Any films to decalcify your pineal gland?
Any films to decalcify your pineal gland?
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There's no way you can get rid of that
If you are not white and don't possess white racial spirit then don't bother thinking about it.
what goes on there really
watch From Beyond
What if you're Ashkenazi Jewish?
zinc, boron, magnesium
stop ingesting fluoride
absolutely everything
American Psycho
then you'd be at a high risk of schizophrenia
Your pineal gland has been dissolved and replaced by a mineral, it's never coming back carbonatecucks
4u maybe. meditate and fast sometime. sunlight is good for you, champ.
How can I do this when I love just noming down on half a block of cheese every night?
Exposure to sunlight causes pineal gland calcification unironically
Extremely cringe. You should work on delcalcifying urself
nuh uh
absolutely nothing. in other species, the pineal gland protrudes out of the skull and forms a third eye (called parietal eye) which can process light, except it uses a different cell structure than normal eyes
but in humans, it's as useless as an appendix
>t. calcified
pineal microdialysis
wrong. will you decide to find out why you are wrong? up to you.
Retards read third eye and assume it is sonething spiritual or some bullshit when it is an actual eye that has been modified by evolution in a gland that helps you sense light
Fun fact, some frogs still have the little eye on the top of their little cure heads
That's just the brain sand speaking. I doubt you even have an internal monologue aside from it.
this post right here is a perfect example of false flagging and psyop
tell me why im calcified
its the anus of the brain
That's pretty amazing. Do fish have this as well?
>cryptic arrogant post
>full of ego
Yeah, allt of vertebrates have it
I mean the actual protuding eye part
it's not cryptic, arrogant, nor full of ego. l2jewgle. or not. even the most basic shit like webmb and wikipedia will tell you that that original statement is wrong. if you care to know, youll learn.
Calcium is white
>listen up goy! the pineal gland is DANGEROUS
>noooo please dont try understand it or try to use what you've been naturally gifted with by God!
>fear your true self!
>dont trust yourself
>look at this heckin FILM... we will show you how the TRUTH is BAD and there are demons if you work with your scary evil pineal gland!!!
>just stay here on EARTH in this reality GOY and dont you DARE explore further , keep working and consooming and watching KINOS you good GOY
Yeah they do, however it easier to see on lizards and frogs
ironic since the circadian rhythm is regulated by the pineal gland which produces meltonin in response to light passing along the optic nerve.
i apologize, i meant to post the post above yours, im drunk, have a good night
>The parietal eye is found in the tuatara, most lizards, frogs, salamanders, certain bony fish, sharks, and lampreys.[2][3][4] It is absent in mammals
>Many of the oldest fossil vertebrates, including ostracoderms, placoderms, crossopterygians, and even early tetrapods, had a socket in the skull that appears to have held a functional third eye. This socket remains as a foramen between the parietal bones even in many living amphibians and reptiles, although it has vanished in birds and mammals.
>The parietal eye uses a different biochemical method of detecting light from that of rod cells or cone cells in a normal vertebrate eye.[12]
The Pineal Gland true potential can only be utilized by us Nordics. Cope brown mongrels.
words words words the left cant meme
spot the parietal eye on the frog
produces hormones that are linked to: sex, infections control, sleep, mood, longevity. also is a remnant of a third eye on old ass animals back in the day
if pineal gland are just like drug that made you go high why dont these people just do heroin i mean its basically semi legal already in usa
Does that mean nordics are frog/lizard people
They hated him because he told them the truth.
So, we're all calcified compared to frogs?
Corpora arenacea is nothing to joke about, anons
I'll assume you're being genuine. no worries, have a good one.
We just took a different evolutionary path, like how they still laying eggs while human eggs stay inside the female
Hagfish detected
the chakratic method is our only hope
films calcify nature decalcifies
Did you just assume women have ova, shitlord?
Man i wish my biology degree was useful for anything elde besides posting here
>4 years of uni just to list mammalian synapomorlhies on 4chins
Also platypuses and echdinas dont have nipples
It's real wtf never heard of this
>a degree of the "did you know" kind
Well yeah but did you know that kangaroos have 3 vaginas
I bet you didnt
>Well yeah but did you know that kangaroos have 3 vaginas
Abbo´s live suddenly makes sense.
>webmb and wikipedia
two of the most calcified websites in existence
beware of this poster, he has an agenda
the more you know
i guess
It's used to make you grow
I said EVEN those sites will tell you that the pineal gland doesn't do "absolutely nothing." again, fast, meditate, try boron, zinc, and/or magnesium. note that minerals compete for absorption, but zinc on a completely empty stomach may cause nausea.
Not sure if it's on here but sometimes I get a sock wet with windex and breathe through it. I can feel the calcium just melt away
Eels have two of them and this is why they rule the world and have achieved enlightenment.
Homeschooling was a mistake