Make a gay character

>make a gay character
>It has to be long and predominant enough to "matter" otherwise it's tokenism and vaild
>But it can not be TOO predominant or it would be "forced representation"
>Has be well written aswell

Jesus Christ, how the fuck dose Hollywood writers not killed themselves these restrictions

Like, I'm just writing just for fun, and I fell like I'm getting overwhelmed by how much check lists you gotta do, just trying to write one normal gay character

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>and vaild
I meant to write *NOT VAILD

no writer has to listen to these wackos

Except they're the target audience now because we let them into positions of power

I don't support or like censorship or mutilating movies in the editing room. But the seething caused by this latest case of (quite literal) faggotry is just too damn hilarious. The franchise, it's creator and most of it's equally faggy target audience just add to the spicyness.

Lmao, get fucked.

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The seethe comes from the contrast of fantasy and reality. People talk about movies like there are constantly gay characters, but in reality there are almost none. And the ones that do exist are usually so minor that their gayness is just one line and some implications.

notice none of these faggots make their own movies where they would take a massive loss if the film flopped.

I remember back in the day the gays just wanted to be seen as normal and allow to blend in society without being harassed for liking their own sex.
How did we get to this?

The only condition they can't satisfy is
>well written
I have zero issue with representation of anyone if the character is good, but this is almost never the case.

And? Who gives a fuck? The anger of these people makes no difference; corporation X will give them new product by shitting on their plate. They will whine, proceed to consume it, forget about it and repeat the whole process.

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>written by a woman

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>Some retard on twitter has an opinion

This is true of everyone who watches movies.

>have gay characters but treat them the same as everyone else
>get accused of queerbating

sure, but if you don't listen to us "wackos", you don't get to have any level of a digital platform or exposure. freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequence. so, if you don't want to follow the rules of a civilized society in your expressions, have fun writing just for your own amusement.

kys yourself troon

I don't think I'll listen to or even acknowledge the opinions of mentally ill "people" on twitter

>sure, but if you don't listen t-ACK

Back in the day, being gay was a sexuality. However, in the current structure, being gay is an identity. And identities are things that need to be seen by others, in order to be validated. The more others accept you, the more valid you are in your identity. No more is it about being comfortable in your own skin, and having internal character. It's about relying on others to bolster your character.

The can almost all be blamed on the whole gender queer and trans movement. They ramped up genderism and identity to outstanding heights. The gays being in the same boat, had no choice but to go along with it.

>This is true of everyone who watches movies.
Not really. Take SW for example. I went to see EP. 7 when it came out; when the flick was done. I just realized how shit it was and how how shit it will be in the future.

What did I do? Haven't watched Star Wars since and I'm not going to (besides the original 6). In short, when corporation shits on my plate, I don't consume it, which is quite frankly what everyone should do; practice higher consumer standards.
Collectivist pig; people like you should be sent into Russian salt mines or North Korean labor camps. There you can participate in the "greater good".

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Amazon offered me a 6 figure deal for the rights to my novel and I had turn them down after listening to what they had in mind. Pozzed, gay faggot tranny nigger shit... their words were, "a vehicle for representation." I politely declined.

sure you did

Good. Many people don’t stand up for their morals.

Nice larp

user. I'am in the middle of making a novel which I plan on making into a TV series script. So your claim obviously peaks my interest.

Tell us more. Greentext it, whatever. Jus tell us evertyhing you can tell without compromising yourself (unless you're fine with that.)
Also this

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uh huh. you've been watching it happen for decades, aggressively whining the whole time, but you're too pathetic to try to do anything meaningful about it. so just keep sitting there and reply a few more times. ive cum to incel anger before and im about to do it again.

Well ya see this gold medal god got into a car accident that caused the death of 2 people...

This was always their goal. People have been warning about it for decades.

Maybe I'm just a retard, but is anyone else confused by the Bee Movie example they gave? Like what the fuck does that mean? There's no plot? Bees don't need representation, the movie is called BEE MOVIE

Do you know what this word means, user? I'm not even mocking you, I'm legit asking you.

