Millennials happiest day was consuming hollywood films and playing video games before rounding off the day by eating processed “food”. Do millennials really?
Millennials happiest day was consuming hollywood films and playing video games before rounding off the day by eating...
Well, what do zoomers do?
imagine peaking in primary school. this is how pathetic millenials are.
This is such a boring lie. Double features didn't exist in 1999 in the US. That's from like the 50s or 70s. The past isn't the same you retard zoomers. You're also lucky you werent alive then. You would have an heroed or gone Columbine in 15 minutes of 90s bullying.
What they really miss is the carefree innocence of being young. Surely you can't be too cynical to see that?
I think product SUCKS
Cut off their dick, simp for e whores, and jerk off to interracial cuck porn
>boiling down the mummy and matrix to “hollywood films”
I see it, but when you realize even as a child they were doomed to fail by being pozzed by Hollywood movies, video games and garbage “food” just sums up how bleak things truly are
Lol u still walk around believing anything produced in Hollywood isn’t pozzed to the core and that there are “good” films? Lmao, u might as well be an agent smith
>Yea let’s have another thread that’s literally a reddit thread screencap, last one reached bump limit!
Far more interesting than any of the crap that’s been posted here the past weeks.
So how badly are zoomers going to handle turning 30? Worse than millennials?
How do they jerk off if they've cut their dicks off?
Things were safer before liberals destroyed it all
Playing tik tok and watch those narrated film recap on youtube
Concrete proof that pop culture is extremely toxic.
dab with fortnite fidget spinners
Dunno. As a zoomer myself it seems zoomers are split into two group, u got the basedboys who act like modern millennials and then u got more based people who work out a lot and are physically fit
No it isnt. Its more boring shilling to trick gullible zoomers into thinking the 90s are kewl.
I see nothing wrong with what he posted you depressing faggot. go bitch more about people having nice memories.
>Oh god i-i'm gonna, i'm gonna CONSOOOOOOOOOOOM
The absolute STATE of Millenial nostalgia
This is literally and unironically both a reddit post and a repost.
In other words: Garbage thread
It depends
"normal" Zoomers:
>Watch interracial porn and worship black womyn
>Browse tiktok
>Listen to the absolute worst rap artists you've ever heard of
>Play video games
"Alternative" Zoomers:
>Take estrogen pills
>Go on Twitter
>Listen to anime openins and video game osts and cry about how bad they think rap music is
>Play video games
Lol zoomers knows what millennials looks like, trust me, nobody thinks they are cool. Millennials are the worst lookmaxxers of all time
What was YOUR happiest day then? Tell us.
Stop using the internet and do anything else with your life, you numbskull retard
Who's gonna fight in WWIII?
patrick got shot in the back of his head by a grand rapids white police officer and thats not ok chuds
So, which column do you fit into? I'm guessing the second one given the website that you're on.
Can someone tell me what is exactly wrong with consuming a product? You want to watch a movie, you watch it. You want to watch a tv series, you watch it.
I’m not saying I’m any better, in fact I wasted just as much time on useless garbage like video games than most people. It just showcases the sad reality that multiple generations have grown up with this crap and don’t know any better
Wasn't there a thread on here *yesterday* with people sperging out about how late 2000's products had MUH SOUL?
This is so cucked. All I think of is a soiboi cuck that looks like pic related. They definitely let their wife/gf fuck black men
>watch the latest viral tiktok video while chatting with their friends on discord
>type some laughing emojis while barely reacting in real life
>hop on for a game of fortnite after
>die early and call the game cringe
>hop onto twitch and watch shroud play battlegrounds
>"yeah, I could do that"
what are Americans supposed to do beside consume media? go outside?
reee go inna woods and be a hermit and just do nothing at all reeee unironically just die cus reeeeee
This is all correct except that it's Valorant now instead of Fortnite, Fortnite is now cringe to like
What the fuck does interracial cuckoldery have to do with it?
