Why is it so hard for Republican/Conservative comedians to come up with actually funny jokes? It's all in-your-face "attack helicopter" type of jokes. There's just no value in them
Why is it so hard for Republican/Conservative comedians to come up with actually funny jokes...
Obviously bait thread but does anyone have the screenshot of the user post explaining why leftists memes always require a wall of text (as opposed to right memes which can be subtle and don’t require verbose explanation). It was really good and I forgot to save it.
if anything it's the opposite, leftist memes are much more concise and funny, rightoid memes always have to dedicade a few more lines to bigoted rhetoric
Lol everything that is described about black people on that screen is actually true and real. So seethe harder, leftist cocksucker.
Unfortunately, if you have a look at film, music and art in general, the left won the culture war. Biden is in office and Trump got what he wanted. Guess you guys will just have to project yourselves onto some other loser candidate next election xD.
>the left won the culture war
By making bad art that no one watches?
yeah... noone watches it...
Leftists aren't funny because they are
>Pathologically nariccisstic
>Midwits. People who think propaganda is education
>No real empathy
>Tend to be wealthy
Boomer rightwingers aren't funny because they don't understand modern memes, are afraid of being called racist, and don't understand Christianity enough to realize that God wouldn't care that much if you mocked a tranny or a black hoodrat. Also they worship Jews and the Jewish lobby so no Jew jokes
The only people who are funny are alt right or nationalist right people
shut the fuck up you stupid bitch
Left didn't win. Their movies make less money every year.
cringe bait
lol delusional
Right wing comedy is the only thing left that still has some actual bite to it.
Newsflash: If it offends nobody, it's not funny.
Right wingers cannot make meaningful art. There are religious people on both sides but one sides completely submits because they can't dream past the concept of God and finding meaning in themselves.
It's a religion. This is the modern equivalent of Maundy
Leftists have the fundamental problem that affirming the status quo, but MORE SO, just generally isn't very funny.
Yes they can. Most people of history were religious and conservative by the standards of our time. William Blake, Tolkien, Bosch. Gene wolfe. Lovecraft and Howard. Without religion society decays.
ergo only centerists are capable of making art
we win again centeristbros
Gutfeld is pretty funny tho
This image basically sums it all up.
Good comedy usually comes out of outsider/underdog status, and good art comes out of being able to conceive of something beyond your momentary whims and appetites. That's why Libs can't do either.
Lovecraft was extremely racist even for his time. He used to sperg out if he saw niggers on the street.
How can a registered democrat be right wing?
Incel detected, have sex tranny xD
But most trannies are incels
>right memes which can be subtle and don’t require verbose explanation
Because rightoid memes are just spouting usual rightoid rhetoric in short sentences so that other rightoids can understand it.
>lower races amirite
>minorities, amirite
>women suck amirite
>they think they're equal to humans, how droll
How many words do you need to say that?
i think it's more of a fetish thing
although "fetish" has its origins in religious iconography so maybe you're right
>Lol everything that is described about black people on that screen is actually true and real.
Ok but is it trying to be a joke or truth?
leftism had never been counter culture
As opposed to leftist memes which are verbose bullshit about whites and how capitalism is evil even though it has led to more immigration then communism
A little from column A, a little from column B probably
that’s not even close to true though
>commies amirite
>incels think I asked them to speak
lol, you're little bitches IRL. why speak up now??? Know your place chuds.
wow this is some top tier cringe user, nice one.
Lefties are generally just too angry to be funny. It's that constant need to push the message and make sure everybody gets it that stifles any chance at humor.
I would prefer actual commies to neoliberal Jewish golems pretending to be commies.
because they thrive on simplicity, and are only capable of parroting the same shit over and over. look at their reliance on the same basic ass memes time and time and time again, its just an extension of soundbite culture to a new level and audience via the internet
seriously, look at the shit they throw tantrums about and see how utterly incapable of originality they are. cope seethe dilate tranny sjw etc, many of them literally cant communicate without that level of simplicity, because they cant think
Leftists are the only funny people. Rightards are the angry ones.
If lefties are so good at comedy, how come they can't create any good memes?
>Tranny with the body build of a bowling ball and a hairline like a receding tide telling me to shut up
Real leftists are pretty funny
All leftists need to be tortured and killed
All political comedy is shit, regardless of the specific politics.
Literally a goblin from an mmo
OP and all the woke "conservatives" in this thread are Russian psyop shills/bots
>Constantly seething about whites even though whites are the highest outgroup preferences humans historically
>Seething about Christianity while ignoring Judaism Islam
>Whining about capitalism while you buy funco pops and every new videogame
>Living in the city while crying about the enviorment
Lotta talk now ay incels. Tell me about your past trauma that led you here. Why aren't you normal, well-adjusted people with girlfriends and friends???
kek based chinamen
What do you mean? Trump's presidency was a giant joke and I never got that many hours of free entertainment out of anything. I honestly hope you guys vote for him again.
The inability to express ideas concisely isn't a sign of intelligence.
Watch some Freedom toons troggie
>Implying women want beta males who hate themselves
If you weren't behind a screen I'd slit your throat lefturd
you seem to be doing a lot of projection here user, is there something you want to talk about?
Thankfully these cretins don't reproduce. Give it enough time and we'll breed in group preference back in. Amish are a testament to this.
This is pretty funny, do leftards really get angry about something like this?
>But most trannies are incels
No they're not. They regularly groom and fuck children.
lol sure you would. probably have lots of dreams of getting back at your bullies. don't lump me in with them
this actually explains a lot user
yeah true but very few are stuck like that forever
first foray into internet debating?? surprised you didn't criticize my grammar first
Wow, everything you said was retarded. I guess the "broken clock" saying is wrong.
LEL look how mad this has made the seething redditards
Kill yourself
>"attack helicopter" type of jokes
explain yourself
>seethes about blacks
>seethes about jews
>but most of all seethes about leftists
Conservatives have no political stances besides these anymore
bad day chud?
>internet debating
lol yeah that’s totally what’s happening right now
calm down lol, just close the thread if ur mad
>yeah true but very few are stuck like that forever
Feminism is inherntly beta.
>i have no arguments so here are my feelings
no thanks retard, if i want feelings i call my ex
You don't even know what you're talking about. Those aren't conservatives. Those are nationalists. Jews have power. Blacks have power by extension of Jews. Whites don't have power.
>Seethes about whites
>Seethes about straight people
>but most of all seethes about non mentally ill people
Leftists have no political stances besides these anymore.
>u mad lol
and you’re criticizing me? i think you need to work on your self awareness.
All leftists do is masturbate to niggers and waste their lives hating all white people.
You worship freaks and beasts
Imagine getting so assblasted by one post you samefag three times, leftists are subhuman.
This nigger got shot to death btw lol
look at what you wrote and try to tell me that you arent a perpetually online dipshit ruined by Yea Forums level thinking
>I have no arguments so I'll pull some made up ones out of my ass
>by the way I totally scored once, like, totally
Good for you, sweetie. Was he cute?
think you need to have a think about what you're doing lol
Are they wrong with this slide?