Last man standing edition
Last man standing edition
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Noel Wells is cute.
Helllloooooooo Cutie!!!
Lower decks was a great show
I hope he outlives Takai
gertiatric shatner is unironically better than geriatrikc stewart.. they shoulda made a Kirk series desu
just film the books he wrote himself
>he wrote himself
he also wrote
So, this is how it all ends.
nigga he did NOT write a single page of any of that. i doubt he even knows a single thing about star trek. i mean good on him, but still.
they haven't let him near anything star trek since his death. what the fuck did he do
for one they were all narcisistic as fuck
for two they were all ghostwritten
>trying to bring back old ritualposts
it's 2022 VF. Get new material.
That is a lot of joint Kirk/Picard books, are they any good?
he wrote 3 line plots for each
Just watched the latest episode of Picard. Jean Luc wanted to be a tranny when he was a kid. This is now permanent Star Trek canon that goes all the way back and poisons TNG and the movies. Your hero never got married because he identifies as female.
>have I mentioned how obsessed with trans people I am today???
>TJ Hooker
>Best Colombo
>Actually went into space
>Outlived Spack, Oddo, Nig, Rottencunt Barrett
oh eyh im sure he planned them out: "ressurect Kirk and remind everyone hes the greatest ever" is how it went
>Your hero never got married because he identifies as female.
like Star Trek Tendi?
and McCoy has an Exoskeleton
and Kirk defeats Mirror Spock and Outcaptains Picard twice
I read his book about how he went undercover to Star Trek conventions and actually got to see why retards are driven to the show which was kind of endearing.
He seemed like a funny guy on set and irl yet everyone who comes into contact with him hates the guy.... something ain't adding up..
That can't be true, you're fibbing
it is on the subtext
For you
He was very personable, but super ego driven. He'd demand lines meant for other cast members be given to him and had to be in frame for as many shots as possible.
Back then you got paid literal peanuts so I don't blame him for doing that. Doesn't explain why he was hated after TOS.
>Outcaptains Picard twice
Serves him right for getting him killed
Fuck off George, you weren't even in 50% of the show.
He literally penetrated the heavens.
>Can someone explain why the characters in Prodigy aren't any Star Trek species?
zero is a medusan and jankem pog is a tellaritr, both are from TOS.
They don't even look like those species, though. The whole art style is a bit shit, to be honest. Maybe I'll give it a chance if there's more member berries in the future eps.
or you could just not watch a kids show?
There are.
I'm an autist and I've accepted it, fucker
Just be yourself user.
the first arc is a bit clone wars but once they get on the ship and start acting like a crew its good shit
It seems like the restrictions of having to make it "family friendly" has saved it from some of the horrible tropes of shitty nu-trek.
Will he be the ultimate villain of Prodigy?
>childrens show
>children characters
it would be epic but i don't think pedophiles are on the menu for this woke kurtzaman shit
Prodigy is the only good “NuTrek”.
When was the last time you did an honest day's work? Felt soil between your fingers? Sunshine on your back as you toiled to cultivate life and bear the fruit of your labors? The heart of the Federation is the agrarian worker. Touch grass.
>I read his book about how he went undercover to Star Trek conventions and actually got to see why retards are driven to the show
qrd on shatner's mind
Correct. Prodigy is the anti-Lower Decks; creative, respectful, well-animated.
>the restrictions of having to make it "family friendly" has saved it from some of the horrible tropes of shitty nu-trek
explain the shitty tropes of nu-trek please
Here you go
It's a really fun read. He interviews randos at Star Trek conventions while wearing a disguise.
>Guinan does summon Q ritual
>nothing happens
So Q was a multiple personality of Jean Luc all along?
>pretending through an inverted nightmare world reflective of our own
>females in authority
>galaxy spanning apocalypses
>people violently dying in particle effects
Subversive, cynical, violent, anti-authority.
Glad I haven't watched anything beyond ENT besides LD. Star Trek should always have scooby doo tier hijinks with good storylines, not this depressive twitter shit. Why work on a show that is basically space authorities in a world where society has advanced beyond their tranny shit
>explain the shitty tropes of nu-trek please
- Characters have emotional depth rather than being stock archetypes upon which a situation is projected
- real world cadences of speech including banter and humor instead of apostrophes and soliloquies
- functional flooring as befits a military organization as opposed to industrial carpeting
It's really unmitigated garbage user
>steals line from a superior movie
>makes it about some spic shithole instead of iowa
Well if that's where he's from...
>real world cadences of speech including banter and humor
fuck you TOS had the best banter of any of the shows
>besides LD
Lower Decks exemplifies everything that is wrong with NuTrek. People only like it because of the memberberries.
McMahan defended other NuTreks during that panel recently.
give me the qrd
>military organization
Okay, you can fuck off.
Tasty bait.
The virgin to Kirk's Chad.
not him but TOS was a military user, they are explicitly soldiers of the federation.
Oh hey you didn't take your dirt nap
>Muh not a military! Muh organization for exploration!
Cool, tell me about the time NASA fought multiple interstellar empires.
Everyone associated with nuTrek has nothing but praise for it.
Back in the 90s when Berman was in charge, people could voice their displeasure with it all the time.
>having mutinies
but totally not a military
Hey man, Bill posts here. We can call Patrick geriatric because he's a cunt
I remember finding her interesting as a young child. Apparently I wanted to sneed
I already did but okay... Basically he felt bad about telling trekkies to get a life on SNL back in the late 80's and felt even worse after getting killed off in Generations. Shatner uses this time after that to go to every Trek convention that will have him and puts on a mask and interviews different people about why they do what they do. Basically, they do it because of the family feeling they get from everyone there. There's this one person he interviews that dresses his cat up like McCoy and the guy is like 25 and obviously a virgin but just shy. It hits me in the feels bro...
Also, there's this one girl that's like 18 he visits that has that thing where you have multiple personalities in your head. She was like raped and stuff as a kid and Star Trek was an only escape for her.
At the end of the book Shatner likes and understands Star Trek more than he ever has before :) also there's some gay stuff with Nimoy he did and maybe perhaps DeForest Kelley
They literally still had the death penalty in TOS in the menagerie, along with court martials and strict military regulations mentioned regularly.
In corbomite maneuver Bailey offers his opinion to Kirk and he says "I'll keep that in mind Mr Bailey, if this ever becomes a democracy."
Well user, everyone tells me I'm a lovely guy. Likeable they often say. Yet nobody likes me. Maybe Bill works hard like Kubrick.
God she was a steaming little piece of strumpet
>people could voice their displeasure with it all the time
no they couldn't they had contracts
all the stories are from con appearances and shit after they'd finished airing
Thank you, I appreciate the qrd. Good to see that Shatner made peace with his legacy.
Is it wrong to ship real people?
Left to right
>and Gummer