>Frodo is the chosen one just because
>noone can understand him
>going on a journey together
>the halflings save the day even though the adults constantly dismiss them
>Sauron has superior armies but he doesn't have FRIENDSHIP
>plot conveniences whenever the story gets stuck
>one plot point conveniently ties up all the loose ends
When did you realise Lord of the Reddit is just YA trash and Frodo was the Katniss of boomers?
Frodo is the chosen one just because
>>the halflings save the day even though the adults constantly dismiss them
Frodo is 51 when the story starts.
I realized this when they didn’t show a single farm in all of the shire. What a major plothole, literally what did hobbits eat?
Frodo isn’t the chosen one, he was just brave enough to push himself to the limit. This was the flaw in Sauron’s design. Frodo was weak and fearful, but that gave the ring little to work with, and Frodo had the heart to push through despite his fear. Sauron had plenty of friends btw
LOTR is specifically a YA novel as its a direct sequel to The Hobbit which was explicitly a childrens book
Yeah and your anime childbride is 9000 years old. There is a reason they casted an androgynous teenager and not a 51 year old.
>>Frodo is the chosen one just because
He isn't. The point of hobbits is that they're the opposite of chosen people, they're just retarded farmers who want to eat and smoke weed, and less ambitious than other races. This makes them less corruptible, but even they falter in the end.
Wrong. Frodo was inexplicably immune to the ring. It's a major point why Gandalf entrusts it to him before he leaves.
>who is farmer Maggot
So you just watched the movies that were chopped down versions of the full story to be able to fit into that format. Good to know.
Wrong. Frodo has unearned immunity that Sam and other Hobbits do not habe. Hence the whole I can carry you thing. Watch the movie. Or better yet don't.
Yeah because hobbits in Tolkein's world are very long lived. Bilbo is 111 remember.
Atheists misunderstanding lord of the rings, like clockwork
You really misunderstood that whole scene eh? Are you super autistic or something? That's amazing.
This agrees with me not with you. He is presented as an young teenager. What his age on paper is is irrelevant.
He is not some divorced boomer with 3 adult children
No I didn't. This gets repeated over and over how only Frodo can carry it. The fuck kind of cope is that?
Frodo fails, faggot. He takes the ring for himself in the end. It's only because of the greed of evil (Gollum interfering) that the Ring is destroyed.
This is not the point in question. The main character is the main character because of unearned special powers.
Yeah because a hobbit at that age wouldn't be.
The ring has linked itself to frodo, it's sentient remember, thatxs why Sam had to carry Frodo himself. But if even this is confusing to you I'm just going to give a final chuckle and let you enjoy the rest of your miserable autistic life not understanding things others have no trouble with.
You're so retarded.
He has no special powers. Imagine getting filtered by a Peter Jackson joint.
>The ring has linked itself to frodo, it's sentient remember, thatxs why Sam had to carry Frodo himself.
All your seethe does nothing to hide how wrong you are. Pure nonsense btw.
>Frodo is the chosen one
And not just in the movie.
he had a good heart user
He wasn't inexplicably immune, he falters in the end just like everyone does. People are more susceptible if they're greedy, if they're ambitious, if they're very passionate. Frodo was just a weirdo who didn't particularly want to do anything and was dispassionate about most things in life. This is why it takes him a bit longer to fall compared to someone like Boromir who's so hell bent to save his people that he's willing to use the ring or it. That's why someone like Sam who's truly humble is able to resist the ring's allure so strongly. Being dispassionate or calm is not a fucking superpower. This is basic storytelling, how are you too stupid for it?
It is extremely weird to see that you completely understand what we are saying but you are going out of your way to consciously misinterpret it and misunderstand it just to be a contrarian. If you did this in real life, you'd get beat up daily.
>He wasn't inexplicably immune
Yes he was. Gandlaf explitely narrates it thus. That he isn't fully immune does not matter. He gets to be the hero of the story because of this unearned power.
>This is basic storytelling, how are you too stupid for it?
The story says the opposite of what you claim why are you seething so hard about this?
It's already been explained to you why he was able to resist the ring's power initially and it has nothing to do with superpowers, it's basic personality traits. Last reply you'll get from me, retard.
It wasn't. The text says the opposite. Just repeating it and saying "i said this wrong thing before" isn't an argument.
Frodo wasn't immune, just resistant. He succumbed to the ring in the end. Sam was resistant as well, hence why he was able to give the ring back to Frodo.
>There is a reason they casted an androgynous teenager and not a 51 year old
That's the movie's problem, not the books.
>Frodo was inexplicably immune to the ring
Because he's a Hobbit. Hobbits have little ambition, they just want a quiet life, that's why they have greater resistance than men.
>Watch the movie!
Why couldn't Sam carry the ring?
He literally did when he thought Frodo was dead.
Yes for a moment. Then he had to give it back even though he was in better condition than Frodo. Because Frodo was the chosen one.
a boy with a heart big enough for all middle earth
> Androgynous
Elijah Wood is 100% testosterone.
Because Frodo (who was much older) didn't want Sam to suffer the same burden.
That's just not true. Frodo gets angry at Sam and it is a tense in the tower when he demands it back.
It's almost as if the entire point of the movie is that nomatter how small and insiginficant you are, you should fight for what you believe in and for what's good because you might make a difference despite your stature
Almost. Almost.
Frodo saw what it did to himself and didn't want it to corrupt him. That's why he was chosen. You can't share the ring and both go on the journey to destroy it or else you would quickly end up with a smeagol + deagol murder situation. If Sam was more greedy or power hungry he would have probably left frodo in the tower or murdered him before giving it back. You're obviously trolling but if you legit want the answers to this read the books.
OP is based. Fuck Tolkien and fuck zoomers.
There's literally an entire preface in the books that explains the nature of hobbits. Anyone who has actually read the books knows this thread is fucking retarded.
>better condition than Frodo
Didn't Same literally used the ring's power to scare away the orcs and reach Frodo in the first place?
Sexually tense. Frodo was gonna put that ring on his cock and go to town on some Samwise bussy.
>fuck zoomers
Don't Zoomers only care about the MCU?
>Take that ring out yo bussy, playa
>Frodo is somehow immune to the corruption of the ring
Reminder that in the end Frodo WAS corrupted and refused to toss the ring in the lava. It only got destroyed because Golum sperged out.
You stupid cunt. Where do you think frodo and sam ran into merry and pippin on their way to bree?
>share the load
When i rewatched it for the second time a few years ago, i was hyped for a long time to rewatch this shit cause i had a good memory of it, i only watched the first movie and a bit from the second. It's full of plot holes and very boring, every scene with the nazgul was awful, why did they even show how they had the hobbits surrounded and aragorn fought them alone. The movie is full of plot holes, also the scene where they ride and every orc falls like lego was fuckign awful, i dont remember that much, but lotr is for children. I should have never rewatched but i was bored and thought it would be a good experience, lotr is for children and thats fine.
The only time Frodo is corrupted Gollum just happens to sperg out. 10/10 writing.
People who don't leave their houses and just post on Yea Forums all day don't know what a farm looks like
why is the camera standing exactly where these momentous events are taking place? seems awfully convenient
Gollum spergs out all the time. It's why he turned into Gollum in the first place.
>Frodo is the chosen one
That's weird, as I recall he was just some midget who volunteered, and then had his ass carried the whole way and ended up succumbing to evil. Is that really your definition of "chosen one"?
more like elijah weed ha ha ha ha
>didn't [anyone besides sauron] use the ring's power
this is the kind of retard you're talking to, Yea Forums