Why were there so many fucking serial killers in the 70s and 80s? This is practically a villain of the week show.
Why were there so many fucking serial killers in the 70s and 80s? This is practically a villain of the week show
because back then you had a pretty good chance of getting away with it
It was a simpler time.
lead poisoning causing homicidal tendencies from lead paint
A lot harder to solve crimes back then, nowadays with surveillance and digital traces you'd get caught.
they had them instead of mass shooters it was just trendy
loads of guy got fucked up from doing warcrimes in vietnam and came home and became serial killers
Lead, CIA, Police and Media reporting on them (now they get swept under the rug quietly). Mostly lead.
Their white parents didn’t just toss them in front of a computer screen all day and feed them Mickey D’s. A lot of these guys were horribly abused for decades. Sexually and psychically.
Before widespread legalized abortion you had tons of throw-away kids who got fucked up by bad parenting, poverty and abuse.
Except not really though when you actually look into it. The common theme? All raised by single mothers.
Women mostly knew their place back then too. Coincidence? I think not.
this. technology has basically made it impossible to become a seral killer.
People still act on those urges, but they get caught after the first or second kill. Those who get away over a long period of time (not a shooting spree or something) must be highly intelligent and diligent in their planning.
Same with raping.
Now they can get your DNA and just send it to ancestry or 23andme and get a match with one of your distant cousins and catch you.
there were no cameras anywhere and 'stranger danger' wasn't a thing yet so plenty of naive people were still running around just waiting to be killed.
They still exist, you just don't hear about them.
>tfw your dream of being a serial rapist will never come to fruition
There are more serial killers today than ever. 40% of homicides are never solved.
Seriously if you can't cum in them what's even the point? They'll probably bill you for child support while you slave away in prison.
That's just gang violence it's not like the interesting ones.
True but that naivete also made the world a much more pleasant place to live for the majority.
Even if you don't cum they'll pluck a micro-pube off her yoga pants and get you that way.
You know, unless you're staring at the barrel of a gun held by Alec Baldwin.
It's a noted fact crime started going down in the US about 15 years after Roe vs Wade.
Oh, I get it, you guys aren't actually interested in the murder aspect of serial killers, you're interested in the sex crime aspect.
Fucking coomers. Every thread; coomers.
There are still a fuckton of serial killers, they just don't make them famous in the media anymore.
Wayne Williams is one of most kino.
>Uncle Tom who hates other blacks
>talks in the third person like Dr. Doom
>got involved with the local music industry
>uses it to groom his victims, raping and killing only the ones he likes.
>Modeled himself off of Michael Jackson and the Jackson Five.
>almost starts a race war
>gets caught literally dumped a dead body off of a bridge
>despite this he convinces the mothers of his victims he's innocent and gets the to demand his freedom
>Does press conferences where he calls the victims street urchins who got what they deserved.
>the guy who made the movie Judgement at Nuremberg made a white guilt mini-series claiming Williams was framed by evil white people.
>The mini-series has James Earl Jones and Morgan Freeman.
>A podcast reveals he's still grooming victims even in prison and has young inmates following him around as his personal toadies
>Killed between 22 to 28 black males that we know of.
40% of homicides going unsolved does not imply that there's a bunch of serial killers around. Those unsolved crimes are usually gang murders or happen in the commission of other crimes. The sex crime aspect is almost ubiquitous when it comes to serial killers, because it takes a pretty fucked up urge to make someone commit murder for no material benefit.
Almost half of homicides never get solved. People are still getting away with it.
Literally just kill homless people and keep to yourself, you will never get caught.
Wayne's cool but he was either one of several active serial killers in Atlanta at the time, or he didn't work alone.
>Oh, I get it, you guys aren't actually interested in the murder aspect of serial killers, you're interested in the sex crime aspect.
Just like women then.
Testimony by one of Wayne's white friends, an ambulance driver named Bobby Toland.
more likely out of apathy and stretched resources than being incapable of getting a lead on the suspects.
There are more serial killers now than ever but the FBI is too busy trying to trick people into doing domestic terrorism to catch them so the news doesn't even report on it.
Literally nobody cares about black on black violence.
Wow. Doing the lord's work.
They were able to connect over 20 of the homicides to him. The ones in doubt were 2 little girls who were killed by people who knew them. In the FBI files it reveals one of the girls was killed by a mental ill friend of her mother, and that this man abducted and held the girl captive while raping her. The other girl was killed by her family. Of which I clipped this newspaper article where her dad is showing people the supposed window the abductor entered thru. An witness in the apartment complex on the night of the abduction said that the mother of the victim was yelling and crying and exited the apartment while he described what sounded like a beating taking place.
