They can't keep getting away with these double standards
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It's a different culture user, we have to respect their culture.
So I'll just wait and pirate by the Chinese version with English dubs. Cool.
Will the China release be Chinese dubbed or have Chinese subtitles? If it just has Chinese subs I'll simply pirate Chinese version instead of watching the fag cut.
they are proud of 'respecting culture that is not our own', they released a behind the scenes of how they do it.
Then why don't they respect my culture of not wanting my kids to watch homo stuff all the time?
Wow, they won't say gay! Why won't they say gay! gay gay gay!
Get Woke Go Broke
>Here’s Why Fantastic Beasts 3 Had a Poor Opening Weekend Overseas
>Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, the third installment in the Harry Potter reboot that follows Albus Dumbledore through his younger years, has failed to make an impressive mark overseas.
>Ahead of the film’s US release, its international box office collection over the weekend made $58 million across 22 countries.
Hating China is a meme brought by reddit tourists
Based China. Fuck groomers
Your culture isn't as profitable, your people don't bring in the cash sorry.
oy vey, how dare they put childkilling terrorists in prison. this is like anudda shoah. in a liberal progressive society shitskin terrorists must be allowed to run free.
>Chinks killing muslim chinks
Why the fuck would I care?
>WB only puts a small amount of gay shit in their movies that can easily be edited out without disrupting the film for other markets
>China, as a nation, is aware of the film's full faggotry but is happy to consume so long as they are pandered to and the shit is edited out
>LGBTQ people are only mad that the small, expendable amount of gay shit was cut for some other market but will still consume in their own market
If any one of these parties had the balls to not pander or be pandered to I would have much respect. The only ones doing that are the turbo-christian neo-cons who cancelled their disney + and will only go to the theaters for Father Stu
Do they do the same for Arab Gulf countries?
The best part about them including the gay scenes to begin with.. is that they included them in a way that could be altered out. This isn't, y'know, Dumbledore waking up in bed with a man or sharing a milkshake with 2 straws, they're mostly throwaway lines in scenes that won't matter for the story and can be easily edited out.
So the gayness is implanted in a way to be easily cut out. I'd be insulted if I were gay, tbqh.
Not just that they edit it for China, which I mean whatever you play by their rules if you want their money; it's just at how thin and transparent the whole thing is.
It's basically my gif but with gayness instead of blackness.
Why does China even have a problem with gay people? It's not like they're a muslim or christian country, so what's their justification?
>Not liking a communist country is reddit
Cope chang
Are you the one who used to monitor the archive and would show up with a few minutes whenever the uigher genocide was mentioned
wait why can't they edit them out here as well?
Everyone is naturally disgusted by homos, Western baizuos just pretend not to be so they compete in the more virtuous than thou game with their peers.
industrial/agrarian economies don't waste time pandering to sterile demographics
that a service economy/pleasure culture thing
INB4 chinese population is crumbling meme
they hace like 300 millions of chinks under 15 years old
It's a capitalist perversion. Plus like pretty much everywhere, its historically been seen as disgusting. I think it's Daoism that sees any sexual deviancy as pretty much a mortal sin, and these sort of beliefs floated through society.
well shit, certainly all the progressive are going to hate China as much as they hate JK Rowling now, right?
Learn Mandarin if you care so much, faggot.
imagine if american conservatives were just 100% as tough as china
woke shit would not infect every hobby there is
based chinks dabbing on fags and trannies
nobody is forcing you and your childred to watch it though?
Beijing should be nuked
gay acceptance is always the first symptom of a dying empire, followed buy huge suffering for the population.
collapse of the roman empire, french revolution, weimacher republic all went through the same process
You will never be a woman though?
not him but you sound like a fag
DIdn't the romans embrace gayness?
Nero literally had a femboy concubine
lgbt literally capitalism product every socialist figure hate them see che guevara opinion on gay people
You people are the biggest faggots of all
China is a growth market. This is the power of Capitalism unbound. It will bend the knee to Commies as long as they have the money.
Hence fall of roman empire
Normies are finally noticing that bullshit that companies like disney pull where they go along with whatever whoever is paying them believes. China? No ghosts or skeletons or blacks or gay people. US? No straight white males and no representation for any group that makes up more than 10% of the population.
If some tool brings this shit up irl I always suggest that they check the twitter account for every branch of the company they're talking about, clears everything up when they post the black box in LA but then promote gay slurs in Iran.
And Nero was eventually declared a public enemy by the Roman Senate and exiled once people got so fed up with his debauchery. It's not as if every Roman was into the depravity we associate with the later emperors.
>didn't a dead empire whith their last 2 centuries being a total self destructive shitshow embrace gayness?
>but then promote gay slurs in Iran.
Name one company that does this
>knows nothing about history
Empires were built off soldiers fucking each other in the ass from a young age to build meaningful relationships with Battle Brothers.
That's the great thing about media, you can just shut it off... right? Also it's so unbiased and middle of the road that I don't know why anyone would be against it. It's all in chuds heads >:(
right after the whole of USA
How's Rome doing these days?
empire were builts by some men and destroyed by others, guess what things the later tended to embrace
>everybody was gay all along, accept it chud
This is why you have to target billionaires as a political class. They play multiple sides, hire mercenaries and sub-contract our whatever dirty work and underworld shit they’re into. Everything buried in webs of foreign LLCs, shell companies, cash heavy businesses and probably quite a lot in crypto now too. A company’s only loyalty is ever to itself, and that’s why they can so effortlessly morph to fit whatever ideology their customers subscribe to. They don’t believe in anything but money so adjusting is as easy as coming up with a new design template
Trying to hard
>faggots are sent off to die so chads can fuck all the stacies at home
This still happens today.
>one example of gay dudes fighting in history
Yep it's a lefty alright
>perpetuating the proliferation of homosexuality in Ancient Greece meme
Yikes moment.
White people are compassionate to a fault. It's their one weakness.
Say it some more, maybe it'll become true.
>DIdn't the romans embrace gayness?
nope, only the corrupt, nepotistic roman elite did at near the collapse
China lookin kinda sus fr
The best part about the Ancient Greeks is they were very in to keeping records and writing down their history.
Deny it all you want but they, themselves made the claims in their own era.
Why are conservatives all such crybaby faggots that can’t handle media catering to people other than themselves? Is it because they are worthless virgins?
china is a big market
They have been throwing a fit for close to 200 years now for getting their ass kicked after starting shit they could not finish.
That's not compassion that's narcissistic virtue-signaling
>those replies
kek it's impressive. you say the truth and retards simply refuse to understand
Doesn't even have to be any actual slurs, I was speaking in hyperbole but these people make up offenses whenever it serves them. Watch those BLM vids where people standing outside their homes try to support them but the crowd doesn't like their wording or the color of their skin and starts trashing the place. All they have to do is get caught NOT pozzed as all hell in a single desolate corner of the company, and it's so jarring to the twitter crowd they default to taking it as overtly offensive. Like some offshoot of in fighting, eating their own.
I haven't gotten down the use of CHUD yet. It's such an odd word, I wish they'd pick a truly offensive thing to spout off all the time so I could have better context.
OP has the libs pissing themselves because of that