>so famous he would literally stop traffic
No actor will ever be as famous as him. MJ mogs.
So famous he would literally stop traffic
You're right, Based MJ was so charismatic and famous that he made GROWN MEN FAINT.
>my vintage radio station plays MJ from time to time
>always put me in a good mood, takes me to those untroubled times
>song end, now im thrusted back into the disconcerting reality and i realize that we would never have someone like him
>i drive aggressively and fly into a rage, sometimes even smacking my steering wheels
it's not fucking fair bros
Having sex with children is wrong
your nose is showing, moshe
yo so how come his tunes arent in movies? biggest singer ever
royalty and shit
also would you honestly put something as soulful as his songs in current degenerate films
Even though he became white, he was born black. And I can’t support that. I don’t listen to any of the songs that were made during his black era
no but they would
>"He said “Michael, What are you doing?” Michael responded with tears streaming down his face, “Look it’s a baby bird and its dead!” Majestik not being of the same soft heart for nature as MJ and with his mind on where he was heading said “Michael, it is just a bird. There’s nothin’ you can do about it now. Man, its dead. Come on. We got to go. Let’s go.” Michael stood up and looked at him and in his soft voice and from his huge heart pleaded, “Majestik, this was a living creature with a heart and a soul just like us. We have to do something!”
>Majestik emphatically insisted, “What are you gonna do, Michael? It’s already dead. There’s nothing you can do now.” As he is trying to convince Michael to just keep walking he realizes Michael is now down on the ground on his knees crying, digging a hole with his bare hands to bury the bird, while saying “We have to bury it. We have to bury this bird. We can’t just leave it here and we HAVE to say a prayer for this bird.”
>He then finishes digging the hole, places the bird in the hole and covers it with dirt, as he finishes burying the bird he pats the ground gently with his hand, then stands and insists that Majestik stand right there with him over the new grave of the fallen bird while together they say a prayer. Michael leads the two of them in a prayer and asks God to bless the little baby bird and take it to heaven.
>They are done praying and Majestik again tries to spur Michael on saying, “Ok, come on now. Come on. We got work to do. Let’s go! We’re done. Let’s go now!” But Michael is riveted and ignoring his pleas, instead looks up realizing the baby bird had fallen to its death out of a nearby tree. Suddenly he ascends up into the tree. Climbing the tree to the spot of the bird’s nest, where he then carefully fixes the nest so no more birdie babies will fall out and die.
>He jumps down from the tree thanks god and continues to the music studio
>point out having sex with kids is wrong
>get called jewish
what did /pol/ mean by this?
>>Majestik emphatically insisted, “What are you gonna do, Michael? It’s already dead. There’s nothing you can do now.”
What's wrong with normalfaggots?
God realized he was a saint and turned his skin white, it was his way of accepting him as a messenger of peace, he became far more outspoken on racial issues and unity when he was white, coincidentally he left the Jehova's witnesses during the period he was diagnosed with Vitiligo
Prince was better and cooler.
>tfw you defend a black lefty hollywood pedo who married ariel sharon's niece because he said a racist word in a song about how racism is wrong.
I hate niggers more than most things and I am extremely confident in my opinion that he was a pedo, and I'd also cut my own dick off before hurting a child in any way, but I listen to his music all the time. why limit things you can enjoy because of some standard. who gives a shit. as long as you aren't hurting people, who cares.
>The lives of animals means nothing
>The lives of people who lie about their race and claim to be persecuted by imaginary events and were smited by god matters
Many such cases
evil child-eating demon
Reminder he turned himself into a satanic visage of Hell to scare kids so as to better harvest their adrenochrome
there's no explaining why he'd make himself look like the stuff of nightmares, unless it was God making him on the outside as he was on the inside
jews introduced age of consent laws in the US so it's probably why he was so angry about them
reminder he fled to a place with an age of consent of 9. What a coincidence!
The result of a black man trying to look white.
Reminder MJ being a child predator is literally a point of memeing in places like Japan who based a whole character around him.
He literally wants to get inside a child to increase his power.
Weird I experience this same phenomenon
Michael Jackson assulted me at Disneyland. 100% true story. His security team knocked me to the ground when he was still in that "I want to go to disneyland all by myself!" era. Was eating a frozen banana and got knocked to the ground- shoved in the back.
Fuck that pedophile and for years I swore that if I ever saw him again I'd push him to the ground. Well now he's in a cold masoleum like a carnival side show. Fuck you, pedo asshole.
I went to disneyland hundreds of times. You remain the only person who assaulted me there.
>my post with the jew lyrics got deleted
the fuck am I gonna really get ban for playfully quoting lyrics from a Michael Jackson song? kek
Nobody would even notice little michael if he was in the same room as ElvisChad
the music video is easily the greatest music video of all time rivalled by only thriller.
mj fags are the worst
especially weird cuz that song is about how racism bad
i bet you guys are the ones making those cringy michael profiles on youtube
4 legs good 2 legs baaaad
I lament the fact that I was born into a world that's completely different now from what I was promised to be able to grow up in, and I barely got to experience a little bit of that world before things went to shit.
