>Finally get a Halo TV Series
>It's actually about a token female minority character rising up against the oppression of other minority persons by a cartoon evil villiain-tier White male while the white male main character struggles with mental health issues.
>4 episodes and the Master Chief has only fough the Covenant once
Just fuck my shit up senpai
Finally get a Halo TV Series
>It's a heritage white male character passes the torch, steps aside, and humbly makes room for a young, female of color successor episode
Negative XP
What the actual fucknis wrong with americans why do you keep making this shit
I'm convinced that human writers don't actually exist anymore and everything is churned out by an AI that scans social media and current events to determine who the target audience should be and how best to engage them.
He is white?
He's an american white which is basically blacker than wesley snipes
It's pure faggotry.
What's the purpose of this haircut? Why would you make it intentionally hideous?
>Yea Forums complains about not enough asian women in Hollywood
>finally get one
>hate it
Apologize to KWEENZ, incels.
Stop watching American media.
Because the rich people who decided to hand our country over to blacks are the same ones who make the movies. They're the same reason California's a shithole despite being filthy rich. They're a cadre of Marie Antoinettes who have so much power, they're either totally insulated from reality, or are simply overwhelmingly evil enough to wreck every bit of story Americans had to push their agenda.
Literally half of all franchises are this. Stop watching American media.
Virginfest bros, we won
whitest person in america
Haven't watched it, but Halo: Nightfall was shit?
Correction: MODERN American media. There's enough pre-2015 media from US/UK to entertain you for you lifetime, enjoy that
Why would you watch it in the first place?
He's Jewish
>female spartan used gun grease to put pink streaks in her hair
Last straw for me. What a fucking joke. It’s awful.
Most of the scripts are likely written by the same group of people. That's what's happened to the music industry.
looks like horizon zero dawn or bioware game
humans wrote Arcane and this shows algorithm robotically copied some things literally, not understanding how the context mattered etc
Not OP, but I love all of the games Bungie worked on, however, much like other peoples' dads, mine has seen me grow up with this game series without knowing a thing about it, and wants to watch it with me each week, despite me cringing at what a trainwreck it is. But goddammit I am hanging out with my pops, and it is something to watch and waste an hour on.
Miranda Keyes is pretty cute though, and Soren as a pirate Spartan instead of a cripple who gets like a few paragraphs in a book is pretty fun. Everything else other than the costumes and props is sheer garbage.
not again ffs
American white, """"white"""" mystery meat
Lol every time.
>Finally get a Halo TV Series
Halo is super light sci-fi for the muttmericans. It was never that good and the only reason it is so hyped, it was the only solid shooter you subhumans could play on these shitty consoles.
Every normal person played shooters with mouse and keyboard.
So, with all this in prespective, it is pretty fitting, the halo show was pure trash.
>durrrrrrr it’s better to use something that was designed for typing words and you’re stupid for using something that was designed for moving things around on a screen
PC retard, have fun with the rest of your long slide into obsolescence
Halo was designed as an RTS for the Mac
You are way faster with a mouse than with a controller. Or why do most of the multiplayer games on console, have a light aim assist?
>PC retard, have fun with the rest of your long slide into obsolescence
>used to dream of playing Halo 2 and 3 and Reach on PC with m+kb as a teen
>games finally come to the computer
>right when I'm too old to properly aim with a mouse anymore
>give up and go back to controller
Stay mad while you get into a bidding war to pay $1500 for a $300 graphics card, the third time you’ve had to update “muh desktop”
I don't think so.
Can you tell me which nationality the name Schreiber comes from if not Western European?
Any new funny webms?
Just play the game, why do you get so upset about a TV show that's always been bad?
I think you could relearn easily. The real problem is, you not enjoying games that much. As i aged i slowly grew more bored about games. Last time i played by myself was like half a year. Not counting mario kart with my friends, that was a few days ago, we also had smokes, pizza and beers.
That is retarded anyway. I build my pc for 690€, like 10 years ago and could probably play some modern titles on low. I could play metro exodus with medium settings pretty well. Updating the specs regularly is a waste of money and rarely worth it. It all stagnated and the flashy effects do not compensate for poor gameplay. Once you pirate games, you stop caring about specs. The specs are overinflated and shit runs most times on way worse hardware than you could have imagined.
