Why does Hollywood only ever blackwash characters instead of yellowashing them to appeal to a way larger audience?
Why does Hollywood only ever blackwash characters instead of yellowashing them to appeal to a way larger audience?
No one gives a shit about bugmen
That's obviously not true since studios censor their movies to comply with chinese content restrictions in order to get access to that market.
why should anyone listen to some chink? if you dont like it fuck off back to china
thats china, not some faggy asian american creep
Luna should just make porn about Asian women getting that Big Greek Cock
woah iron fist punched that guy so hard he turned into a chick!
what a chad!!
The anatomy in the last panel is Chris chan-tier
How come Josh draws every Asian character as himself, or rather his idealized version of himself?
someone post ColonialMan
He’s pretty good looking by flip standards
Pretty common for characters to get replaced by chinese actors for the chinese release.
name one movie where this happened
Until recently asian countries were poor as fuck and/or insular. Blackwashing is also done to appeal to liberals (who think that by supporting it they're being tolerant) and many women (who resent white men and enjoy seeing them dragged through the mud socially).
as a Filipino i partially apologize for this man's behavior, but also i blame the racebait brainrot that living in the United States causes
God I wish I would get smacked so hard I get turned into the sissy slut of my conqueror.
The point of being woke is to raise your ESG score, not to broaden your potential audience.
And he still has highest level of cope possible in a human - why is this? Must be something from childhood, right?
wtf is this dudes problem? he's already part of the most powerful race in the world wtf more does he want?
The white dude looks like Jonah Hill.
How can you tell, they all look the same
Because the US has tried reason, education and financial assistance to make niggers civilized and it hasn't worked, so now it's out right propaganda
That's his brother, Josh is the faggot with glasses on the left
What was the story with these two again? Didn't his brother try to scam him or something like that, which led to his hatred and insecurity?
no his brother called him out on his mental issues
Nobody cares to see bugmen on screen is what he means, that goes triple in China itself, they love white American stars
He basically accused his (more successful) brother of stealing his work, physically and mentally abusing him (despite being bigger), and is secretly butthurt about him having a white girlfriend because he prefers black women and dark SEA monkey women that are borderline black
In this pic you can see his tweets at the bottom
If you go by box office sales, chinks are happy to watch films with white actors with or without a token asian actor in the background. So it's easy for Hollywood to write in a gay black whatever side character for the western release and remove them from the chinese release to hit both markets
It's obvious narcissistic persecution complex. Made even more baffling that he does in fact have some decent art skills and could actually achieve some success if he applied himself.
>Character's share the speech bubble
So is the warrior guy having an orgasm or is the woman moaning in pain?
lmao that is not how I interpreted that image at all
based fujo
That's his brother not him, pic related is better.
You aight flip. Gimme some lumpinas or whatever those things are called and let me impregnate your women and maybe I won't knock that measuring cup off of your toilet
i like your antkino
His brother is more successful because he consistently turns out work quicker, Luna can't even make one page of his cope strawman comics in a month.
Never fails to make me laugh
kek we are actually glad you take those type of women away from us, women of that kind are not very loyal and only wanted you for that green card
unironically what the fuck did he mean by this?
white people bad
nah he's just giving the ol knee job
that chinese food is more popular now then before.
also hurr durr people that opressed me when i was child do the same thing they were opressing me for. maybe idk first time seeing his fag art
I'm just joking flip, relax.
Because asian men don't have have an aggressive masculine presence due to their height and facial features, They have a very limited range of emotional expression so people just get bored watching they start doing kung fu. I don't think there are any famous pure asian actors above 6"0.
Niggers are capable of action roles but they usually can't be cast as protagonist unless they have caucasoid features like denzel washington or will smith.
They're still trying to get in
Chef Jeff, pls go
konichiwa! dude
This desu. I wish he released more comics because they are funny as fuck. Even on Kpop he has no mercy
The White men in Josh's comics are all based as fuck
As a white manlet who is dating a Chinese ex-model who makes a lot more money than I do, I can only imagine how much this dude would seethe to know I exist.
Josh is the world's greatest creator of batshit extreme strawman arguments. Even Tariq Nasneed kneels in admiration.
>This summer.... Tariq Nasheed meets Ben Garrison in... Josh Luna.
>who resent white men
but why?
I might have put you and your gf in my WMAF collection folder. I have collected over 600 WMAF couples
Why is Josh wearing a GI Joe shirt in this?
post a screenshot
He's a flip so he probably hates gooks and every successful Asian country for not being a shithole.
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