>t. 94
It really isn't fucking fair.
>>Majestik emphatically insisted, “What are you gonna do, Michael? It’s already dead. There’s nothing you can do now.” As he is trying to convince Michael to just keep walking he realizes Michael is now down on the ground on his knees crying, digging a hole with his bare hands to bury the bird, while saying “We have to bury it. We have to bury this bird. We can’t just leave it here and we HAVE to say a prayer for this bird.”
>>He then finishes digging the hole, places the bird in the hole and covers it with dirt, as he finishes burying the bird he pats the ground gently with his hand, then stands and insists that Majestik stand right there with him over the new grave of the fallen bird while together they say a prayer. Michael leads the two of them in a prayer and asks God to bless the little baby bird and take it to heaven.
>People still brainwashed enough to believe hes a pedo
There's so much evidence that he isn't that it's a joke. The allegations fall apart completely when you do your research.
He is unironically innocent.
Here's literally all the proof you need to see he's innocent. Enjoy. Hopefully this makes you more of a fan.
>so famous he would literally stop traffic
if by 'stop' you mean 'molest' and by 'traffic' you mean 'boys' then yeah
Youenough of this nonsense. learn so you can stop spouting off bullshit
Imagine living in the peak of human civilization (it WILL go downhill from here because what we’re doing is not sustainable) and bitching and moaning just because nonwhites and non heteros can also live a somewhat decent but still less equal life. What a bunch of crybaby faggots.
>snowball got mauled to death by the dogs
He molested Corey Feldman whose entire life and career have been consumed with reconciling his ego (regarding the most famous person in the world telling him he's a talented actor, musician, and dancer) with the fact he just wanted access to his bussy.
fuck you jew
If little children being encouraged to cut off their genitals is peak humanity, I don't want to know where we will be when we hit rock bottom.
But MJ made good music. He deserved those children.
corey feldman is literally on record saying he was never molested by michael jackson.
same with maculay culkin
When the fuck did I mention anything about racial and sexual equality anywhere in my post?
Please deepthroat a 12 gauge.
probably he was innocent
>maculay culkin
That's why I don't believe MJ was a pedo at all, if he was there would have been no way a child molester could have resisted prime Culkin.
Reminder that jews can turn mass of people against their loved ones
he's literally had dozens of children around him. yet very few have made accusations or have anything negative to say about him.
Thats not normal for pedos.
It was originally
>white legs good, black legs baaad
but it was censored
>Him posing still as the crowd goes insane.
too damn KINO
No one except psychos are trying to force anyone to do anything, if you’ve heard otherwise it’s rightwing propaganda. The average/majority of liberals and centrists believe simply that people can do what they want with their bodies and that’s their decision. Nothing more. I think tattoos look awful but many Christians in my area choose to brand themselves with Christian iconography. It’s displeasing to my eyes, but it’s not for me, it’s for them. And that’s okay.
Ok, what did you mean by “troubled times” then?
I didn't say anything about troubled times either.
Having a conversation with you is like having a root canal. Ok, poster #2, what did you mean by “before things went to shit?”
You're the one that jumped to conclusions about nothing and couldn't tell who you were replying to.
Go waste somebody else's time.
I was right about one thing, you’re a whining faggot. A waste of time indeed.
>corey feldman is literally on record saying
What part of reconciling his ego with the fact the man who told him he was special molested him do you not understand? I know /tv is a dumb board but even the dumbest retards on /lit can spot an unreliable narrator.
>Imagine living in the peak of human civilization
The peak was 30-40 years ago.
even to this day he says he was never molested by michael jackson. what a cope.
infact the irony here is he's stopped defending jackson after leaving neverland came out. thats the only negative thing he has to say.
The 90’s maybe, less threat of global war and before China’s rise to a superpower. The technological convenience we have now is unparalleled though.
>No one except psychos are trying to force anyone to do anything, if you’ve heard otherwise it’s rightwing propaganda.
reality is rightwing propaganda
the pedophile/leftist thinks he is very clever
This isn't Yea Forums. fuck off Sony Shills
Zoomers claiming this kind of shit makes me cringe asf
no, you learn zoomer. it is a fact that Jacko molested kids. i believe the boys (plural) not the public relations reddit bots
Did you really just post a conversation from Reddit dot com with one person who says they’re liberal agreeing there’s some big conspiracy going on?
So why isn’t he more famous?
That’s right he’s a manlet lmao
2 minutes is all it takes for you to get BTFO
Look at that wide nose having, big lip soul singer and dancer.
"Fact" according to who? What "evidence" and "witness" magically appeared posthumously after the 20 years of investigation turned up nothing?
that's twitter
Hollywood and the big music corporations don't want such super stars any more, they get far too powerful contract wise against the record labels and such. They prefer 10 Kathy Perrys over 20 years over 1 Michael Jackson, they do their thing, earn good money and then get thrown away.