The correlation between watching anime and being a tranny is undeniable, so I pose a which-came-first chicken or egg question: is it the anime that causes the tranny to exist, or is the tranny simply watching anime as a result of their degenerative brain and mental illnesses? Discuss.
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This is now a Ween thread
post ween songs and ween related fun facts
anime has been around for a lot longer than the tranny uprising
>westerners troon out and become autistic with anime
>easterners only become autistic with anime
It’s a western thing.
What the fuck, I was genuinely listening to golden eel when I made this thread
every tranny watches anime and plays video games. most are autistic and incels raised by dumb parents who fed them processed, sugar-filled food and let the public school and television raise them.
Go back to website
yeah, the East isn't filled with trannies.
"Tranime" is a leftypol psyop because they are really mad that evil transphobic racist chuds like anime. OP and the rest of them are ironic weebs who base their identity around anime, that's why it upsets them so much.
If you want proof of this I can find these retards exposing themselves for what they are in the archive.
You watch grown adults play make believe like children with fake toy props and everything. Relax.
Mentally unhinged people watch a lot of anime. Especially the slice of life stuff.
Thus, I propose that anime facilitates the creation of autistic trannies and incels.
Why is anime always about teens and school?
Why do they refuse to grow up?
Please explain this to me.
>No reply
Their love for anime stems from being in a permanent childlike mental state to cope with their mere existence. I don’t know how the fuck they watch anime so much, I’ve tried to watch anime and I can’t, I feel like I’m watching children shows and go watch an actual tv show after trying an episode. Strangely enough I don’t feel this way with western cartoons but anime is quite literally made for small children. Trannies enjoyment of it is akin to a group of old men enjoying McDonald’s playgrounds or something of that nature, it’s disgusting and weird.
That word is such a meme, it doesn’t mean anything anymore.
Autism is correlated with (faux)trannyism and anime. But anime and trannyism aren't related by themselves
You will never be a woman and your raid isn't working.
Youre forgetting video games aswell
It's a trick, then
Your raid isn't working samefag
It reminds them of the last time they ever talked to people irl and didn’t have their face glued to a screen
Yeah this seems correct, trannies seem more obssessed with the aesthetic than any of the actual shows, plus like usual lefties try to subvert subcultures and take them over while never actually being interested in the hobby/fandom themselves, it's all just about making it impossible to do anything without being bombarded by their mind virus and propoganda
Trannies weren’t much of a thing in the 80s and 90s yet there were still anime nerds back then
Anime must need some other factors to be present in order to contribute to trannies.
One possible pathway is
Watch anime -> become a nerd loser -> stay indoors, be sedentary , don’t develop social skills , become a porn addict -> gravitate to sissy moeshit anime and sissy sexual frustration porn addiction -> develop autogyneohila , be a Troon
It's a good setting and there can be cute girls. Do you think watching films of men fighting each other makes you tough?
>trannies seem more obssessed with the aesthetic
Never thought of this but I think you're right
Anime is part of their identity, it's what they base themselves around, they introduce themselves as weebs. So anime being a thing liked by they're greatest enemies, random racists on Yea Forums, enrages them uncontrollably. Not to mention that they know deep down that their interest in anime is all fake.
>by their mind virus
yes, and their mind virus is autism spectrum disorder
Autogynephilia just means crossdressing fetish, at least from my understanding. I haven't been given an actual explanation for why it would correlate with liking anime other than traps and having cute girls, which aren't real reasons.
Japanese life becomes hell after high school with the soulless 12-16 hour shifts only to come home to a wife who hasn’t sex with you in years while both of you don’t want to have sex at all because you’re too tired and your a “family member” in her eyes. They literally become bugs.
Couldn’t imagine a worse existence than being born as a Japanese.
>delusional faggots like escapist media
What a shock
why is /lgbt/ full of girly anime pictures?
Just watch anime without any w*men in them and you will be fine
Trannies are disproportionately autistic
Autistic people don’t grasp social nuance
Anime often presents passable cross dressing as something easily done
Autistic people don’t grasp that this isn’t the case in real life.
That’s literally it
kys election tourist
Ofcourse I'm right, same thing with the feminist "gamer grrrls" they care more about the image of being a gamer than actually playing games
I like anime and I'm not a tranny. I also don't like futanari or traps. Unfortunately Discord does turn young men into trannies, and that's the missing piece of the puzzle you're looking for, OP.
Cope samefag
It's a tranny false flagging
Anime is for degenerates and Mexicans.
Do ladyboys watch anime?
anime was always a safespace for lgbt
Nope, discord is a recent invention and the plague of mentally ill long persisted before. I pity anyone who watches anime, imagine watching the same drivel that trannies watch and being included in the same sub culture of people as a result.
God I hate trannies so much
>It's a good setting and there can be cute girls. Do you think watching films of men fighting each other makes you tough?
Grow up you're not a teenager anymore friend. Anime isn't real art.
That's not an excuse. Even if your life becomes you can't just sit there and reminisce about the past all day every day. High school 4 years of your life. Do you realise how much of a failed adult and artist you are?
Samefag your raid isn't working
>check trannies using anime avatar
>all of them are mutts
Anyway, did any user have that pic of /qa/trannies thread about raiding other thread by spamming 'tranime' on any board?
It's hilarious their raid only work on Yea Forums and Yea Forums.
>Yea Forums having a slow night
>nearly all threads getting like 4-5 replies
>some nigger makes a thread about trannies
>nearly 50 replies
Your raid isn't working samefag
the tranny has been found out
it screeches and bleeds
Yea Forumsbro, It's time to stop projecting and accept reality
ok glowie
Are you too scared to reply to my post?
> Yea Forumsbro, It's time to stop projecting and accept reality
There he is. The /qa/tranny.
>Anime isn't real art.
Then nothing is
/pol/ discord raid
You mean a raid by one person who is upset that the hecking chuds like anime?
Imagine watching garbage ass western tv shows shows and acting like they're higher art than something like Mushishi or Gits.
these screenshots are all shopped or html edited or whatever you want to call it
someone literally took their time and made them to "frame" le evil leftists
This is tranime.
This doesn't look so bad, maybe it's decent.
No I mean users from /pol/ organized a raid on one of their discord servers and are trying to blame it on trannies. Same shit they do with BBC threads
You will never be a woman
So you're blaming bbc spam on /pol/? So does that mean it's you?
This isn’t real you Schizoid, nobody takes time out of their day to fucking subvert or change the political standing of your gay ass website
there is an autistic weeb in this thread that can't accept that gay people watch anime too
does he think /y/ doesn't exist?
I've always suspected this as well. How many people even use that website anyways, like 10?
Too scared to reply again?
It seems you've given up trying to make out that I'm a tranny, looks like you're losing confidence.