>14 years since the first Plinkett
>the public doesn't know a single thing about Mike aside from the fact that he likely dated Jessi
How is he so secretive?
>14 years since the first Plinkett
>the public doesn't know a single thing about Mike aside from the fact that he likely dated Jessi
How is he so secretive?
Why do you care
>Mike way 29 when the first Plinkett review came out
>He's 43 now
Don't you get it? Mike is CIA.
Mike and Jesse have been broken up since 2019
he's a gen xer so he knows how to have an identity outside of social media/retarded online gossip
More like KKK.
OP asked "how" not "why" he's secretive.
>How is he so secretive?
Don't know but good for him, who the hell cares about private lives of other?
I wish Mike would do more Plinkett reviews. Surely there are other big movies or franchises he could tear to shreds.
Plinkett is finished, BOTW is the only kino left
I think he's not doing them for a reason - YT is already over-saturated with videoessays/critiques of bad movies.
>so secretive
It’s not like he has paparazzi following him around. All an eceleb has to do to maintain their privacy is resist the urge to air dirty laundry on twitter like a retard. Even pewdiepie has kept his life pretty private.
sex tape with gay blowman when
>It’s not like he has paparazzi following him around
Better - he has his own fandom.
Mike is a homosexual. The way he talks the way he carries himself. He is zesty.
>It’s not like he has paparazzi following him around
you mustve missed the webm where mike dropped three people in a parking lot
This lol. Zoomers literally cannot comprehend someone not living their life online (which is the cause of most their social problems, depression & apathetic behavior).
Mike and Jessi are married and the reason why Jessi left is because they got a kid and spergs online wouldnt stop commenting muh woman everytime she joined botw that they decided she would just leave the public sphere and not involve all the parasocial wierdos in their family life
RLM are based because they dont have social media
They have Twitter/Fb accounts.
i dont know about facebook but they only use twitter for the occasional shitpost
He and James Rolfe hang out and play pinochle.
Yeah it's funny to think that at the time the Phantom Menace critique was released the idea of a video essay being the same length as the film it's critiquing was novel. Like the Plinkett character exists specifically as a pre-emptive defense to the question "What type of loser would waste their time making a feature length video about the Phantom Menace?"
the last plinkett review might actually be their last one, i mean its been over a year since the dvd of rise of skywalker and they havent made one for that one yet
Didn't people find his studio or something? Or that some other e-celeb? I don't care about any of them and have never once watched one of his videos.
Have they interacted in any of their videos? Would actually like to see crossover of RLM with AVGN or other mainstream critic.
He did one for Picard
>the idea of a video essay being the same length as the film it's critiquing was novel
That's actually pretty good. As much as I actually like long reviews, there is simply too much of this shit.
yes u are right, i forgot about that
maybe they just dont have the energy for more star wars then
>I wish Mike would do more Plinkett reviews. Surely there are other big movies or franchises he could tear to shreds.
it was obvious plinket was about things he had actual interest in, i doubt he even wanted to do new wars plinket. gotta respect mike for having some integrity and just hanging it up with all the copy cats. plus probably a bit of lazyness as well, plinket takes the most work out of all the stuff they do.
The difference is the prequel hate wasn't all condensed into a single place before beyond maybe some dipshits writing reviews on some blogs. Nowadays you see people making 5 hr video essays over some benign video game or movie no one cares about.
They're too boring for stalkers to care.
>woah, Mike on a Friday night! He's... going to the bar again
Lets face it, Mike has'nt been the same since Shatners le epic BTFO podcasting snipe.
Some 3rd party needs to offer the proverbial olive branch and get these two together, to form some closure, so to speak.
With that said, imagine Jessi's hot braps.
If you have a rape dungeon in your house, it's best not to call attention to yourself.
>People still don't understand that Palpatine was the phantom menace
>People unironcally think it was Darth Maul
>maybe they just dont have the energy for more star wars then
Reviewing ROS would be like beating a dead horse, topic has been already covered. Plinkett's review of TLJ was already mediocre.
>>woah, Mike on a Friday night! He's... going to the bar again
To the manhole?
How do you know he has a kid? Where is the proof? Kinda sounds like you're the one with a parasocial relationship with Mike.
Kek. Imagine what normies think when they see a MauLer review...
I'm not even sure where to start with Rise, the movie is just noise.
i literally just pulled that out of my ass
but it could be true
No one's even posted the Jessi pic
i have no idea what mike or mr. plinkett could add to rise of skywalker conversation at this point. even normies thought it was bad and all its problems have been talked about endlessly.
Because he's smart. The more an e-celeb invites viewers into their personal life, the bigger a retard they are.
>Rise of Skywalker
>That's it
>No games, shows, etc of Rey
Did they even release a comic?
their critique of e-celebs is probably part of this decision aswell
Anons found the address, and then tricked one of the nostalgia critic hanger-ons into going there to "audition" to join the RLM crew.
The idiot fell for it of course.
I feel bad for the dude.
>Shatners le epic BTFO podcasting snipe
I refuse to believe it wasn't some intern or family member or whatever doing it on Shatner's behalf that got butthurt over something Mike said
He didn't add much to TLJ either to be fair
holy checked look at those quad dubs
Meds. Now.
Think anons found out who the social media manager was, he's just some middle-aged redditor
So did Rich Evans. He told the story on a Pre-Rec stream once
Paul Casumo, look him up.
Really what's left to say? The Plinkett Reviews seem to only come out when they have something inspired to add. Like, the Prequel reviews came about because so much of the internet of that era was just people endlessly discussing how shit the Prequels were, so the Plinkett Reviews were designed to kind of close the door on that topic for good.
What could they say about Rise of Skywalker that everyone else hasn't said 5 minutes after leaving the theater?
"That was a piece of shit."
The Last Jedi is bad in such fascinating, confusing ways. Rise of Skywalker is just trash, there's nothing to it.
Cope about what you sperg?
Are you his social media manager?
Their filming locations have to remain secret, otherwise the place would be swarmed with millions of fans who all want Josh's autograph.
Jay hasn't moved from his apartment even though it's been years since his home address was doxxed.
Nuwars exposed how little they actually know about what makes a good movie and nowadays there are a dozen smarter and funnier ecritics out there ready to tear apart their dishonest and brainlet takes so they're afraid to take a solid stand anymore.
we know he believes in ghosts
Jay's merch sells the least out of all the RLM cast. Josh action figures fly off shelves, and an original Josh figure still in the package will fetch about $4 million USD at auction.
They've been awfully quiet ever since Mike ran Rich Evans off the road in his big-rig.
I wish they still did Nerd Crew. Peak satire.
Is this true?