The girl's parents killed her and then skipped town immediately. During interviews the mother would cover her face and do fake tears with no actual tears.
Kek, I remember a big tech guy that got killed with a chainsaw and was about to be melted in acid in his own bathroom in his own apartment in central new york, the killer just escaped because he got scared of the neighbors before he could make the body disappear, he avoided all cameras and people both going in and running out, he was never caught and if he had the time to finish this guy would simply went missing instead of being classified as homicide.
Not all homicides are serial ya big dummy. The whole reason they catch serial killers is because after 3 kills they can establish a pattern through the evidence. With one-offs that's insanely harder.
There were 2 other questionable victims: Darron Glass, who's body was never found but was probably a victim of Williams, since Glass had connections to other known victims. And Anthony Carter, who might have been stabbed to death by a family member. The FBI accused his mother, while family members think a cousin was involved, because the cousin made a bunch of weird and questionable statements and refused to take a polygraph.
Carter's mother ended up getting shot to death in a physical altercation. The guy who shot her was acquitted for shooting her in self defense.
Half of homicides are gang bangers in areas where "snitches get stitches" is what the locals abide by. A white guy hunting women wouldn't get away with it for long today
The real Black Klansman
This. There was one near where I lived killing prostitutes. He was never caught and they just gave up.
its actually because the FBI doesnt want people to realize its just as easy to be a serial killer today as it was years ago. theres like 70+ active serial killers and the authorities have absolutely no fucking idea who these people are.
Also to mention, Williams was visiting the crime scenes when the police were there, saying he was a journalist and photographer. Williams and his father Homer Williams would then sell the crime scene photos to the local press. Included here is a newspaper image listing Homer Williams as the source of a photo.
Well but because of that, serial killing just got replaced with spree killing/mass shooting. It's a lot easier and more common to see people just shoot and kill a dozen or so people in one massive shootout than to kill multiple people over time since it takes much less time and is effective at counteracting the setbacks modern technology brought to serial killing. You see probably as much mass shooters today as you do serial killers back then.
I worked with a guy who killed someone but he never made it to serial killer because he got caught on his second attempt. They even did an episode of one of those murder shows about him.
That's not serial killers, that's niggers.
What's more interesting is the fact chick's love serial killers. What's the deal with that? Something left over from the primitive female brain to fuck the guy who invaded and murdered your village in order to survive?
The cops were fucking terrible back then. Look at a lot of these serial killer documentaries and you will find a lot of the times cops had what they need, but refused to communicate with other cops, or were just fucking retarded and let the killer go.
The psychoses of a serial killer vs mass shooter is way too different for that to be comparable. Serial killing:
>requires more planning
>requires sustained effort to evade authorities
>requires the destruction or hiding of evidence
>does not entail immediate publicity as mass shooting does (if that is even their goal in the first place)
>has to be someone who is willing to take human lives, multiple times, over multiple occasions
A mass shooter does one big, dramatic action, and everything else, from the "clean-up" to the rest of his life to the media coverage, is handled for him.
They're just being edgy. No different from chuds loving Hitler
>he doesn't remember Yea Forums simping for this broad
Men are the exact same way.
Yea but men will fuck anything. Fucking goofy old Dennis raider gets pussy. They all do whether they are good looking or not. I maintain there is some evolutionary phenomenon
Guys simp of cute female killers. Chicks will simp over all guy killers and it seems like the more fucked up the things the guy did the better. I think they try to picture themselves in the situation like those rape fantasies. If you ever meet a girl that is into serial killers listen to the way they talk about it.
Retarded. The gangbangers are the ones who get arrested the most. A cold blooded white man will most likely not get caught
This. Leaded gasoline
Lead paint. Heavy metals. We seriously dont appreciate how much cleaner life is these days.
It’s very different. Hitler had the right idea but fucked up the execution. National socialism without the genocide is the best system. Imagine if every race had its own ethnostate.
Idiot gang bangers kill more often then they get caught. There are a ton of serial killers out there active but not in the sense we are talking about. Gangsters with multiple bodies are technically serial killers but we don't think of them like that. The real existing serial killers are black gangsters, the stereotype white stalker is a rare thing that doesn't really exist anymore like it did before the 90s/00s
His supporters made a big deal years back about dna testing some dog hair found on his victims, because it would "prove" it wasnt his dog or some shit. They got it tested and then they went silent. Turned out it was his dog. Ooops.
