What did they eat
What did they eat
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green corn and fruit
they shitted themselves to death on a regular basis
unless you're talking about the yankees, they pillaged the country at leisure even when in Maryland and Pennsylvania
Hard tack and ass
Love of country and family
>green corn
You must think I’m really gullible
They hunted the enemy day and night. Born in the south to die in the north.
Orange Fool
haha except for when Jackson's foot cavalry feasted on Commissary Banks' provisions when they captured the garrison at Chantilly and Fredericksburg!
but yes they ate unripe corn and it killed them by the thousands
you could watch that documentary and they'd tell you.
Confederates ate mostly corn meal, salted pork, peanuts, and smoked tobacco, on top of whatever they could capture or forage. Common thing to do was take corn meal make patties and fry them in pork grease to make johnny cakes. It should be noted though that Confederate soldiers were never well fed during the war and often went without due to lack of supply infrastructure.
Looks like us Squantosisters won in the end, white bois really be eating green corn
tfw the injuns don't teach you to put a fish in the ground with the corn and grow fishcorn bushes
They probably went for shawarma afterwards.
>that diet
Ummm their cholesterol levels must have been through the darn roof. Why not diversify with some avocado, some non-fat nuts, some nice salmon with herbs
goober peas
>does someone have any orange slices?
This was so fucking comfy. Kino of the highest order.
The ultimate addition to a summer night with the windows open and crickets chirping
This sounds lovely but tell me what is the food and drink of choice for aforementioned kino?
homemade beef stew and milk or stout beer
roasted chicken, green beans, cornbread and acorn squash
sweet tea
Delmonico's sandwiches
Source: Ken Burns' The Civil War ep01
Cigarettes, salted pork and whiskey
>Eating a steady diet of unripened feed corn and molasses.
>Wonder why whole army has dysentery
It would make sense to just munch on hardtack for all those hours of documentary
Should have bought more supplie from the local feed 'n seed.
They didn't wonder why at all, supply problems dictated Lee's strategy from the moment he took charge at the Seven Days until he had to retreat at Gettysburg.
I hope you don't like having teeth.
If you smash it into crumbs with a hammer though, you can mix it with a little pigfat and fry it so it's a little more palatable.
I know you're being ironic, but for dense anons, it's because they ate so little and needed every calorie they could get and were also very physically active
A letter from an unnamed Confederate solider:
>My dearest Bonny; As I sit eating my meager rations of Green dent corn and blackstrap molasses my mind wanders to the joyful day when I shall see you again. My love for you remains like a firefly in a mason jar: A delicate and wondrous thing I treasure. I must go now and absolutely shit my ass to death.
Wild that Ashokan Farewell was written in 1982
Even into the 20th century the south struggled with proper nutrition. Look up Pellagra if your interested. Southers thought there was a plague, but it turns out a steady diet of cornbread and bacon grease dosen't provide niacin.
Explain to a non american why exactly it was illegal for all those states to try leave the union?
Nothing really. The Confederacy used 'states rights' as an excuse to leave a federation that they believed was trying to destroy their slave economy. The war was fought over slavery.
Non american here: will I be labeled a racist if I say that the civil war was about states' rights? I mean in 2022
i was recently listening to a podcast, admittedly left leaning, that was talking about the opposite. it was talking about how in the west campaign, in particular, any kind of foraging was illegal, and any captured slaves had to be returned to plantations, and how some people in command in the west like buell were obvious southern sympathizers, who enforced these kind of rules because they had slave owner allegiances and wanted the south to essentially win or at least draw.
i think i remember the podcast saying at one point, when a supply train going to union men headed by grant had been raided by confederates, southerner civilians were mocking the union soldiers that they would have nothing to eat, believing from experience that the soldiers would be unhallowed to take any food from them or the land, and i think they said grant at that point was one of the first people in the west to say fuck it and start officially allowing foraging, whatever the fuck foraging means
the podcast was 'war nerd' so i don't know how accurate it is.
no just ignorant
Probably. It's a justification that southerners use to legitimize Confederate ideology. I suppose there is some truth to it, but it's beside the point. Slavery was the foundation of the southern economy, without it the southern states would become vassell states to the North.
