Why is there 0 hype for this?
Why is there 0 hype for this?
Bland rehash movie with no soul, temp music and forced diversity.
Like every movie these days
because the last one was real bad and the love interest is literally obese
Wtf is the name of this movie?
>no soul
>temp music
that's what they call it before the movie is finished, did you get a camrip or something
>forced diversity
what does that even mean, is there an example of non-forced diversity?
Jurassic World: Dominion.
I saw the second movie but literally could not remember it was called Fallen Kingdom, I had to google it just now
Jurassic World sucked ass, whatever the last one was called probably sucked even though I didn't see it, and this one is going to suck even more ass.
>the epic conclusion of the jurassic era
no one saw the second JW. the first movie was a huge hit despite being not very good, and they fucked up the sequel anyway...... so they panicked and hired the identical creative team from the first JW and paid Neil, Dern, Goldblum what I'm sure was a shit-ton of money.
>epic conclusion
Do you think they'll graphically murder the nanny again for no reason
its huge in the real world, in online nerd virgin world people sleep
Because it's the nth installment of a tepid franchise from 3 decades ago.
>huge in the real world
"conversation at your high school lunch table" doesn't count, user
>what does that even mean, is there an example of non-forced diversity?
Every movie now needs
>strong black woman whos rude mean to white men and talks down to them
>forced gay character or tranny
>Random muslim character whos a nice guy while the christian is shown to be a cartoon villain
>women are stronger then men and men are dumb and stupid or evil because they are men (this doesnt mean men can't be villains)
The Epic Conclusion Of The Jurassic Era
They ought to have chosen a bigger typeface
Why would there be?
no one was counting, we were talking about the movie
>i don't like it when non-whites are in a movie
Yes, that's coming through loud and clear, but you didn't answer the original question.
the last one was one of the dumbest movies i've ever seen
it's not epic unless it's in papyrus
the director had nothing on his resume that would indicate he was up to the task of a big-budget summer tentpole, but in his defense, neither did the director of the first JW
My 6 year old nephew is hyped for it. He probably doesn't post here tho
>show interracial couples and a cuck in trailer
>this will help sell our movie
>The Epic Conclusion
Yeah right
>online nerd virgin
Why do you think this is an insult? Do you know where you are? Literally highschool tier rehetoric
Because it's a bland, nostalgia-driven copy of another bland, nostalgia-driven copy.
Now WE are the ones trapped in amber!!!
I'm hype in the sense that after this summer, no more Colin Trevorrow movies, ever.
I liked JW and Fallen Kingdom
not saying they're masterpieces, but they weren't liquid shit like alot of movies coming out lately
Soulless cash-grab. Michael Crichton is dead so you cant even argue it's canon
They shit on any good will left for the series. Even the canon kids cartoon is shit, fucking robots and another island? jesus christ. I'm just gonna re-read the books and pretend this is all some shitty fanfic.
I agree on the first one but the second movie was fucking awful
No, user, it is a conclusion to the Jurassic Era. After this they'll make Cretaceous World
Ngl, anyone older than 6 had no business watching the first couple of films, let alone wherever we are now.
Why do you think its an insult?
I'm not the OP I just made a statement. LOST is an example of a multicultural cast done Billy D in star wars felt like a character and not a checkbox
I liked it, good movie to bring a date to, well at the time anyways
>Cretaceous World
Wow, that sure rolls off the fucking tongue
My wifes got a big pussy
Go back, fake woman.
Imagine being white and hating white people like this user
you are the one who brought it up, why do you think its an insult? I wanna know, whisper it in my ear user
It's everywhere nowadays and I usually wouldn't care but it's so hamfisted and they have to shove it in your face. Any trailer I see it and I'm out on the movie
Yeah but now it has a strong woman of color honestly if you don't see it you're basically a nazi
Because it looks lame as fuck. Hope it bombs.
is there hype for anything nowadays?
im hype everytime I shit and it comes out smooth
The first one was way better than I thought it would be idk what they were thinking with the second one
>Let's have most of the film take place in a giant mansion and involve cloned children and yes I'm describing a Jurassic park movie
the first one is a good normie theme park ride movie
the second is one of the worst big budget movies of the last decade
>is there an example of non-forced diversity
Yeah, for prison movies.
Not for me, market is oversaturated.
Why would there be? Another soulless schlock.
After the first JW I told myself I'd never watch any new movies in this franchise.
so you're okay with wooden, poorly drawn characters if they're white? because that's all this series has so far
Im hyped
oh hey is this more Christ Pratt scowling and prancing around on a green screen surrounded by 2008 PS3 graphics dinosaurs?
Based high fiber boomer
No, but diveristy hiring makes the problem worse. IT creates an atomosphere of dishonesty. You're used to that though, concern troll
Because the first JW was just a shit remake of the original movie, and JW2 was just more of the same terribleness.
because theyre shit. same level as marvel movies.