you won't believe it when you see it
Emma thinking about the feast she's gonna have on Big Harvs butthole later
They look depressed.
Bad fashion.
Nah they're just English
yes somehow Canadian tuxedos came back
when you save your country from a literal tyrant and all you get is an upper middle class gov job with a missus who aged like milk
Welcome to life, is HP secretly based?
it isn't a secret, that's why all the trannies hate it now
JK Rowling may be a dumb feminist now but her writing exposes her upbringing of western christian values
it also unintentionally shines a light on a lot of hilariously awful things like Harry Potter being a depressed turbo virgin who gets with the literal first girl who shows him positive attention, while also being part of his only support structure
>a lot of hilariously awful things
Do you have any more examples? To this point, I have thought about HP as vaguely liberal (Umbridge=Thatcher, Dursleys=Tories, le tolerance and acceptance of half-breeds good).
the house elves literally preferring to be slaves is my first thought
goblins are obvious jew analogues too
Hermoine deserved better
>goblins are obvious jew analogues too
Thought about it too, can't believe that no one complained about it before (or at least I haven't noticed it).
>Umbridge=Thatcher, Dursleys=Tories
That's some coke-fuelled take...
Don't forget
>vidya = entertainment for braindead bullies
See: Dudley.
>vidya = entertainment for braindead bullies
I would say that many people think that regardless of their political views.
Even the actress playing her said that
Also the government would rather bury its head in the sand then face a possible threat
More over, the government is most of the time portrayed as filled with literal retards
the only competent leader is a closet homo former communist who had to face the fact that communism doesn't work
It's not even subtle, user
>the only competent leader is a closet homo former communist who had to face the fact that communism doesn't work
Dumbledore was never a communist though.
Ginny looks older now then she's supposed to be in that scene
it was a communist analogue
'greater good'
I guess you could say fascist instead
I'd say that the point of 'the government has been corrupted and is out to get you' shows how redpilled Rowling is...
Lots of ideologies use the 'for the greater good' mantra.
>greater good
So literally every government slogan ever?
yeah it's a little ambiguous, but it is meant to be co-occurring with WW1/2
But, on the other hand, she shows that it is not fault of the government itself but of particular persons. When le liberal cunt Hermione becomes MoM and Harry becomes cop, everything gets better
she has the same eyes as trinity from the matrix
is that albus severus potter at bottom right
Is that solomon dimsum dish?
Oh you mean like how in his younger years Dumbledore was a far-right magic supremist and it's only when he and his boyfriend broke up that he stopped being an edgelord, only to overcurrect in his later years and become a virtue signaling paragon of "goodness"?
You mean that virtue-signallers have the largest number of skeletons in their closets?
whats your point?
My point is user is a dipshit who just threw the commie buzzword around because fucking Harry Potter is too complex for him.
what do you mean?
Post more of Ginny. I refuse to believe she looks that bad
you forgot the children
relax retard
Why didn’t you apply the filter on Emma?
She looks nice.
Cute and has a cat. I’m game.
Says the retard who can't even understand a kids story
relax cutie pie
>Harry Potter being a depressed turbo virgin who gets with the literal first girl who shows him positive attention
He's just like me
The Dursleys are clearly lower middle-class suburban Tories - Rowling even mentions them being avid Daily Mail readers.
Umbridge being Thatcher is a stretch though. She's meant to be like a high-ranking bureaucrat who's a tyrannical turbocunt whilst maintaining a sickly-sweet facade. Regardless of what you think of Thatcher, she never adopted a twee 'sweet old lady' presence.
>that's why all the trannies hate it now
They hate HP because Rowling said something vaguely transphobic on twitter once.
>Drinking has ruined our lives. We're 31 years old
>Rowling even mentions them being avid Daily Mail readers
Never caught that - maybe it was changed in the translation.
Holy shit, what the fuck happened to her?
Yeah, I don't remember that either from the books.
It started this whole thing but they also criticize her for apparent lack of "representation" and other matters too.
>Calling Harry Potter based
How old are the children I am posting with?
>British "people"
Entertainment for children/YA cannot be based?
Like milk. She obviously stays out of the sun, so it's not that.
>Rowling said something vaguely transphobic on twitter once
She posts about troons 24/7 and constantly gives shout-outs to people and organisations who are known for strong anti-trans positions (even now she's posting about some big photo op thing she did with a load of anti-troon people). She's written literal essays about it. I don't even disagree with a lot of what she says, but don't pretend she isn't obsessed with troons just like Glinner.
>lack of "representation"
And when 'representation' of these sick in the head degenerates happens in media, they cry that's it's 'the wrong kind of representation'. With each passing day I detest trannies even more.
>The Dursleys are clearly lower middle-class suburban Tories
They live Surrey so yeah probably.
>The first Harry Potter film came out 21 years ago
>Kids who watched it back then are +25 old by now
Do the math grandpa, it's probably the same zoomers who also love the SW prequels.
It's not a massive plot point or anything it's just mentioned several times as an incidental detail
Which volume and chapter?
It cheapens the meaning of the word if you apply it to every vaguely accurate observation in the world
I don’t do math, I have people for that
It should've been Luna.
>every vaguely accurate observation in the world
Maybe but those accurate observations are so rare this days...
her dad was magic alex jones
you really think that would have flown with Rowling's tory sensibilities?
Where are the black people?
I doubt you have people for anything, you seem like a megafaggot
Very few negroids are magical in the HP world thankfully.
it was the initial plan but Rowling scrapped it because she thought Luna was introduced too late
which is retarded
Takes one to know one sweaty