Yes, if you imply it was anything other than a holy crusade to free the enslaved population of the South from their rapist masters you would get that slightly panicked, slightly angry tremulous response "well, I think you need to read more about it before you comment!" that they love to use.
Reminder that 'Juneteenth' is an astroturfed holiday that basically commemorates when a million black people were killed by Union incompetence and callousness.
Salted pork and lots of fishing.
>he's never eaten at cracker barrel
its almost as if they never should have been enslaved in the first place
i dont really know much about it, but from the little i have heard, it was more than that. it seems the south really wanted to have a war, and it was the south that pushed the war to start. they were the first aggressors, raiding and murdering the shit out of people in kansas, and before the war basically stole a shit ton of military equipment from the government including like raiding military bases and shit.
i dont really think the union had any chance of not having a war with the south, because my impression is the south was full of basically southern gentleman retards who thought glory and honor were the most important things, and the north insulted their honor somehow and they had to beat the shit out of the north in a war to teach them a lesson, not understanding at all that the north outnumbered them in every significant possible way and that the was almost impossible to win from the start.
>whatever the fuck foraging means
It’s Grant. It means pillaging and looting
Even if slavery was the casus belli, it was more of an economic reason, the souf was agrarian and depended of free workforce, right?
I mean it's not like southerners actually loved torturing blacks ffs.
also, I read in Tocqueville's democracy that every southerner had slaves. I am sure he means every RICH southerner, right? There were plenty of whites not affording slaves I guess?
The war was very different in 1861 and the beginning of 1862, and many Union officers still owned slaves in the border states. As for foraging, for example, during the Gettysburg campaign there was a standing order in Lee's army that looting was a capital punishment and all requisitions had to be compensated, but many brigadiers realized that their men were starving and would basically leave IOU notes with farmers when their dairies were raided. During the Antietam campaign, though, when the confederates first pushed beyond Virginia, the marylanders at Frederick said that the federals took whatever they pleased but the rebels were just too tired to steal anything.
>What did they eat
They actually had tinned and bottled meats.
No question, but leaving three million destitute people alone in the middle of an utterly destroyed nation that now universally reviles you was probably the next worst solution to just rounding them up and shooting them.
Slavery as an economic model was dying and economists at the time were very clear that it was more cost effective in the long run to just hire renters and sharecroppers than to deal with the costs of owning humans for their whole lives. And Tocqueville only ever interacted with the very rich, yes.
Hey cool it with the antisemitism...
it's almost as if a President had plans to send them somewhere else.. something happened though, I guess it must have slipped his mind
Yes and yes.
The south was mistrustful of Northern states' opposition to slavery. This mistrust was used to justify a war.
There were many poor southerners who didn't own slaves, and in earlier times there were white people from Scotland, Ireland, and England who came to America as indentured servants. People who were criminals and social undesirables who were sent as a labor force to the colonies.
Being a good Yea Forums retard I can't make up my mind between "slavery was actually better in many ways than the plight of modern blacks, abandoned and used as political fodder in decaying cities" and "slavery was an inhuman model forced on America by european jews and foreign influence made the war inevitable".
Lincoln played every single angle throughout the war, we'll never know what he actually intended. I still think the Emancipation Proclamation was primarily a bluff to get the CSA to come to the negotiating table by the end of 1862, but I don't really have any evidence for it besides a throwaway Stephen Sears comment.
an alternative was reparations, the freed slaves could have been given acres of land. the whole 40 acres and a mule shit is impossible now, but some kind of acre deal for blacks back then could have been done.
oh the one where the south fought to preserve slavery
Watch this guy
One last Q: as a general history of the war should I start with mcpherson or foote? Or someone else?
After I did some research I an inclined to choose McPh
You're already more knowledgeable than most people in the usa. Either historian is fine. Congratulations on being a good scholar.
Salt pork rations and crackers.
I think Foote will take alot longer to read. Better start with McPh.
it was about a clash between two fundimentally different economies. Well, technically 3
the south was ruled by large scale profit agriculture which required slaves to be viable (note, every plantation owner was hilariously in debt, basically only staying above water on a per harvest basis)
The west were mostly small scale food croppers, mostly germans who lost 1848, while the north was industrial capital. What was good for the southern planters was bad for the industrial capitalists and vice versa when it came to economic policy