>Imagine if every race had its own ethnostate.
What's a race? Even a place like France was quite ethnically and linguistically diverse in the past, it took coercion from a central state to forge the French identity as we recognize it today. National identities are just useful fictions to make ruling a country easier.
Hardass traumatized WWII dads
Is that why the jews are using blacks to rule us?
People are still pretty much getting away with it, my man.
Breakdown of real, lived communities, alienation, ennui. Probably only 'went down' on account of mass incarceration, forensics. Really though I wouldn't be surprised if it hadn't gone down and we were merely just numb to it.
conversely, I feel like if you worked around those limitations (never carry a cellphone, operate where there are no buildings), you could probably get away with it because modern investigations are so dependent on technology fingerprints.
The person you try to kill will have a cellphone and be around buildings though.
There are clear distinctions between the big 3 races: whites, blacks, and Asians. So what We need to do is make borders on all the continents and throw each race into its respective home.
That way they’re free to have whatever dumb ethnic conflicts they want. As long as the big 3 races don’t mix well be okay
People always say this but finding a serial killer who killed just to kill or because they could are pretty hard to find. They always have a type or some sort of reason for who they kill and why they started and kept going.
Whats the name of this particular case?
Could be, Kemper's dad was a ww2 veteran who tested nukes and shit. But then Dahmer's dad was just a chemistry nerd.
They actually did it 3 times.
The first time it was the dog hair that was found on all the victims that were presented at trial:12 victims(charged with only 2 however), plus a few others that they didn't bring to trial. The dog hair while not unique fit into a small amount of the canine population, of which Wayne's dog a German Shepard named Sheba happened to match to that same population.
The second time, they insisted that a human hair found on the body of one of the children named Patrick Baltazar wouldn't match. Baltazar was one of the victims presented at trial, of which the prosecution were able to show that it was microscopically similar to William's own hair. When they DNA tested it, it too also was consistent with Williams, of which only a small portion of the Black population matched. When you combined that DNA match with the dog hair match on Baltazar's body, there could be little doubt that he killed that vicitm.
But... they're actually trying it again. The liberal mayor of Atlanta who vowed to defund the police, re-opened the cases to try and prove that Williams was framed by white people.
>At the mayor's request, the city reopened the cases in March of 2019 and investigators were directed to try to use new investigative technologies to try to shine a definitive light on solving the cases. In July, the mayor made the announcement that the city would be analyzing new DNA evidence.
Mix of Vietnam PTSD, drugs, lead, lack of information/easier to not get caught, sprinkled with CIA psyoppery.
Them having a cellphone just means you have to not hang around. Plenty of people go places where there's not surveillance. The biggest challenge would probably be that once the heat is on they'll deploy a dragnet on surveillance over a broad area.
>oh looky here we dumped 5 years of camera data from all over the city into a supercomputer and the same red ford ranger with damaged fender showed up within 3 miles within 2 hours of each kill
It's an interesting question, actually. Why is the concept of "serial killers" so localized to a specific time? You'd think history would be littered with them, but it basically goes from Jack the Ripper to Albert Fish to 50,000 people from 1968-1989, then falls off dramatically.
One idea I've heard floated is that is that a lot of the people who would have been serial killers 30 years ago are just spree killers/mass shooters now. Would make sense since these people tend to like to play off one another. Only thing that doesn't really add up is that serial killers usually had a sexual component to their crimes. They were quite literally getting off on it. Mass shooters don't really give off that vibe. They don't really take the time to enjoy it, they seem to be angry and lashing out.
Policework and technology just got good enough to start catching them and nailing multiple crimes to them, so it picked up a ton between the previously active and still active ones. But going forward they were caught more steadily as they emerged, with the methods getting better like less but its because the spots been fished out.
There have always been serial killers. They just haven't always been documented well.
Dahmer was a gay alcoholic who never learned how to interact with people, I don't think it was so much abuse with him as being completely alienated from people and as a result just seeing them as a means to an end (the end being his pleasure).
>serial killers usually had a sexual component to their crimes.
>They were quite literally getting off on it.
Is it porn being more easily accessed?
Are people jerking off instead of serial killing?
>There are clear distinctions between the big 3 races: whites, blacks, and Asians.
There literally isn't, just go to any place where you cross over from one continent to another and you can see each group fade into the other.