Why does everyone, in almost every movie now, engage in casual sex?
Why does everyone, in almost every movie now, engage in casual sex?
>actors engaging in casual sex
>both turn to the camera and call me an incel
>never ever
Why are you an election tourist faggot mucking up Yea Forums with your reddit frog?
Because that's what normal people do, incel freak. Now cope saying you follow "traditional christian values" kek
How can characters in the movie engage in casual sex, if there are no homosexuals, and no women?
In short - America was a mistake
>Yea Forums
you may not have noticed it but you're posting to /tg/ here, you dumb weeaboo
I'm 27 and never kissed a girl
What are you trying to achieve by posting this?
Do you want help? If this website granted any sort of help, you’d know by now
i think casual sex is a Hollywood myth like white muggers. When I talk to girls they get upset and defensive if I even imply Im attracted to them.
me too that’s so strange haha
name 10 movies
BASED you'll get there m80
I know who you are. Your mother... Say goodbye to her in minecraft.
It's the scenes that hard cuts to them fucking in mid-conversation that gets me
It's streaming shows for me. There has to be some industry wide rule that S01E01 must contain a hookup scene. It's uncanny.
Honestly, fr fr no cap? I truly think casual sex between sexy people is a hollywood myth. It seems like 10% of people looking for that on tinder are middling looking college whores and the other 90% are people in "poly relationships". I've yet to meet a woman in a "poly relationship" that isnt a short, blue haired, tatted up hambeast. Beautiful people are typically intelligent enough to know how to leverage their sex appeal and you cant do that by giving it away to everyone.
its gets better
>casual sex
Because its a Brave New World
Who's gonna tell him?
>I'm 27 and never kissed a girl
Force yourself.
>just go to jail for forcible rape
>every movie now
You guys watch modern movies? Seriously? I sure hope not.
Casual sex is boring and unfilling. I rather come into a sock but it was nice trying out the pussy carosoul, some of them were bangers but most of them were disgusting and loose
Girls want guys to talk to them, and they like sex, go figure. Who knew!
>Girls want guys to talk to them
No they don't, why do you think they always complain about sexual harassment and catcalling?
>women don't want men to approach them
>women literally never approach men
Guess we're at a stalemate and our species is going to die out, oh well
nice larp but what's a carosoul?
You must not be ugly. Talking to women as an ugly guy feels like raping them. They act incredibly cold and disgusted by you. And i'm not a sociopath so that reaction hurts my self esteem
>why do you think they always complain about sexual harassment and catcalling?
Because you're trying to talk to them. They don't want you to interact with them, only chad.
Not really. thanks to internet dating women can go directly to chad without losers harassing them.
That's not true. Watch movies from before 1960s. You couldn't show stuff like this due to censorship.
Sex is a currency in Hollywood. Well, sex is a currency everywhere, but in Hollywood it is more socially acceptable.
When did people stop saving for marriage? The 60s?
10 user. 10?
... that's insane
I'm not sure if you incels realize this, but waiting until marriage for sex is the sort of thing that was only done back in the day when girls were getting married at 14-20. There's no such thing as being 27 years old "saving yourself for marriage". You're just a virgin for life.
GTFO kike.
when females were liberated by the pill and legal abortion.
Feminism and the birth control pill, basically. Women used to see value in saving themselves for marriage and fear having a child out of wedlock but now that’s a thing of the past.
Sex is basically a socially acceptable drug now. Women with that mindset are disgusting and should never be trusted with marriage or to raise children. Fair warning, anons.
This, it's really not a realistic goal in the 21st century when most people don't get married until their late 20s
That is a consequence of the fact that people don't wait until marriage anymore. The people that do (Mormons and the like) are still getting married at 18-20 years old. If you're older than 22 and not deeply religious, it's over.
I'm 25 and a virgin with a gf of a couple years who is also a virgin
you say you’re waiting for marriage but you really just can’t get laid
He's looking for support. As is everyone here, in one way or another.
I shared my first kiss and everything else with my wife on our wedding night when I was 26 and she was 21. We're Muslim, so we actually live by our values and beliefs. Take the tawheedpill, bros
You're proving my point
>You must not be ugly. Talking to women as an ugly guy feels like raping them. They act incredibly cold and disgusted by you. And i'm not a sociopath so that reaction hurts my self esteem
You just don't understand women. Women need attention like men need sirloin steak.
If you are a great listener and treat her well and just be a man (aka a leader) she will follow you around like a puppy dog.
If you have a big dick and know how to use it, she will be a carolina tick, good luck getting rid of her.
Steak is shit
You can tell someone who's not ugly wrote this garbage.
hello ladies I'm a great listener and I WILL take you to KFC
I've heard that exact opposite, that you basically have to not pay any attention to women and that's what makes them interested in you
If you do give them attention, you'll just come off as needy
you actually believe her when she tells you that? lmao
if america wasnt so feminist and puritanical then it wouldnt be a big deal. sex sells to a sheltered society where violence and murder is acceptable but sex is so taboo for some reaso ill never fully understand it.
No, he should try as hard as possible. Not being able to fulfill a basic human instinct is a big problem that needs to be dealt with.
There is a balance to be struck. You need to give her attention SOMEtimes, but you also need to have your own goals and wants in life besides her. Once a girl likes you she wants 100% of her time. Depending on the stage of the relationship, give her more later. Always set aside time for your guy friends. Don’t cold shoulder her and ignore her.
Don't listen to this retard If you haven't done this shit by 23 at the latest it's not going to happen for you and you should focus on other things.
like what?
Anything else that interests you. The fact that you're not going to fuck should give you more time to have a laser like focus on it.
Frog website
LDS (Mormon) here AMA
theres a difference between not being needy and listening to someone. however, blowing a girl off and purposefully not listening them can definitely be a tool to get them interested in you, particularly if they have self-esteem issues which 99 percent of girls have.
but also, there's a difference between picking up a girl and maintaining a girl, and constantly not listening to her will eventually make her deeply resent you.