Why is there 0 hype for this?
Why is there 0 hype for this?
because the advertising hasnt started yet
Because it looks like a pile of diarrhea
What was Galadrial's tax policy?
Sneed's Feed and Seed. Formerly Chuck's.
Dwarf nigger dicks
>hype disappears across the internet
Got what they deserved.
Unironically because of all the diversity. People are fatigued by it after so much, so quickly, done so poorly.
Because even to those who weren't triggered by it, the trailer just looked uninspired and boring. There was literally nothing in it to be hyped about from a neutral pov, and it probably pissed off or disappointed 90 % of those who weren't more or less neutral to begin with.
Yeah I know I just wanted to shit on it
Everybody already knows about it, it's Lord of the Rings for fucks sake. This isn't a literally-who IP.
It's going to be good-to-great for its first season.
Whether or not it can build on that or survive some scandal related to one of their main actors, I dunno, but it's certainly going to be the best Fantasy show airing and will utterly embarrass HBO's House of Dragons.
Normies stopped pretending to like major IPs just to be part of hype train. Seriously compare the hype around Star Wars 10 years ago to Dune last year.
Kill yourself, shill.
The armour looks cool. That's the only positive thing I have to say about any of this and it's not enough of a reason to watch.
Maybe they're just exhausted with all the "OK freak out about covid! AAAAAHHHHHHH! Ok stop! Now freak out about Ukraine! AAAAAAAHHHHHH! NOW BOTH AT ONCE! AAAAAAGAGAHAHHGHGHGGG!!! NEVER FORGET THE SIX MILLION!!"
who cares
Not much to hype when it’s 5 months away.
And I don’t know if viewers are going to take interest in a high fantasy show with modern sensibilities. When you are dealing with Tolkien you better have a great story or people will abandon it.
I can see the world for how it is, not how I wish it was. It's going to have diehard fans simply because it's LOTR. It'll have diehard fans just to spite the polcels.
But again, only the first season. Whether or not it keeps those fans will largely depend on how well it does in its 2nd/3rd/4th seasons (Amazon won't cancel it it's too big an investment) and whether any scandals rock the boat.
Honestly I can see by the end of the 2nd season airing they'll have at least 1 spinoff series in the works, likely a prequel for one of the main characters, and likely a movie trilogy based in another Age.
>major IP
Major IPs don't have scifi channel original adaptations.
>I can see the world for how it is, not how I wish it was. It's going to have diehard fans simply because it's LOTR. It'll have diehard fans just to spite the polcels.
>But again, only the first season. Whether or not it keeps those fans will largely depend on how well it does in its 2nd/3rd/4th seasons (Amazon won't cancel it it's too big an investment) and whether any scandals rock the boat.
>Honestly I can see by the end of the 2nd season airing they'll have at least 1 spinoff series in the works, likely a prequel for one of the main characters, and likely a movie trilogy based in another Age.
Its cheap fanfiction with not-so-subtle political agendas. Hard pass. You just know there will be MCU-tier quipping and sex scenes.
Dune was a massive hit. Its issue was it aired during a pandemic where people are still too afraid of social gatherings, especially the types that would pay to go see a scifi movies.
I'm Canadian with Scottish stock 10 generations deep, our family tree trails off once you hit the shores of Scotland in the mid-18th century.
I guarantee I have a purer bloodline than whatever primordial soup your 2nd generation mixed-race family has.
>I'm Canadian with Scottish stock 10 generations deep, our family tree trails off once you hit the shores of Scotland in the mid-18th century.
>I guarantee I have a purer bloodline than whatever primordial soup your 2nd generation mixed-race family has.
>fanbase memed into oblivion for exclusively belonging to tubo nerds, basement rejects, and faggots
>thinking anyone gives a shit about it 2 decades later
>pic rel least autistic LOTR fan
Yeah, thought so. Hidden thread, cya mutt.
