Can you immediately feel when gay actors are playing straight characters?

Can you immediately feel when gay actors are playing straight characters?

When I was watching Mindhunter I could never believe this guy is a straight guy. I would always see his gay face. Whatever that means. That guy just could never sell he likes women.

I can believe when lesbians playing straight roles, like Jodie Foster. But I feel like gay men can never play straight roles well. I also feel that for certain "straight" actors as well, making me feel like these guys are actually in the closet. Do you think that as well or these are just shit actors and I should watch more films?

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Honestly something about him just screams gay

He look like Macron so that make sense

This dude has a theater face, not a silver screen face. He should stick to Broadway. He's really good at it, honestly.

I can innately tell when there's a faggot within 20 yards of me and I have to consciously override my desire to murder them

>I can believe when lesbians playing straight roles

Because lesbianism is a choice that women make when they're extremely ugly or feel otherwise slighted by men

>watching play
gayer than sucking dick

>I can believe when lesbians playing straight roles
That's because lesbians literally don't exist. They're just women who were molested and are just coping with the trauma.

To be fair that's true with a lot gay men too.

Eh, it depends but theres probably more gay actors you dont realize are gay

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what the fuck was his problem?

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>I can believe when lesbians playing straight roles, like Jodie Foster.
eh. not really imo.


Now you know how most people feel about anglogermcucks.

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Not always, sometimes I find out someone was gay and I had no idea. But some of them are really obvious, and this guy is a prime example. Dunno what it is exactly but something in the face, voice and mannerisms gives it away at a glance


Some can pull it off

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Only fags have gaydar

I'd never heard of this guy before but what gave it away to me was how he mounted that chick. That's actually called fagmount. It's how the top gives the bottom enough space to arch his asshole around so it's fuckable.

Honestly didn't know he was gay, I always assumed his performance in Mindhunter was because the character is kind of weird in the specific way required for him to be good at the specific job.

>I also feel that for certain "straight" actors as well
How do you think they got their roles?

dis nigga in denial

which one are we talking about? dude on the right never convinced me he was straight.

Luke Evans comes off as hetero imo

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Most times. I was shocked to learn Lee Pace was gay

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Yup. It's why I couldn't get through "King Richard."

same. wish he wasn't, somehow makes him less :/

>theatre is le gay

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His gayness always was distracting.

Sounds like you might have a gaydar then, user :^)

reminder, all black celebs are homos

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okay, whitey

He was hannoverian.

No, I didn't know that guy was gay until I watched an interview of his.
If you think you clocked his gayness you are 100% being a dishonest faggot.

Where we at hordebrös?

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is that the Hobbit elf king? he looks obviously gay.

this guy should play emanuel macron in the upcoming biopic
rothchild banker turned president so he can pass tax break laws for the rich to keep millions

Wentworth Miller from prison break was a surprise

never got gay vibes from these guys movies

no, macron has sharp, bony features and that guy is made of meat bubbles.

Tom Ellis

just needs to lose some weight and age a little.

I killed that whore and her gay baby in elden ring.

relentlessly handsome. Dunno how his agent has a job though, because his character has been incredibly mediocre despite being a 6'5 gigachad

He was the first homo actor in years I'd seen who could not convincingly play a breeder. Most queers used to be good actors because hiding that was a defense mechanism in their personal lives.
Still, great King George.

You're thinking of Asians, Tyrese.

>here is one white gay
White conservatism was the only thing that was stopping blacks from going full gay.

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Of course

He’s a married man, with a goomah!

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how about "straight" actors who have gay face? tyler perry and mathew broderick

The same. Also him coming out as autistic was also a surprise.

all elves are gay

Yea that's because your dick gets hard. Get out of the closet already

Do you know this from your experience being molested as a child?

This. Sorry to be the bearer of good news. Catch you in the next glory hole!

even handsome men get molested

Have you ever cared to introspect what this highly advanced gaydar of yours actually means..?

Matt Damon, Daniel Craig

Conservatism has never stopped anything.

>When I was watching Mindhunter I could never believe this guy is a straight guy
Yeah, I also noticed that. I wouldn't say it's a problem with gay actors in general specially when you consider the amount of decent actors that never came out of the closet (like John Travolta). I think the problem is particular to the faggot in picrel. He was just as bad in The Matrix.

They're not gay though.

Craig probably has dabbled with cock in the past. Maybe not full gay, but he's tried cock before

How can you tell?