>painfully unfunny
>production value barely changed since mid 2000s era
>surface level observations
>when he does put in time it becomes even worse (eg The Wall review)
>still has a big enough audience to live off of
How does Douge do it lads?
Painfully unfunny
Other urls found in this thread:
He's funny enough to be entertaining
hes based
It's so bad it's entertaining.
Is this UPN's TV actor Antony Jeselnik???
i can't believe rob scallon took this madlad's money to make that, wew lad
Literally who? Is that Judge Holden?
don't you just looooooooove halloween?
trick or treat
hardeehar, lemme see your work id
no id, no party
he is dancing, he says he will never die
where did the wife leave that invitation?
id, not iv
"my bad" maybe i left it in my other pants
As a young child or retard, his content is the perfect introductory material for the concept of film and film review. As you grow older, you appreciate the cultural weight and inner machinations of the process, watching "the master" at work. Because in truth, doug's success in his field was a pioneer and an unparalleled juggernaut during the earlier years, except by perhaps the Angry Video Game Nerd. His contemporaries can thank him for introducing many positive and negative qualities to the field of entertaining autistic people on the internet with highly edited reviews and editorials. Today, we study Doug Walker as a philosophical exercise, as well as ato perform a newsroom roundtable style discussion, and to simply remember and appreciate the Nostalgia Critic. For he remembers it so you don't have to.
He has a beautiful wife
Why do I hate zoomers for obsessively following ecelebs but always participate in Channel Awesome threads myself?
Unlike a lot of the boomer reviewers excluding RLM he still loves making videos and hasn't become an alcoholic, or a shell of his former self. I can appreciate that.
>>production value barely changed since mid 2000s era
>still has a big enough audience to live off of
>How does Douge do it lads?
you answered your own question if anythings its cheaper for him now to make them because he gets so much more
and a willing cuckold
brad did it better
Melvin melvin
Brother of the joker
Melvin melvin
Brother of the joker
Douge-sama is a bright light in a world of darkness.
Fuck off with the autism bashing already. As a real aspie, I can tell you what went wrong with Nostalgia Critic. It went for too long and he ran out of funny jokes to tell, exactly like The Simpsons
based and morning wood pilled
Did everyone forget the controversy surrounding him? I get that his viewers wouldn't care but it seems like no one even here is incessant on bringing it up.
Guess it ultimately didn't that much snice everyone involved moved on
Patches from Elden RIng?
>when he does put in time it becomes even worse
Completely true. He was better lazy.
If Pervywood stopped pumping out formulaic dogshit, he’d be out of a job
Imagine the smell. I don't know how any of these goobers managed to capture an audience, but they must have been filled with the biggest fucking losers.
>from Elden Ring
Someone's jealous.
I wonder how many of them already killed themselves or died from alcohol poisoning
too bad he shaved off his sideburns. they were nice.
I want to make sweetly brutal love to young Lindsay so bad.
I could have saved her bros.
I guess these "older" e-celebs started out with passion, because making money online was so difficult in the past.
But now every zoomer e-celeb starts because they want money and fame. And if that doesn't happen over night, they just quit.
>often funny
>weekly high production videos
>often makes good observations
>even when he messes up its still entertaining (The Wall)
>appeals to all audiences
Doug is the best online reviewer; better than RLM and certainly Adam "Fast Forward" Johnston
Because CA is a fascinating entity. A story of hubris and autism full of weird geeks that are complete unknowns these days but occasionally re-emerge to embarrass themselves.
>painfully unfunny
Subjective. For me, Doug is so bad he's good.
>production value barely changed since mid 2000s era
And? They're Youtube videos. They don't need high production values.
Youtube should be small time video makers and not high production value garbage.
>surface level observations
His show was never about making deep observations about movies. He just makes jokes.
>when he does put in time it becomes even worse (eg The Wall review)
The Wall review is one of his best videos. It's up there with the Fury Road review in the "so bad it's good" category.
>still has a big enough audience to live off of
Good for him. Instead of being jealous of that, try to find a way to better your life.
two reasons, one because he simply loves doing it, and two because he doesn't seethe like a faggot when one of his projects flops, he just keeps working never letting anything get to him. while doug's work and style has changed the guy himself really hasn't, he's always been just a dopey midwestern autist grateful for having the oppurtunity to have a living making goofy internet videos. while i really don't like the direction he's gone creatively doug himself still has my respect for just doing what he wants and being able to laugh at himself.
zoomers are into soulless instagram/tiktok influencers, say what you want about the channel awesome crew (and goddamn is there a lot to say) they all ooze early 2000s autistic kid energy, whatever they each became in the end they all came from a place of autistic social outcast weirdo passion you honestly will never be able to find again, to put it simply they felt genuine, especially to people like us.
also to add on that, the real meat of why we're even talking about these people is each of their own varied flavors of total downfall. spoony's story is incredibly disappointing and pathetic, it all boils down to laziness with him but he let it completely tear down his life.
He was one of the first people to the trough. If he were starting out today he wouldn't even have 5% of the audience.
Nah, he was genuinely funny when he started youtu.be
What was the context of this? Haven't seen her be so shameless before
All he did was tame down an insult Millenials used all the time as kids (e.g. he-she/she-he) and put a New York accent on it for some stupid reason.
Channel Awesome people aren't e-celebs. They're lolcows. The difference is zoomers genuinely worship the e-celebs they follow, whereas you're having a laugh at these lolcows.
it’s extremely reddit to seethe at this guy. he’s better than mind numbing crap like YMS
>he doesnt know
simon amstell on the right????
He puts out content and refuses to acknowledge controversy. It really isn’t that hard to get his level of fanbase as he has it now. He probably has 3-400k regular viewers. There are zoomers who get those numbers in under a year. He doesn’t self destruct on Twitter or sabotage himself constantly and the only distinction between him and those that do is he understands to keep his own mouth shut.
Moviebob used to have around 200k regular viewers consistently with occasional peaks in excess of 1mil. He barely hits 20k on each video now.
Tell me you never had friends without telling me you never had friends.
don't spend it all in one place, loser
No one wants (You)s from you; you don't have friends.
his brand of comedy is/was incredibly appealing to the Big Kid demographic (10-14 y.o's). good midpoint between the eccentricity of the cartoons he grew up on and making observations that to a developing brain seem decently thoughtful. i'll applaud him for maintaining this audience through various cycles over the course of 15 years, if nothing else.
like the ending of the Shining.
I saw Doug at a waffle house outside a Con he was attending once. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I sat back down and continued with my hash browns, and I heard him chuckle as he walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen waffles in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the waffles and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each waffle and put them in a to go box and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.