Burr once talked a lot about conspiracies, exposed the Federal Reserve, etc.
Now he explicitly disowns it, he's an Elite puppet which explains why his horrible podcast is doing so well:
Burr once talked a lot about conspiracies, exposed the Federal Reserve, etc.
Now he explicitly disowns it, he's an Elite puppet which explains why his horrible podcast is doing so well:
>America is the greatest country on Earth. If you work hard and believe in yourself, you can achieve anything.
Conservatives when people do that:
What he said was perfectly sound and had nothing to do with muh elites, though.
I don't care about this stupid bald retard.
Based posts back to back to back
neither of those points really conflict
bill burr is for idiots who laugh at anything said with fake anger
It's insane how people talk about the ku klux klan like it's actually relevant and not just another glownigger honeypot.
Who gives a fuck? You guys focus way too much on stupid shit.
Who gives a fuck? You guys focus way too much on stupid shit.
Conspiracies are literally midwit level. Retards who have never looked into anything ever don't know about them. Then midwits who have only vague ideas of the Federal Reserve, Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove, and shit like that think they've been enlightened.
I used to be into conspiracies too until I looked to my right and left and realized that all these guys I'm talking to about elites and eugenics are literally retarded losers. How were they smart enough to crack the plan for global domination?
>my eyes when I'm forced to have sex with a minor on tape so I can be destroyed at any moment if I turn against globohomo
I listened for 3 minutes, what is so revealing?
Both things are true lol.
> t.
>I used to be into conspiracies too until I looked to my right and left and realized that all these guys I'm talking to about elites and eugenics are literally retarded losers. How were they smart enough to crack the plan for global domination?
>>I used to be into conspiracies too until I looked to my right and left and realized that all these guys I'm talking to about elites and eugenics are literally retarded losers. How were they smart enough to crack the plan for global domination?
Yes yes, everything is normal and working perfectly. Good stuff. We're all happy. Right on!
I fucking hate Bill so much.
Bill used to scold Anthony on O&A whenever he said anything "racial"
I have no idea why any of you people ever thought he was "red-pilled"
good lord
the lovely nia everyone!
Was a Burr fan his entire career. Still am though I'm not as faithful to his podcast. I hate Nia. She has the most lowest common denominator of views on everything. And she's dicked over Bill in the past for example everything with Cleo, not doing basic house upkeep while Bill's away on tour so he has to do it himself. That dreadful article she wrote about being a "kept woman." Which just shows how ungrateful she is when social media clout is waved under her nose. I'm glad he's happy, I'd never take that away from anyone. But now I just watch his standup.
You are a cuck.
Wow, if Burr had played his cards differently he could be appearing on a comedians of the compound show now with Geno Bisconte, Chrissie Mayr and Aaron Berg, what a tragedy.
you’re retarded
No one is saying he isnt successful. We're saying he's a fucking tool.
Joe Rogan’s hands typed this
Rogan is far and away more succesful than Burr and always will be, and I hate Rogan.
Bill Burr has never been funny
He was funny before getting married to that ugly monkey.
Not really, looking back he was always like this. He has a weird hard on for black people that I dont understand. He gets pissy anytime ANYONE says anything negative about a person who is black.
>inflammatory post from someone that exaggerates
>People respond with "voice of reason" template saying it's not that bad to try and get people to see for themselves.
Can this advertising method please leave?
She made him get rid of his beloved dog lol
Bill Burr more like Billy No-balls
Look at these great thinkers. Truly these posts are prime examples of impeccable argumentation, only the best that this board has to offer
>Look at these great thinkers. Truly these posts are prime examples of impeccable argumentation, only the best that this board has to offer
I liked Burr years ago. Now every time I hear him he almost immediately devolves into "hurrr women". I'm not even a feminist, he's just not even trying to be funny with it. He's literally just complaining about women in the jokester voice to make it seem like he's telling a joke. It's fucking painful. No interesting insights, no clever wordplay, just bitch bitch bitch.
Discord trannies and gay ops commies have been doing it for years despite the fact that no one cares and it has never changed board culture one iota... But sure whatever keep doing it
I bow to your superior arguing skills
I'd understand if she looked like Beyonce, but Nia is really ugly.
No one claimed to be a great thinker. But I suspect at least one of us is more intelligent than you, hey maybe more than one. Thanks for playing!
I swear to fuck this site is used exclusively by shills who defend their behavior by saying "it was always like this :^)". No the fuck it hasn't.
Bill cant attract pretty women because he hates them.
Bill copied that unfunny George Carlin joke too where he said he wanted to go to a feminist rally and tell them to suck his dick. He really fell off which is sad to see because he had a lot of potential.
>Fuck this guy
Yes, I stand defeated. I concede to your infinite wisdom. Have mercy on me, oh all wise and powerful
Thank you, and I will.
nah, he was always mediocre
I don't know that Carlin bit. I know the quote about feminists usually being the women you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place though.
It's more the combination of posts that are trying to use gentle suggestion to get me to watch whatever drivel was posted in the OP. I agree. Fuck Bill Burr.
>We're saying he's a fucking tool.
...because he knows more about you than the realities of racial relations in America? Lol, ok.
Kekkkkkk I'm not h-white but yties really do be seem weak
This. Anyone who's ever been even remotely close to power knows that people are too stupid, selfish, and disorganized to set up secret networks that rule the world. The real evil happens right in front of us every day, because no one actually gives a shit.
traitors die first sorry.