Wow, God's an asshole.
"I'll fuck with your if you're good, and you better believe I will if you're bad"
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How's the age of 15 treating you OP?
Pretty great. Only way is up.
I love this film
fpbp kek
who says it's god that's fucking with you? He just lays the way, everything else is up to you. If anyone is fucking with you, it's probably you.
The movie maintains a solid "God isn't necessarily messing with you" tone until the very end, in which, at literally THE very moment the main character does his first morally cuestionable thing in the entire story after vague implications of things finally looking up, a tornado pops up near his son and his doctor calls him implying a grave illness. So yeah, in the movie's universe it's "probably you", but the framework for "probably your fault" is clearly not defined by you.
Haha just wait and see
But what about the goy?
Who cares?
So tornado's only happen because of god's will?
They don't happen anyway, and everyone fucking knows they happen, and many people prepare for such emergencies? Are you the asshole who builds a trailer in a tornado alley and then screams "Wrrrrryyyyyy god!!!???" when his house is blown away?
In any case, did god ever say you were going to live her forever? That you would never be hurt? That nothing bad is ever going to happen to you?
>god's an asshole
god doesn't exist
Funny thing was that there are no tornadoes in Minnsesotta
There's no god.
>Minnesota lies along the north edge of the region of maximum tornado occurrence in the United States. often referred to as Tornado Alley (link is external).
>In Minnesota, tornadoes have occurred in every month from March through November. The earliest reported tornadoes in Minnesota were the three tornadoes that touched down on March 6, 2017 (link is external). The next earliest verified tornado in Minnesota occurred on March 18, 1968, north of Truman in Martin County. The latest reported tornadoes in Minnesota were on December 15, 2021. The previous latest confirmed tornado was on November 16, 1931, east of Maple Plain. Historically and statistically, June is the month of greatest frequency with July not far behind. May has the third greatest frequency, followed closely by August. Nearly three-quarters of all tornadoes in Minnesota have occurred during the three months of May (15%), June (37%), and July (25%).
wow, literally a 5 second google search.
I never saw a tornado there on a TV show/film EVER so yeah suck it?
i didnt understand this movie at all
t. What? You have to put something after the t. Fucking newfags.
it’s the book of job. maybe don’t watch movies like this if you have such a literalist brainlet mindset
That is you in the picture. Maybe read some posting guidelines friend it seems you dont understand basic chan rules
this redditor be wildin
But he didn't get cancer and tornado'd until he accepted the bribe. Everything up to that point seems sorted out (psy died, wife and him grow closer during the bar mitzvah, had tenure accepted) yet even at the end he fell to temptation
Both of you came up with the same lowest common denominator troon response.
The moral of the story is Jews need to stop money grubbing.
Me too, user. The scene where the son speaks with the rabbi is great
This. A lot of Larry's problems are due to the fact that he "hasn't done anything."
He didn't do anything to save his failing marriage. He didn't do anything to advance his career (but gets tenure anyway). Like Larry tells his brother at the motel, sometimes you have to help yourself.
It’s a dark comedy of
>The book of Job
>Jewish religious traditions
>Man taking himself seriously
Everything functions the opposite to how’d you expect
Good insight. Larry's problem isn't that the world is constantly fucking with him, his problem is his contentment holds him back while the world changes around him.
Ummm dilatate
Realizing this hit me kind of hard. I try not to drift through life as much after watching this a few times.
Yeah, that's definitely a theme of the movie. But how does the ending, as described in the OP, tie with that? At most, the central idea could be that you're both responsible of both the good and the bad that happens to you, while at the same time your agency and proactivity must be "allowed" to have an effect.
It's really amusing how all those dumb self-satisfied religious people decide to settle for an answer they can't prove simply to feel special amirite?
And what answers do you have in your life, that you can "prove"?
>discussing a movie
>get mad that someone vaguely indicates anything but antagonism toward religion
>derail the thread into shitflinging because you are too fragile to exist around people with different opinions
>they are the dumb self satisfied ones
incel alert
>The Uncertainty Principle. It proves we can't ever really know what's going on. But even though you can't figure anything out, you will be responsible for it on the midterm.