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I think he's saying your fag content should be as important to your script as bees are to the Bee Movie.

He's not even an actual gay and he's trolling the shit out of you, god nu-Yea Forums is pathetic.

Bee Movie without bees is incoherent, the movie is entirely centered around bees. They are advocating to make movies centered around Gay shit so that it cannot be edited out by the White Supremacist Patriarchy they are bravely fighting against.

>uh huh. you've been watching it happen for decades, aggressively whining the whole time, but you're too pathetic to try to do anything meaningful about it. so just keep sitting there and reply a few more times. ive cum to incel anger before and im about to do it again

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Nobody cares, nigger.

So in other words, just make a movie about gays? "Gay Movie"

The "dude! gay people are just like normal people! It's just a small reference!" it's a lot more insidious and repulsive than a full-on gay movie.

Isn't that what gay porn is?

you about to try and convince me you get sex? good one.

Yeah exactly lmao. Just watch porn. It's like watching kino for boner bait.
No it's not

Seethe and dilate.

gays are nothing like heterosexuals. dozens/hundreds of random sex partners, high rates of STDs, constant drug use during ramdom sexual encounters etc

read the CDC health screening data

4 years ago I started self publishing a story on amazon. It's only gotten a few thousand downloads. I wouldn't even call it a side gig, I'm still working my regular job. But apparently the right person saw it and they tell me they want to buy the rights to it and develop it into something for amazon prime, maybe a movie or a limited series. I have no clue how any of this works, mind you. I probably should have gotten a lawyer or an agent but I'm a broke guy and, well... again I don't know shit about this. So I had a zoom meeting with a few people from amazon. They laid out some ideas they had, which were all about making my story a diversity love fest. Which I don't really have a problem with. But when started talking about changing characters for no real reason other than to make them gay or whatever. I realized they had missed the whole point of the story. I didn't say anything like, "No way you're putting a bunch of niggers and fags in my story!" I just said I'm going to have to pass for now because the story isn't even done.

I also didn't like how I would lose complete control over the story. Like, right now there is 1 complete book, and I'm working on parts 2 and 3. Well, I wouldn't be able to write those 2 books. I would be credited with the original story and characters, but that's it.

I don't know, maybe I fucked up. They offered me life changing money, but not exactly fuck you money. Part of what sucks is with the NDA, I can't got to Netflix or something and say, "Amazon is interested in this, would you be too?" But what really bothered me was how they wanted to change everything, they wanted to strip away the heart of my story. I can't say what the story is, but it does have to do with defining yourself, not being defined by the circumstances you were born into. And with the feedback I've gotten from fans, it tells me that's something worth holding onto.

>freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequence
So I can come to your house and kill you if you endorse something I don't like. How good is your home security?

This, but remember, if you show the negatives, it's somehow stereotypical and offensive

Intriguing. I can believe that.
>Did I fuck up?
>Losing creative control
What the fuck? Did you have to sign an NDA to even get into talks with them or something? And the only offer they made you is one where they throw some chicken bones at you and take all of your shit? What about their pozzing, exactly how outrageous are we talking? Also what can you tell me about the people in the Zoom meeting? Suit & Cigar types or warning hair colour n' mentally ill types?

Also in terms of "fucking up", I don't think you did... You showed backbone and conviction. I respect that, utterly. And I aim to do exactly the same should my shit find any success.
>And with the feedback I've gotten from fans, it tells me that's something worth holding onto.
Yes. Keeping your integrity is/will be part of your legacy. And that is worth than money.

Hang in there, user. I believe in you.

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I’m reminded of the scene in McCabe and Mrs Miller when these scenarios are brought up. I’d try to push it as far as I could go and leverage it into notoriety for my next job. Depends on how many six figs and if the source material would be honored which of course in modern times wouldn’t be. Probably a good call.