Why don't you just embrace the suck? Make it like a bad movie night, crack jokes with the old man, keep it light
Sorry, I can't, though I have two eyes and I see the nose.
I'm in my late 30s and I find it difficult to work up enthusiasm for gaming unless I've had a few beers. The only games I played sober this year were Brutal Doom and RDR2, and the latter is more like an interactive movie than a game.
i like the literal race traitor's ass
literally the only thing i can give this whack ass show
I will tolerate a lot things if I just get some cool spaceships blasting each other. I'm literally just sticking around for some kind of space battle. I won't get it, will I?
So far the only not terrible scene that had any amount of fun to it was the stupid retard bitch controlling the worms and even that was cringe because of her stupid facial expressions, her being a dumb character and the marines not shooting her (just show someone shoot her and she has a shield, it looked retarded otherwise. First thing I'd do is try and kill that cunt even if she wasn't controlling the worms)
I do enjoy games, but I find myself going back to older and older games. I love playing some Combat Evolved and Marathon. Truth is, I don't think I was ever good with mouse and keyboard in online shooters, I mostly played singleplayer with it.
That's basically all I can do. I don't know how they took the awesome B-movie vibe of the games and turned it into shitty B-movie material, but a B-movie is a B-movie is a Bee Movie.
several reasons
1: over 50% of zoomers are PoC
2: internet and social media allowed demagogues to branch out
3: because bashing le white male is socially acceptable, they were allowed to spread unfettered
4: ordinary reasonable people are nowhere near as fanatical, they do not rally together to influence mass media, politics and big business and other symbols of power and influence in our society as the fanatics do
5: it has become a kind of racket, they can march into corpoate board rooms, accuse everyone there of being racist, find some tweet where they reposted a funny meme like pic related, misinterpret it as a heckin' racism and use that to blackmail and influence them, get them to pay for critical race theory workshops or promote a PoC, their rhetoric finds its way into scripts, which suffered greatly since the great writer's strike
the thing to consider is this bullshit affects the right as well, although right wing extremism is not socially acceptable, it fuels the left, when /pol/ runs around screeching about "da jooz" and making racist caricatures, do you think it helps? does it help create a mainstream movement resisting the far-left? all it does is confirm the left's spook stories about racists being everywhere and why
then there is said reasonable people trapped in the middle, who just want America to be chill again and be a wholesome upstanding country, it's not going to happen is it, we will be fucked when boomers die off, millenials are running the country and zoomers are voting
Actually not. Big brother Liev is but they have different Moms, Pablo is refreshingly gentile.
I'm glad we get to explore John Halo's past. I always wanted to find out how he grew up, how he was raised, his mysterious past. What makes him tick, what his character is about. This is the foundation of Halo.
Jews of course.
Cars 3 was the ugliest offender of this.
It sounds like you have the right mindset then. Don't forget to mix in stuff you enjoy with dad too
As a Brit I grew up thinking the US would be a cool place to live, largely because of the American media I consoomed in the nineties. If I was growing up in these times, I would not form that same impression. Current US media portrays a society that's 80% brown, 30% gay, and 100% angry.
I've never played halo and despite my hatred of women and minorities i don't think its that bad compared to most TV in current year.
According to Hollywood the KKK is lurking around every corner to lynch an unsuspecting black doctor.
Can't even think of a movie off the top of my head where this doesn't happen.
It'd be better if it was bad. It's just bland.
We wuz gaylo my nigga
The 100% angry thing is pretty accurate. Americans can feel something broadly is wrong, they know they are getting a raw deal but they haven't coalesced around any sort of reason or target yet. Maybe the zoomers will have more luck or form a consensus, certainly gen x+y+z haven't yet
It doesn't matter what "helps" and there is no such thing as "optics" when the leftniggers openly play double standards with censorship at every turn to win. Jews occupy too many positions of power and give their own group special treatment while gleefully pushing anti-white shit for the rest of us, and you faggots want to fit in with other woke whites so you refuse to address the issue. Kill yourself.
Same, will be 33 this summer and games bore me now. No more of that excitement i had for them. Similar for my friends. It seems like a normal development.
Where are you from user?
how is this related?
also, top kek
this, when i was zoomer i wanted to move to America and visit because all my favourite shit was from there, now and i wouldn't even bother visiting it, i don't want to get mugged by niggers
>take asian woman
>make her look like filipino boy
well played hollywood, but I'll win next time.