Gods of Egypt" it is exactly same shit as any glorified capeshit, same overload of CGI, closterfuck of ADHD action, similar lame ass quips and jokes that are not funny. However marketing department failed to tell this is good and you used your own common sense to realise it is not.

>These movies are good, otherwise people wouldnt be watching them.
You really should try to be subtler, zoomfag.

>Do you disparage the nut that blah blah
I sincerely am coming to rape and kill you, you insufferable retarded nigger

>No counter

gods of egypt is actually much better in many ways it atleast has historical presidence with a modern re-interpritation of ancient atributes with a very well known parrable being re-told

cape shit is a complete perversion of a perversion of an idea of a parable

it lacks any sembelence of substance whatso-ever and somehow is reguarded as massivly substantial

brutal and sad

Nobody will be watching these in twenty years you fucking moron

Even by your retarded logic you still named movies of higher quality than avengers.

They are of quality, just not of one you like.

if we measure quality by mass-adoption then slavery was of quality in the past its a non-argument bud

the masses have never denoted quality only assumed subservience to it

It made you seethe clearly

Lol seethe

i got a friennd whos obvsessed with the films iv been to every avengers opening weekend i just get drunk in the cinema while sois stare at me drinking whisky from a stubend just baffled at how i exist

+i know the manager of the local kino-plex kek so several complaints have been made about me resaulting in the plaintent being refunded a ticket and escorted from the premesis

cape shitter zoomers can get fucked i dont seeth at all

ohh and for anybody wondering im not a classy drinker i get completly wasted its the only way i make it through

Kill yourself.

Cope at the truth


The problem is Yea Forums is filled with incompetent autistic social outcasts with unhealthy egos that act like they're intellectually superior as a coping mechanism for their actual ineptness and low social standing. Hating the current popular thing simply helps them feel better than other people even though they're probably inferior.


you sound like a woman who did a night course on psychology

Nah I just know people ignored you in highschool and now you carry a life long grudge and overinflated sense of your own intellect to trick yourself into thinking people didn't like you because you were too smart for them. Protip: that's not the reason people don't like you.

he's right though

yeah thats why i dont like kids movies with cgi

kek ill do a brakdown for the retards

The problem is Yea Forums is filled with incompetent autistic social outcasts a perjorative norm embraced and re-inforced by channers as a meme culture with varying degrees of truth based on individual users is a blanket statment with 0 credability but just like we call it a mongolian basketweeving cadre would not be questioned

^used for validity of his next statment kek
with unhealthy egos that act like they're intellectually superior as a coping mechanism
pure conjecture and projection hes mad that i used big words and feels like he can tie it togeather even though i used no grammer or spelling clearly a wrong assumption or if he is talking in general its provably false as 99% of posts are retarded

o trick yourself into thinking people didn't like you because you were too smart for them
^&we have gone full freid here user is pants on head grasping at straws using his limited intelect to try and counjure from the abyss a poinient statment that would hit home truthfully based on meme norms of the fourum kek what an outsider

Protip: that's not the reason people don't like you.
here he even inverts based on his own bias in his own argumentation its the channers not likeing others

dudes str8 bussin no cap

Or... the movies just suck.

yea that would make sense and re-inforces what i wrote bud the other user is trying to say the opposite

This is complete psued retardation. Well done. You've completely proved me right.

critiqe a point thats thesis grade brak-down and u know it

Your post is completely incoherent. I'm not even convinced English is your first language.