Why is Satan worshipping always so sexy in movies?
Why is Satan worshipping always so sexy in movies?
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because you have faggy taste
it’s reddit and for girls
The devil is seductive
>so you’re saying I just have to summon the dark lord and you’ll let me hit?
because demons are built to be mindbroken and corrupted into the good and holy and the only way to achieve that is through sex
Who can say, honestly the people I've known irl who were into satanism, both the faggy fake religion kind and the atheism with extra steps kind were not physically attractive.
Because the real thing is weird and gross so they have to groom you into it for the promise of sex and drugs
nigger read a book
and keep posting bellies
Because the devil will use your God-given reproductive urges against you and bind your soul forever after he tricks you into following him against your own best interests.
The devil is male. You just admitted you're seduced by a man faggot kek.
the devil understand humans better than god
This. I have a schizo theory that the predominant image of demons being monsters or like pan painted red in media is so that we don't think of actual demons as such and let them in smoothly. I will not take my meds ever.
>bro just give in to your temptations you're just an animal bro
that's satanism basically
These books?
Cringe shit.
Every 4channer is a bigger Satan worshipper than any of these occult larpers.
If God didn't want us to indulge in our sexual urges why did he make us sexual beanings? Seems like a dick move
>bro just reject the Earth its all a test dont enjoy anything
That's Chrisrianity basically. Orthodox Jews arent even allowed to laugh because of a quote in the Torah that says that he who laughs last is the most righteous so they aren't allowed to laugh until the moschiach comes.
why would you admit to owning that cringy shit lol. are you 16?
definitely not a white hand, im an expert on these matters
It’s cringe faggot shit, friend
>laveyan "satanism"
>Why is Satan worshipping always so sexy in movies?
Because gothy/evil chicks are fucking hot.
Be honest how many times do you ask this with little to no interest in finding an actual answer but instead to be a lpw effort fedora troll?
>if God real why bad thing happen
gimme a fuckin break
here's your (you)
He did want you to indulge them user ^.^ just properly. Sex is a God-like power. There is no other method we as humans know to create life, creating life being God's field. So when you engage in it it should be done in a proper manner. Which sadly for you, isn't whoring around! Have some respect for such power
Because satan was the real god all along. He's all about love and good times and expects nothing from you.
Meanwhile "god" is a mass murdering psychopath that wants to control your life. And that's according to his own propaganda book.
Why indeed are we sexual beanings?
is that a joke? why woul you choose that pic(g)
They're made by jews
>He's all about love
Please I'm begging you at least graduate highschool before you post here again.
If the devil possesses a woman and acts sexy through her, is it still gay?
most likely because of the jews
Gee I wonder
Because Satan isn't a prude and encourages natural impulses. Unlike Jesus the asexual hippy.
Why would you think otherwise? Because evil "god" worshippers told you he was bad?
The same god who wants to cut your dick, torture you for masturbating, and nearly genocided the whole human race.
What has satan ever done except try to help us?
So? I love bacon!
Because jews want to groom you, and they won't with reality. Same as troons, do you think any kid would want to become a tranny if he knew he had to take like 12 different drugs forever, and his "vagina" would be a colon lined wound that never stops trying to close itself?
because its closer to paganism ie further from Judaism.
spotted the /x/ faggot, hows the succubus summoning coming along?
(g) for gay post
>cut your dick
Look in the mirror rabbi
Easy, there is no god.
Because devil worship is Chad master morality. Fuck hot chicks, sacrifice goats, hang out with the bros. Meanwhile christcucks shit and piss their britches at the thought of other people getting their dicks wet lol
Have you ever tried the theory that your religion is making you retarded?
I'm never going to have a cute girl with dimples and G cups that wants to have sex three times a day so what's even the point to all of this
That's actually what work slavery promises/delivers, you clown
yes. thats like fucking a man in VRchat with a female avatar. still gay. still 2 dudes getting each other off
Muh satanism/baphomet/lucifer that Lavey and atheist retards jerkoff to is a douche-infested larpfest. Absolute faggotry just like the conspiratard fuckheads who 'expose' the "nwo globalist rothschild illuminati freemason jewish jesuit derp state cabal."