It's going to go down in history as the biggest flop of all time. Waterworld and Gigli will look like masterpieces compared to it. Jeff Besos and every Jewish executive will repent and declare White Boy Millennium, and all films from now on will feature all white casts unless they need a mugger or homeless character. Mexicans and African americans begin emmigrating back to their motherland by the million
is there really a badass walks away from explosions scene in middle earth?
coping fag
God, this is just embarrassing. You aren't Scottish, and never will be
Lol no one fucking cares about new TV shows. At least not adults. They have full-time jobs they need to go to, then go home, cook dinner, work overtime, work weekends, yell at kids, fix car, then they watch 5 minutes of Netflix but their brains are too fried so they're not really paying attention. Nobody over the age of 25 who has a job is giving a fuck about some TV show or movie. Why would anyone care about that. They have other stuff they need to get done, then go to a casino and blow all their savings, including their heckin epic stimmy check. Oh and they get smashed at the bar om Friday night with all of their other loser ass coworkers. Fuck yeah bro. Yeah no one has time for your fucking virgin Amazon shit. They're too busy living their best life. Living the dream.
Same as you faggot, living the dream sperging on Yea Forums. Just kys already
people adapting the material hates it with passion and it shows.
also pretending to be a tolkien fan is much more dificult that saying you liked empire strikes back and quoting yoda once.
Yea Forums cannot create anything new, it can only ruin and corrupt memes that forces of Reddit have invented.
Just look at that plastic armor. That's why. Also sword on her back and they had to cut off the picture at her knees to obfuscate just how short her legs are.
If orcs triple analed her, would she die?
that adaptation was great.
much better atreides and baron than the recent movie
People shitposted about it but then a war started and now no one cares enough to even bother shitposting
That whole show is dead in the water and its a good thing
because people found out it's literally fanfiction
Imagine how much advertising they're gonna do though
because hype=marketing
That's how it works
>Dune race swaps half of its main cast and fills it with talentless American mutts
>Yea Forums loves it
>LOTR doesn't race swap any of its main cast and hires British theatre actors
>Yea Forums calls it woke, pozzed, and all the other buzzwords
Funny isn't it
Cope and seethe wage cuck.
>A direct prequel to the highest selling book and most acclaimed movie series off all time
>It's dead in the water
I swear some of you live on a different planet
What do covid and Ukraine have to do with a shitty Amazon show?
Because people are bored of obvious propaganda that doesn't even try.
Because women were not Knights
>plastic armor
It's clearly metal you fucking dinguss, have you actually seen any of the BTS of Weta workshop making these things?
lawd dem rangs
>50% VAT on lembas bread
>female knights
>Take Galadrial, beautiful symbol of femininity
>Dress her up in armour like a man
Isn't it incredible how feminists don't understand the irony of this? It is hilarious that people who call themselves feminists seem to despise actual femininity. It's like they want to turn all women into men, and they demonize women acting feminine in any way. Feminists literally despise women, and they want more than anything to be a man. Feminists are the female version of being a tranny
Unfortunately they put it on a skinny piece of fluff who couldn't pick up a sword, let alone swing one.
Isn't it fucking obvious?
Even the shills are demoralised.
>Take Galadriel, beautiful symbol of femininity
>Dress her up in armour like a man
Clearly they are doing both, her mother did call her 'man maiden' after all
>this ancient elf is so powerful and wise that she exists beyond even our elven conception of what is possible for a being to accomplish
>that means she has a sword and fights goblins
I hate Jeff Bezos and Amazon Prime is a fucking sewage pit of a 'media company'. Everything they put out is visually disgusting, like a melted wax model of a real film.
>Travelling in armor
The people behind this show are just dumb
This recipe looks like something a kid in elementary school would write
Both of those people look like hobos who have boozed away their lower teeth
This show is going to be horrible and even you will cringe at all the oc fanfic writing (i.e. the whole thing apart from the synopsis blurb). You will feel your cheeks burn with every beta word that comes out of Elrond's mouth and YASS QUEEN SLAY Galadriel scene. Every time the third wall is broken by forced diversity and interracial propaganda blurted straight at the camera will have you crawling into your sofa to escape. The grotesque contrast between Tolkein's craft and scholarship and mindfulness of what the show could've been hamfistedly juxtaposed against the poor immature fanfiction writing will have scalding tears of shame and embarrassment for everyone involved running down your cheeks.