What a disappointing ending
Is war good in your opinion?
war is very appealing to people stuck in a dead end of unemployment and virginity, society collapsing is far more appealing to them than having to improve themselves, hence why this place likes it.
War is necessary
I'll literally never comprehend the notion holyqueer and normalfags have been peddling for decades: arms dealers bad!
Why? Even in this movie, we are specifically shown that people are killing other people regardless of the tools they use to do so. Firearms are just useless inanimate objects in an endless pile of inanimate objects; taking them away won't magically stop all killings. We can still beat eachother to death even without any tools.
Fuck, you know what? Even spergs who literally lack the specific brain functions required for such acts, STILL beat eachother(and often themselves) to death if left unattended.
>this place bad!
>he says being in this place
It kills other men that are not me. Ergo, better chances to spread my genes.
no one pretends taking away guns from conflicts will suddenly stop them, is not profiteering off of war really that hard of a notion for you to understand, it's not just about the ethics of it, but also the incentive it creates for the arm dealers to further instigate said wars, if you can't even understand how an arms dealer's business model works and its implications on regional politics I'm afraid even a normalfag has more braincells than you do
no shit
>war is very appealing to people stuck in a dead end of unemployment and virginity
While this is mostly true, there are a fair amount of outliers. I came from a comparatively affluent home, and I didn't need the military to get by. But had four generations (four wars) before me who had served, and it was something I always respected about my family. I was already planning to join before 9/11, that just sealed the deal.
War is bad though, don't romanticize it.
Oh my, what an inane spergout! Did I hit a nerve? What are you? A queer? A tard mayhaps? Oh, I know, are you one of those ideologically compromised peddlers I was talking about? jej
>merely pretending
i have no use for it
yes they are
necessary for who or what?
>no shit
>go to fagbar out of your own free will
>massive fag orgy starts
>fisting prolapses coprophiliacs all around
>be (You)
>arm up your ass all the way to the elbow
>"Uhm, guys, excuse me! I know I just came here, but do you think maybe you should stop shoving arms up your broken intestines k thx bye"
>smug sense of moral superiority as you're on the verge of passing out
War is bad, and you would know that if you ever fought in one outside of your videogames or watched them on your iToddler phone. Is war fun? Sometimes. Getting paid to kill shitskins and riding into their shitholes on top of an MRAP waving a machete and watching subhumans cry before you BRE their homes and turn them into a fine paste on their mud walls is fun, I won't argue that. But it's not a game, and there are real consequences if you aren't damn good at what you do. You can LARP all you want but the fact is war is bad. But it can be fun. If you plan to try to go to war, no matter where you are from, if you want to get the fun parts you better be fit and capable, or you're going to live a nightmare. Every single time we break into a compound I know I might die, but I also am confident I am better than they are, and I'm going home and they're going into a bag. You think you can be the same, go for it, but 99.9% of the time you are going to be wrong. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
that's some very specific projection you got there user, be easy on your ass, it might lead to medical complications down the road
Oh ok, I see. You've went past incomprehensible strawmanning and now you're literally making stuff up. 4th dose come June by the way I hope you're ready for your next ouchie!
user, you're an American who joined """war""" after Vietnam, you've literally never experienced an actual serious conflict so your opinion is of no value.
This is the dumbest comparison I have ever read and I think you are probably an actual faggot who doesn't realize he is an actual faggot.
I'm not American. Nice try though mudslime. I fought with burgers on a few missions in South America. Good guys, trained well too. Keep LARPing though COD iToddler.
>le brojegzion xD updoods!
You come to our space, out of your own free will, to tell us about how our space is so bad, and then you stay in our space flooding it with your trash shitting it up. Then you say our space is bad. And then you keep flooding it with your trash. And the cycle continues. Because you're oh so morally superior, pissing in an ocean of piss, while screaming at the top of your lungs how YOUR piss is richer in urea than everyone else's.
War is "le bad" though. Meme spouting faggot
I'm not reading all of that, I commend you for the effort though
>get btfo
>have no arguments
>post this incoherent memeshit
I feel embarassed for you
not that retard but overpopulation is a matter of time
someone will have to go
We wouldn't want to take time away from your daily "removing clumps of hair and necrotic flesh from my taint reverse-armpit" session anyways.
>>get btfo
From what? HuffPost tier journo circular logic? Where I come from, we don't even entertain such drivel, much less refute it unironically.
>heh, wait till this dude gets a load of MY hot takes
>that’s right, Yea Forums is le bad. There I said it *smuckle*
>guess you guys weren’t ready to handle me
>heh I guess you’ll never know where ill strike next ;)
>just call me The Philosopher. Don’t worry, I’m usually friendly heh. ;)
Nice purple heart, faggot! How do you feel about worthless normalfags giving you shit for crap blackwater pulled back in the day? I'd imagine it must've been pretty frustrating back in the day.
you seem extremely buttblasted by that post, hit a nerve did I?
