>200 mil budget
>735 mil box office
so a sequel is pretty much guaranteed right? i hope so because i liked battinson but i hope they get a different actor for the joker
>200 mil budget
>735 mil box office
so a sequel is pretty much guaranteed right? i hope so because i liked battinson but i hope they get a different actor for the joker
who is this bitch
A sequel would have been made regardless if it was successful or not. Streaming audience on HBOMax is worth it alone.
>Batman Begins had elements of Burton era Batman movies
>Dark Knight did its own thing
>The Batman has elements of Dark Knight Era movies
>The Batman 2 might do its own thing
I'm excited bros, I'd say kino is back on the menu.
If she's nitpicking about advertising, then she's also forgetting the blu-ray sales and streaming.
more than 200 million in advertising
>$350 M total
>Break even point: $700 M
might want to crunch those numbers again
Worst batman movie ever
it actually lost money. why do we have to go over this every time
Is she actually retarded
Box office is over three times the budget. In what universe does that not end up making money?
This is unironically wrong.
The budget is obviously just the making of the movie
Half of box office goes to the theatres and not the studio dumbass
> I make up facts to prove my point
You know thawt 3 divided by 2 is still more than 1 right?
that's best case scenario BTW. General rule of thumb is that marketing budget is equal to the production budget which would mean that this movie is currently more than 60 million from breaking even.
Again best case scenario this movie broke even at 700 and has turned 17 million in profit just 5 days from leaving theaters. That's not good folks. and the dailies are looking pretty bad.
A month and a half in this movie still doesn't have a sequel announced. No surprise for anyone who looked at the box office. Not what WB wanted from a flagship reboot.
Also worth mentioning that bean counters will be looking at Reeves past performances at the box office. His last big movie was a flop as well.
yes sequel based on court of owls is pretty much confirmed at this point
This was honestly the worst superhero movie of all time, not once without the mask did I believe pattinson was bruce wayne/ batman
Also his build for being batman was a complete jole he literally had no muscles
yeah. she deliberately underestimated the marketing budget to make a point. IRL the marketing budget was probably closer to 200 million bringing the total cost of Reeves batman up to 400 million and putting the break even point at 800 million.
can someone explain to me why the movie needs 700 million to break even?
I agree that this movie is a flop for en, it's boring and pretentious
this guy is wrong. WB only announced a Penguin spinoff on HBO and no work as been done as yet. Court of owls is fanboy speculation only.
there's a reason why riddler flooded gotham at the end of the film. pattinson and dano talk about court of owls on at least 3 different press interviews before the film premiered. its going to happen
This is a failure for warner. Matt Reeves' attempt to create a Batman universe has been left behind
>production budget 200 million
>marketing budget 150-200 million
>total cost of the batman is 350-400 million
>studio only receives 50% of the box office revenue
>50% of 700 is 350
so best case scenario this movie just broke even and turned a small profit. the best evidence we have that it didn't make money is actually the fact that WB hasn't announced a sequel yet.
>cinemas will show your movie for free
It doesn't, the poster and this girl are obviously retarded. It needs 350 mio to break even
The big difference there though is that Batman Begins itself was actually good.
2/10 bait
The real story here is that, for a batman movie it fucking bombed and they might just shift focus to the Batmen in Flashpoint (Batfleck and Keaton working together to stop the nightmare future) EXCEPT Ezra Miller may have ruined that by being a jukie faggot.
No it isn't. Theaters don't take such a large cut.
look man. I have no problem with you being a fan of the movie. you're reading way too much into things. Bottom line, regardless of what the director or actors say, it's only WB that matters. Over a month in WB hasn't said jack or squat about a sequel. For all intents and purposes there isn't one.
but what will warner bros do with batman now? is the mainstay of DC comics and the film divided critics and fans
They don't. It's such a stupid claim it made me laugh IRL when I read it.
Haven't they announced like a dozen spin-offs beforehand? tv shit
>General rule of thumb is that marketing budget is equal to the production budget
Jesus what a retard
You're fooling yourself if you think the sequel will be any different from the first one, enjoy your deformed Joker and lack of weird villains like Mr. Freeze.
Thats too bad. Outside of Farrells good acting that is the most boring uninspired Penguin i have ever seen. Who thought “hey wouldn’t The Penguin be cool if he acted like Robert Deniro?” I didn’t know Cobbelpot was an Italian last name.
Ah yes, excited to see Mad Hatters cousin finally getting his own tv series
Advertising never costs more than 140/50mil. Even Infinity War didn't have over 150mil advertising.
>60 iq mutt think tickets go 100% to studio
>20 iq mutt thinkS tickets go 50% to studioS
theaters? they're one step in a massive chain of production. At the end of the day, after everyone takes their cut, WB is only getting 40-60% of the box office. we split the difference and say 50%.
Absolutely wrong.
Nope. The claim that the movie needs 700mil to break even is laughable.
Go watch Frozen and Spider-Man collabs on youtube little kid.
>more batman
they'll shelve it for a few years and reboot it in like 2026 or something.
I agree. 700 is an underestimate. 800 is probably the break even point.
Ask yourself this. If the movie is actually one of the highest grossing films of all time as one of you claimed last night. Why. Hasn't. Warner Brothers. Announced. A. Sequel. Almost. Two. Months. After. Release.
I got no beef with fans of this movie. You're free to like whatever you wish. But you're so desperate for a sequel that you ignore the obvious reality of the situation.
You can tell a lot about Grace but not that she is clueless about box office numbers. She is woke retard but she knows what she is talking about in this case.
Joker made 1.078 bil on a 60 mil budget
Batman might end up with 770mil on a 200 mil budget
what went wrong?
>800 is probably the break even point.
user, never go full retard.
>instant reply
>can't even grammer
>buck status: seething
>I'm wrong and I can't spell, so that must mean you're the one who is seething
it's not about beef but the fact that you're objectively wrong
800 would be the break even point if it was the most expensive movie in cinematic history
Telling us youre a tranny doesnt help your case faggot
Miscasts and boring story. I would blame it all on Matt Reeves tho.
I want the next one set in Arkham Asylum and based partially on the Batman: Arkham Asylum game and Grant Morrison's Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth. Just a straight up Horror movie. The deleted scene between Batman and the Joker makes me think Reeves can pull it off with the mood and atmosphere!!!FACT!!!
When will dcucks get that their best and most profitable “superhero” is actually joker
>what are concessions
based grace