Literally no nationality she can't play.
This woman is a chameleon
Other urls found in this thread:
And she sure looks cute doing it
yes, aliens can blend in almost seamlessly
her next role is playing my wife
alien here
do something u wont
I want to protect her
She is a weird white/hispanic looking girl. But she is getting old and soon will have to stop playing young characters and start playing more "mom" roles
fuck you space nigger
She has hit the wall hard
i wanna put my cock in anya lowkey
she is in fucking everything and she NEVER FITS IN
I think she has built a pretty nice resume so far
I just hope she doesn't go full anorexic drug addcit hollywood whore (might be too late already)
Aging is fine when you have millions in the bank and some people's "respect" as an actress
i'll let her be my mommy
Sometimes she looks cute, sometimes she looks like a fucking corpse or some fish creature from Innsmouth. What the fuck?
She always fits in!
It's because when she has long hair that covers the side of her face, she can look okay. Pull it back and she looks like a fucking drugged up ayy lmao.
No, she can straight up widen or thin out her facial bone structure it seems.
best looks she had right there imo
>she's mixed
>she smokes, drinks, and does god knows what else
>doesn't eat
she's fucking hideous without makeup. that's why she cakes it on at every opportunity
She's reading this thread and laughing at foolish humans
If you're into the adrenochrome-junkie look, sure fr fr.
>she's fucking hideous without makeup
That's most women, isn't it?
what is frfr ? I just like the skinny, junky look, yeah
Anya stop doing coke, its making you anorexic.
Anya you're not getting my white man semen. Begone.
would love to have 7 kids with her and love on a farm and cherish her for the rest of my love FUCK man I want to unit myself with this with this good woman. Forget the summits, I will reach eternity through love. She comes to cover me with love, because she is my true flesh. With her I am an empty heart, open to receive my truest self. My own perfection, my new body, which is the universe, the work of God. I will be born again, I will be real, I will be my own father, my own mother, my own child, my own perfection. I am the earth, I am the green, I am the blue, I am the Aleph, I am the essence.
I will look at the Her.
For the first time, I will look at Her.
Now, we are a group.
>for real for real
Zoomy blackspeak. That user is doing it to be funny but doesn't realize they can't stop doing it now.
>she's fucking hideous without makeup
She's still cute
Funny because her dream is literally to retire on a farm with animals to take care of
Bitch Ass Faggot!
holy shit no fucking way we are made for each other, as long as she's not satanic and is willing to convert to a denomination of christianity
do we really need three(3) fucking threads about this alien?
she is just the right weight in this movie imo, nice hair too suits her well
three threads and not one user can post the horse webm
the absolutr state of this place
She has a very amorphous face; depending on the angle she can look like a completely different person. That's a plus in Hollywood.
You have my axe
she only looks different there because of the shitty upscale
how tall is she brehs? please dont let her be taller than me please please
I wish I could fit in her
You have terrible taste
doing the lord's work
>what are angles and focal length or whatever it's called
Shes not a shapeshifter user
I NEED to marry her.
Then why doesn't she? She has enough money to do so, methinks you fell for a one user
Do we have any zero makeup pictures?
Just watched an interview for the first time and I take all this back.. WTF is that horrible accent??
Apparently she was given a modelling job when spotted by someone as she dog walked in London (nice area given that it was near Harrods). True or bullshit cover story for her being 100 percent the recipitant of nepotism or a rich daddy buying his daughter into modelling/Hollywood?
>WTF is that horrible accent??
She wants to play more roles before she retires
its DISGUSTING but her eyes are cute
The latter. Her father's a millionaire land baron and her best friend/ex gf is billionaire heiress Ivy Getty.
When is she finally going to show her puss.
Anya was bullied in school and didn't have any friends. Her first female friend was an old actress, can't remember her name.
Sounds like typical woman doublespeak
Seems like Hollywood is entirely a rich kid club now. Have a 20 something year old who is even more handsome than prime Depp or Pitt and can act well, has charm, etc.? Well he can't break into Hollywood now cause he hasn't got a rich connected daddy and instead Chalamet will get the role this guy is actually better suited for and pursued with vigor. That's the impression I get with Hollywood concerning new blood. It's a closed town unless a rich kid.
when is northman released
April 22 in most places
Tomorrow or earlier this week in Europe
It's always been that way. See: Michael Douglas, Mira Sorvino, Melanie Griffith, Whitney Houston, Angelina Jolie, Anjelica Huston, Sam Rockwell, Jane Fonda, Liza Minnelli, Julia Roberts, Jeff Bridges, the entire Coppola family, etc.
Kek, a PR person wrote this. Dyed hair, brown eyes, and an American accent are now iconic trademarks? Get the fuck out of here, you simpering PR fag.
She's a natural blonde
>Taylor-Joy has proven she loves a bold lip, almost as much as she loves playing around with her ever-changing hair color. While you may recognize her in a red bob à la Queen’s Gambit, the actress is actually a natural blonde, though she does love a brunette moment as well.
You're confusing 'Hollywood is shut to new blood (unless rich and connected teehee)' with claiming there has never been any nepotism or cronyism. Of course latter has always happened, but I don't know, it feels like unconnected, non-rich literal whos akin to a young Pitt, Depp, or DiCaprio getting big solely based on their looks (and I guess Bronson or Newman in earlier generations) and ability to actually act well will not happen nowadays - being the scion of rich families like Chalamet or Joy seems to be THE prerequisite now, not looks/acting ability
looks like the start of a porno
Are you trying to say that Marilyn Monroes dyed blonde hair wasn’t considered iconic? Based retard
After extensive review, my ruling is "high-waisted peach thong"
It's as tough as it's ever been, but not impossible. Adam Driver isn't even good looking.
actually I take it back my brain is just fried from porn, sorry for the inconvenience frens
been that way for decades man, you just noticed?
Yo, read: .
looks 5'10
Thing is, Monroe operated when Hollywood was smaller despite being it's 'golden age' and pre-internet, less globalised, etc. and had an overlap with the Kennedys, an interesting hair style (which I would say is an important than the colour, etc.). I can buy her iconic status. I can't buy Joy as heckin iconicrino. It reads like a PR asshole talking her up over totally banal shit like her stupid brown eyes and American accent.