>>Has be well written aswell
oh no the horror

I actually agree with this, it's pretty gay to just show two same sex people kissing like that last star wars movie, much better when it's relevant like in cabaret or my own private Idaho, gaykino

>sure, but if you don't listen to us "wackos", you don't get to have any level of a digital platform or exposure. freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequence. so, if you don't want to follow the rules of a civilized society in your expressions, have fun writing just for your own amusement.

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If I have to put up with gay shit the chinese should have to as well, they're not better than me

just make hardcore, uncensored gay porn a part of every movie. like 60 minutes of literal gay shit.

Dont like 52% edit themselves out?


Freedom of speech means freedom from consequence. Unironically and absolutely.

Fucking delusional. You faggots better enjoy this period of unchecked freedom while it lasts— you’ve overstayed your welcome and most people, including liberal sympathizers, have grown weary of your irritating power games.

Your message is no longer inspiring and has instead reverted back to what it’s always been viewed as: gross and indecent. It’s just a matter of time.

Wow you're very pathetic.

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>anthropromorphisizing human traits of sexual reproduction onto plants.
Still need male and female reproductive organs lol?

>What the fuck? Did you have to sign an NDA to even get into talks with them or something?
Yep. And that NDA is pretty scary. I spent an hour on the phone with one of their lawyers going over it.
>And the only offer they made you is one where they throw some chicken bones at you and take all of your shit?
They gave me some hypotheticals. For example, if they made a movie, and then did a sequel, I'd get some money from that if they used my characters or part of a storyline that I came up with. As I said, I'm working on follow ups, but they would be under no obligation to use them, and I wouldn't be allowed to publish them since they would own the characters.
> What about their pozzing, exactly how outrageous are we talking? Also what can you tell me about the people in the Zoom meeting? Suit & Cigar types or warning hair colour n' mentally ill types?
It all women, all of them appeared to be under 40. Five of them. Only one was not a minority. And they were nice, seemed really excited. The one who did most of the talking about the story said she wanted to expand on the characters and give them more depth, and that would be a good opportunity to bring in lgbt and bipoc themes. I think it took them by surprise when I asked what "bipoc" was, I'd never heard it actually pronounced before. In my head, I always read it as "B. I. P. O. C.," the individual letters but she said, "BY-POK." And this other broad gave me kind of a dirty look until I explained that I had never heard it spoken aloud before. But we talked more about the business side of things and not so much what would actually be made. (If it ever got made.)

I get it, I'm no screenwriter (or any kind of writer for that matter), I'm just a dude who wrote a story in his spare time. I completely understand why they don't just give me a shitload of cash and say, "Here, make a movie for us!" They gotta get their beancounters in there and everything because this is a business for them.

Lmao. Assuming this is real it's not very fucking far from what I was assuming/expecting.

Especially this.
>It all women, all of them appeared to be under 40. Five of them. Only one was not a minority. And they were nice, seemed really excited. The one who did most of the talking about the story said she wanted to expand on the characters and give them more depth, and that would be a good opportunity to bring in lgbt and bipoc themes. I think it took them by surprise when I asked what "bipoc" was, I'd never heard it actually pronounced before. In my head, I always read it as "B. I. P. O. C.," the individual letters but she said, "BY-POK." And this other broad gave me kind of a dirty look until I explained that I had never heard it spoken aloud before. But we talked more about the business side of things and not so much what would actually be made. (If it ever got made.)
And hearing you say it, you made a good choice not selling out. Their demeanor and MO betreyed them; It's fucking obvious that they wanted your work, or at least the bare bones version of it, then absolutely butcher everything and hire some b-tier writers to fill out the rest and try and make some money for themselves in the process. Understand user that if the rumours are to be believed about the people in charge of the shit you went through are like in Hollywood then yeah, these people are massive fucking hacks of the highest order. They are not be trusted under any circumstance. Greedy, uncreative pieces of shit.

Oh man, this is both sad and hilarious. Keep it real, user. Fightin' the good fight.

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