I interpreted the ending as meaning you will be punished for doing evil (i.e. ultimately you will be held responsible for your actions). But simply not being evil does not necessarily merit God's favor.
The fact of the matter is that many of the things in Larry's life he doesn't like could be fixed with some effort. The tornado however is one thing he and everyone else can't change or predict. The tornado really is the only problem any character has in the movie that's completely out of their control.
Oh wait I just realised my reading comprehension sucks, sorry
Some people have a hard time grasping this. Not doing bad thing doesn’t make you a good person. Not that being a good person should make you above the random suffering of life. But a whole lot of people define themselves as good over what they don’t do rather than what they have actually done
>god doesn't exist
i fucking love scieeeence
How was the protagonist good?
Yeah I do. Putting a silly face next to it doesn’t invalidate the stance. And really you love science too. Science gave us vidya, VR, porn, the internet, microwaves tendies and the holy fleshlight. I don’t see how any modern person, especially you who is using these wonders right now, can not love science. Science took you from a caveman and made you batman, a god, an emperor in his small corner of luxury. No sky daddy ever did shit for you or anyone. You can can cry all you want about science, because it’s so amazing and everyone is starting to realise that, because it makes your imaginary friend irrelevant. I love science and i’m not ashamed, and i’ll out my faith into repeatable results and experts who can make my life better over something I can’t see
No bro, you got it right. I was mocking atheists because ultimately atheism is essentially sock-flipped religion.
Yes there are. The area is more known for the presence of tornadoes than the presence of jews.
He didn't do anything.
>normal words, but a jewish guy!
worst coen bros movie, even ladykillers has more entertainment value
>had tenure accepted
His tenure was getting rejected
>because it makes your imaginary friend irrelevant
How's it do that? If you had any sort of actual education, instead of just spouting off talking points you half listened to in a Dawkins youtube vid, you'd know science is limited. Science isn't a philosophy. Science can't guide you through your life. You can't turn to science if you're depressed. Science, in fact, of almost no practical use whatsoever to you in your day to day life. The world takes place in your weird, illogical little mind, and science has nothing to help with that.
Luckily, if you understood anything about anything, you'd know it doesn't have to. We actually do have things like philosophy, religion, art, music, etc which deals in this realm.
By the end it was implied he WOULD get it
Nah, he got it. Right before he accepts the bribe from Culture Clash. He gets it even though he failed to publish any research and Sy Ableman was talking shit about him in those anonymous letters.
I am sorry you did not receive an education
Being a passive cuck isn't a good thing. He has a duty to dominate his wife. He has a duty under the rules of academic integrity to report the bribe immediately to school authorities. He shouldn't encourage his faggot brother to continue being a NEET and writing the mentaculous. He is not a serious man, he's acting as a bystander in his own life
I've heard the theory of Sy mailing the letters, but they still were coming after he died, right? There's a scene that makes a point of establishing that
>He gets it even though he failed to publish any research and Sy Ableman was talking shit about him in those anonymous letters
Based Sy taking it to that lazy non-publishing loafer
great movie. the goy's teeth scene was fucking kino
oh yeah you're right
This motherfucking retard is the first person ever not to be able to put 2 and 2 together and realize that his kid joined a record club.
>But sir, to receive the monthly main selection you do nothing.
Atheists are so cringe. No wonder your life is miserable and you suffer from crippling depression. May Sky Daddy have mercy on your soul, you poor mentally handicapped slave.
Like everything in the movie, it's designed for you to not get a straight answer. Sy could have mailed the letters the day he died, as only a couple days had passed in that scene; later you get the notion of him being responsible as a possibility, but ultimately you can't really be sure if Larry is getting his tenure because letters stopped coming or because the letters Sy wrote were actually an endorsement.
My favorite bit of the movie is that when the guy who apparently has, for the first time in the story, straight good news for mj literally dies on the spot just before delivering them.
It makes sense, jews are always trying to cheat their god on some technicalities. So why should their god not fuck with them in return.
Oh yeah good catch. The wife mentions Sy wrote the letters at their kid's bar mitzvah, I believe.
Worshipping god is basically just admitting you like being a cuck