>living in a city
im curious as to what your childhood must have been like that you dont understand this. these memories are profound because of the time spent with your peers not because of the consooming. my favorite childhood memories are taking the bus down to my friends place and spending the weekend or the week if it was summer and hanging out playing brood war and san andreas and watching movies. i dont care about the video games or the movies, it was the priceless time i spent with my best friend. whatever value that media has to me stems from its association.
1997-2000 were unironically the golden age of vidya. it's not controversial to say it.
>zoomers actually thinking they're less plugged in and controlled than millenials
The happiest day of a zoomies life is going to see the newest capeshit after attending the latest "cop killed nig" protest and then coming home to get a notification that their crush from School just uploaded a new video to OnlyFans of her getting split in two by Tyrone, the highschool drop out.
The games fade away into obscurity quite quickly now.
Well i had plenty of fun with my friends goofing around outside, doing all kinds of shit besides watching movies and playing video games and I'm 27. If you don't know any better then what's the point of moping about something you have no idea of? That's absolutely pointless. Treasure what you had and push forward without any regrets.
This but unironically.
Don't you think there are any games with any value?
even if you are lucky enough to live in a suburb you're basically in a parison
the funniest thing about modern culture is that things which were extremely nerdy in the 90s (like playing D&D) is now far more traditionally social than the leisure activities of most normies.
it just goes to show that social conventions are nothing more than retards copying other retards in the hope that they will fit in.
I'd argue that atomi9zation and asociali behaviour is as old as american screeching about communism.
That's a gen x nerd and it's those from the gen x who are making the Marvel movies and the most obnoxious nerd of them all, Kevin Smith, is also gen x. Gen x is what's ruining all things nerd related.
It's brain rot user, he literally cannot go a single thread without mentioning white women fucking black men. It's the same thing with trannies.
Video games is some of the most demonic shit ever created. You are literally channeling your life force, soul and spirit into a screen that does not matter at all in the real world.
Not really, it's a well documented phenomenon. The book "bowling alone" is probably the most popular book to dive into it.
suburbia or rural life isn't much better
you either drive for 40 minutes to where you want to go or you live your life in your home without ever interacting with neighbors or friends
I can't think of any particularly 'great' days from my childhood
There wasn't even anything wrong with it, I had great parents
Is this it? Has my brain finally atrophied entirely?
>that does not matter at all in the real world
How is it different from other forms of fiction/art/entertainment?
It isn’t, it’s all demonic garbage created by the same people
you mean as old as lobbying for car centered cities and neighbors
So, genuine question user, why are you browsing the movie and television board?
Because although I know something is bad for me I can still do it, just like any other vice like drinking too much alcohol or eating too much food where u become fat. I waste a huge amount of time on Yea Forums but luckily I’m not into video games anymore
They use tiktok and have attention deficit disorders. My brother is a zoomer and he's annoying sometimes.
Fair enough, what made you decide that you wanted to stop playing video games?
to laugh at you
it's the only form of entertainment for 99% or Americans
on the weekend i can take a 35 minute train to reach the lake shore or a 1h train to go hiking in Sudtirol
what can Americans do except consume and consume and consume?
Wasting huge amount of time on 4chin is way way worse that leisurely playing vidya user.
Double features absolutely still existed at drive in theatres in the 2000s.
Nothing with matter. Time erodes all so who cares how others 'waste' their lives.
>i can take a 35 minute train to reach the lake shore or a 1h train to go hiking in Sudtirol
I *can* do all manner of shit. The question is - why are you here right now instead of *doing*? Yeah i thought so.
Spent all childhood and adolescence doing nothing but playing world of Warcraft every minute of my spare time. Eventually I got bored of it and massively depressed from spending all my time on it. Eventually I just got enough and gradually started taking an interest in real life things again around the age of 20.
I still remember the exact day my cousin showed me wow when I was 10 years old, the butterfly effect is real.