Is ATLA the only show where the main character ends up with the villain?
Is ATLA the only show where the main character ends up with the villain?
Azula is for Zuko only.
It's been years since I've watched it (and will never watch Korra) but doesn't she die?
Nah Zuko is for Mai only
Nope she ends up with Aang
She gets mindbroken at the end
the best way for all evil waifus
is that an hentai? Pls link
I thought he married the water girl
White Lotus propaganda.
why did you spoil it for me you jerk
Honestly I could see Aang and Katara not working out, Aang cheating on her with Azula, and Katara bloodbending boys from their houses at night to cope
What bending do the children have if two different style benders have kids?
One or the other.
That's lame.
Although the also apparently get sometimes get special bending abilities like the ability to bend Lava
Aang x Zuko
Aquaman tier power. Air and earth is everywhere unless you go out of your way to be away from them. Water you can carry with you in a canteen like a sword. Fire you just sort of manifest at will unless you're submerged in water. But lava? What, you gonna live next to a volcano for the rest of your life in case someone picks a fight with you?
It's more so the ability to turn normal earth into lava
Is the bender immune to his own lava? If not its a slightly worse version of firebending. At least with the latter you can fly like iron man for a bit.
>this thread again
What happened, did you get run out of Yea Forums?
No? This comes from the Korra avatar user like most of the show it was poorly thought out
Azula needs to keep it in the family.
Other way around
She gets beaten and locked up. Aang ends up with Katara
Avatar really isn't that good.
I love water tribe girls so much bros
Imagine how wet their pussies are.
Imagine impregnating a water tribe girl on a cold snowy night
They look like Italians
>dark skin but light eyes
Literally the exact opposite of Italians.
>basically eskimos
>brown skin
stop trying to compare them to phenotypes from a completely different earth?
I'm not the one who started talking about Italians you fucking idiot.
2 airbenders and 2 firebenders
Childhood is liking Aang x Katara, adulthood is realizing Aang x Azula is better
>good guy
>bad girl
The way it should be.
>this thread again
who hurt you Yea Forums self inserter
Avatar fans really overrate their Nick children's cartoon for some reason.
*burp* i ate your fanfiction ship
Its canon THOUGH
stand still for your meds
Do you have autism? I've seen this shit posted on multiple boards multiple days in a row. Seriously kill yourself.
>tfw you see an a*r bender
It's not a new concept.
FACT: Azula loves her brother and wants to make children with him.
But what does the reddit tranny have to do with it?
Your rage does not change the incestuous Canon (inevitably to be reproduced in the Netflix adaptation to get the game of thrones crowd). I now invite you to kneel before me and apologize, and recant your apostasy before you are embarrassed and damned forever.
It would’ve been so much better for this now dogshit series if they’d just done a fourth season dealing with Zuko Azula and their mother. That shit should’ve never been a fucking comic book. And the republic city plot has always been fucking retarded.
Didnt read
cope + l + ratio + you're a self inserter
All women should want to make babies.
yeah? it's the way the snow reflects the sun... i think
I wish Azula would torment me.
No lipstick Azula is too hot.