Cheers m8. It was great, and is great, to serve with you lads.
Did you ever get to cum inside Muslim chicks, if so that would be pretty based
>heh you must be really mad
>like I said kid, you weren’t ready for The Philosopher ;)
>better hope we don’t meet again heh ;)
I was there "back in the day"
Actually had a few run-ins with Blackwater, they get a bad rap.
Not even going to grace you with a (You). Go get your dopamine hits elsewere, twitter tranny. Yea Forums bad amirite
Seethe lol
No, it is... LE BAD!
lol have you seen how expensive shit is? we won't have to worry about over population. birth rates have been declining for years. the only people that have to worry about that are the chinks and curry eaters and who gives a fuck what happens to them
Anons are... le seething?
>I was there "back in the day"
Yeah I realized I'd typed that twice without thinking. Inner ESL came out for a moment. Anyways I refuse to believe blackwater got a bad rap. Carte blanche from the pentagon and quantico glowniggers to do as they fucking pleased, and they did. How convenient it was that they used footage of their crimes to justify CIA-groomed terrorist attacks in the west for 15 years.
>no see if I add le to the beginning it means it's stupid and I'm right
end your life
I haven't seen this movie in a long time but didn't it portray the corruption and the manipulation that arms dealers do in order to increase their sales? How they create conflict and war trough lobbying, false flag operations just to make more sales? Its like you missed the whole point of it.
There is one major fuck-up that BW was totally responsible for (probably had others beyond Nisour), I don't deny this, but you are painting an awfully big brush to dismiss them all.
Guys I knew, would be happy if a bullet never went in their general direction. They want quiet tours, they want to collect on their contract, and head back home.
That's my experience with contractors.
>making money of things that are not only designed to exclusively kill but also knowingly doing to while selling to people you know are going to go kill civilians with those items
>"uhhh dont worry im not a bad guy because the government does worse!"
literally a certain breadtuber's argument for why you should purchase CP
Epic meme s.
>1st world pretentious moralizing
Conflict is a part of life. Literally remove all those "bad" things you consider to be encouraging it, and it'd still exist. People used to profit from it since the dawn of human life on this planet. It's just that now you have an entire system of niggercattle that literally SHIT and FLUSH their shit with drinkable water, telling you buying a yaught from the money you made selling 1000 somalian cannibals guns to kill eachother is bad.
I guess if we went back to your utopian anarchoprimitivist commie utopia and I profited from tribal warfare by apropriating your peaches, strawbeds and favorite branches it would all be a-ok.
Fair enough. I'm forever biased on the matter, but still. To be fair though my shithole has a completely different outlook on the reality and industry of global warfare. Mandatory service for all men is a thing here, for example. 12 months.
Very accurate. There's a high correlation between virgins and doomsday theorists. They want the world to suffer because they feel life is unfair and they resent other people because of it. In short, have sex.
"My father smashed his balls and his father before him that's why it's impossible to not smash your balls, in fact it's insane to say we should stop smashing our balls"
You haven't addressed the part where arms dealers incite conflict.
Of course. Not as frequently as I would have liked, but it happened a few times. We weren't raping anyone though if that's what you're asking. I'm currently fucking a half Brit/Korean chick that I met through her brother I served with though. So that's pretty cool.
How the fuck do you manage to get brainlet-filtered by Lord of War of all movies? Jesus Christ stick to capeshit.
War is incredibly ineffective at regulating population.
Famines are way better at this job.
Do you realize how ironic it is you posted that tranny? Probably not.
I feel bad for you dude, I can tell how much you were seething when you wrote this.
>Fair enough. I'm forever biased on the matter, but still. To be fair though my shithole has a completely different outlook on the reality and industry of global warfare.
I hear you, if I had not experienced those encounters, and already had a number of PMCs as acquaintances, I might also have a different perspective.
damn... a true american hero... thank you for your service sir...
Seems specific.
Curry eaters and moon crickets in subsaharan africa are the ones with a massive population boom. To stop overpopulation you have to genocide niggers
bienvidos.... el la creatura.... et spirictus sancti....
Because, as I've already posted in this thread, it's a retarded hot-take the likes of which come out of HuffPost, NYT or Polygon.
The jewkrainian "war" has been going on for almost 60 days now. American congress has made BILLIONS through insider trading. Are you telling me Pelosi is an arms-dealer to rival Raytheon now? Is Crenshaw an one-man Lockheed Martin?