The truly terrifying and utterly horrific god whose name they never utter (because they're too stupid to know what it even is) is Amun, AKA Amun-Ra, AKA Jupiter Ammon, AKA The Horned and Hidden God. The god for whom Ba'albek was built in honor of.
The ancient families (the actual wealthiest and most powerful people who are never on any "world's richest people" list) who can trace their lineage back to Babylon are his true servants and will do anything and everything for him. They are scary fucking people who would make wannabe faggots like Lavey beg for mercy.
because it’s literally being advertised to you constantly but somehow you manage to cope that anti christianity is counter culture and not what daddy government wants
>god just remove evil!!
>ok bro
99% of human beings instantly cease to exist
>nooo not like that!!
>okay, lemme try again
>brings everyone back and now they are literally incapable of selfish thoughts or desires and just meditate all day
>this is heckin boring where’s my free will!!! just remove the bad things i personally don’t like!!
can anyone explain this logic to me
Based /pol/ for once.
Because of the whole Lucifer/Aphrodite connection.
What kind of psyop is this, satan?
What flick?
because they want to be loved, by someone that hates them
>no your conspiracy is just scratching the surface of my conspiracy
Not nearly as cool or wide reaching as lizard people. Lame
Illiterate goatherds 1400 years ago thought STDs were punishments from god. So god hates sex.
Because that's how satanism works
>sir, we need imagery for satan
>just paint Pan and erase the flute
>don't you think people will notice?
>they didn't notice when you painted Zeus and erased the thunderbolts
>Why do devil worshipping kikes make devil worship attractive?
Who nose.
>set events in motion and get angry at the outcome, despite already knowing the outcome
Explain this.
are modern jews the same as jews back in jesus days?
>just strawman everyone into being a calvinist and deny free will
Jews control the media.
Christfags are terrified of sex. Therefore sex-having is Satanic.
You post these cringy craps in every one of these threads
ironic to say on a website entirely inhabited by incels. by sex you mean jerking off
Kek keep coping on your worthless life, neet.
Lies. Demons want to puppet you into making stupid decisions that ultimately lead you to kill yourself. Sex brings disease and unwanted children, and unwanted children bind you to a harpy for life. Sex also attracts emotional energy for the demons to feed off of.
>Christfags are terrified of sex
Have you ever seen a Catholic schoolgirl, retard? The best relationships (and best sex) I had in uni was with trad Christian girls.
>inb4 if they were trad they wouldn't have sex
You're an incel, what the fuck would you know?
Imagine actually being a Satanist. Muscular Christianity uber alles.
>Muscular Christianity is a philosophical movement that originated in England in the mid-19th century, characterized by a belief in patriotic duty, discipline, self-sacrifice, masculinity, and the moral and physical beauty of athleticism.
>if you don't condone premarital sex and casual sex, you are scared of sex
So basicaly its christianity for fags
lol fag
spotted the overweight incels lmao
>Why is Satan worshipping always so sexy in movies?
because sex is how they lure in new recruits and victims. one of the first girls to ever message me on tinder back when i was in college was an open satanist. she was super hot and sweet and nice to me. nothing about her seemed satanic except for her tattoos and her saying she was. on our third date she wanted to go to this event at a satanic bar run by a big wig local satanic dentist. the whole place was painted black and there was a black alter in the middle where eventually people were getting fucked on by people wearing cheap goofy eyes wide shut masks. ghosted her after that night.
literally me in highschool
>the whole place was painted black and there was a black alter in the middle where eventually people were getting fucked on by people wearing cheap goofy eyes wide shut masks
things that never happened
because satanism is just a rejection of the repressed sexual bullshit of the church and it's just atheists being ironic
>Noooo my sky daddy is being made fun of
>better call them fat