I HATE bald boys
I HATE bald boys
I am not bald.
I am not a boy.
Seethe and cope bald boy
Reminder you love a show that has a tranny co-starring and writing in it. Should expect no less from that Reddit fag lol so wacky and loud and le random soiboy shit jewflix show
go cry about it somewhere else snowflake
He cute
Wait who
I had no idea she was a tranny until I fell in love and googled her name. It hurts bros...
She still is funny as fuck though, I always knew a woman couldnt be THAT hilarious
Does he still have his cock? He should do a skit where Tim rips it off and sows it to his forehead while Running around yelling IM A PEE PEE HEAD IM A PEE PEE HEAD!!! While making goofy faces and yelling a lot Lol it would be soooooo epic!!!!
>go cry about it somewhere else snowflghgggglegllle
Samefag that cares too much about trannies
d-duh duh ur a twanny!!
>my first time finding a woman funny
>she's the highlight of the show
>tfw opening this thread
not like this...
not like this...
Seethe, bald boy.
lol tranny
why would a woman be attracted to a boy?
>I hate children
we know, roastie
>posts a gif of someone who got paid a million dollars to kill two of you faggots
>you faggots
lmao w.e makes you feel better. go get triggered by trannies and niggers and jews or w.e the fuck you pathetic sack of shit.
brb off to cut my hair
Its like getting your heart broken, user.
Whatever, go get triggered by jokes in kids movies from the 90s, faaaaag
Why is there such a high percentage of gay people on this website?
you literally cane in here to cry about trannies. fuck off already loser.
Reddit tourists who find that LOL YELLING = FUNNY shit funny. Go back to /r/soicomedy we don’t like your Jewish and tranny propaganda tv shows
No I came in here to make fun of anons that liked a tranny
What is funny, user?
Kung Pow Enter The Fist
lol youre a fucking dork and one day youll contemplate killing yourself but you wont have the balls to. at least trannies know when to call it quits.
>a biological man who gets paid to write jokes for a living is funny
What show?
Suicide is bad, user. You shouldn’t wish it on people, even your tranny bros.
Literally me. I was all excited to post a Patti stand up bit for Yea Forums for a "women aren't funny" thread, looked through the comments and found out that way. Still baka thinking about it. Should've known.
yeah whatever narrative makes you feel better, dweeb.
Okay, poindexter, hehe
You're trying too hard, troon.
I hope you fucking die Harley Jarvis
I Think You Should Leave
I would pay good money to watch Needle Dick Fantano get his bald Chomsky phelating head kicked into the concrete
kys gaylord
Yeah Tims probably the weakest part of the show at times but hes still pretty funny
Just wanted to know what show
a good esteering wheel that wont fly off when i am driving
that Haunted house tour sketch really fucked me up, as it basically my whole life in a nutshell.
Lmfao the guy is yelling lol water steak haha nobody would really eat that. But in his twisted random mind, lmfao he makes it into pure comedy! Haha! AHHHHHH SCREAMING
>Make any friends?
Not really
This, however; Unironically.
user used to be a piece of shit once
This guy has the most annoying face I’ve ever seen god I wanna punch his lights out and break his ugly Jew nose
You know I used to be a piece of shit too
What show is this and what's the context?
Id be your friend and we could talk about big fucking loads together
I Think You Should Leave and it’s a sketch comedy show
>billy as in me or billy as in him?
>your name's billy too?
>no, that's why I'm so fucking confused
I hate my life for going bald at 25.
Im completely bald and want to kill myself cause I'm not even fit enough to make it work.